Chapter 620 Grassland Assembly
In Uighur Khan City, Li Guangqin, the Heqin Princess of the Tang Dynasty who had been promoted to Shang Ke Dun before becoming Ke Dun, was carefully reading books.

After Li Guang personally supported Mou Yu Khan's son Moheda to ascend the position of Khan, he did not supervise the country's administration like the previous Shangke Dun, but entrusted the government affairs to Ye Hu of the three Khan cities. Let them stay in Khan City to assist in handling affairs on the grassland.

This incident surprised all the Uighurs. After taking away the power, Li Guangqin did not firmly control the power, but gave it to the three major Ye Hu who had not been dealt with during the Khan's succession.

Uyghur stone steles stand in the three forests of steles of the Uighurs. These steles are the laws of the Uighurs and the history books of the Uyghurs. These three forests of steles are also good places with lush water and grass, and they are one of the few places on the grassland where food can be grown.

Among the nine Uighur surnames, Pugu, Hun, and Bayegu occupied the three Beilin cities. They were called Yehu, which means "courage and wisdom" in the Uighur language. The political system of the Uyghur is similar to the Jiedushi + Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty.

The three major Ye Hus came to Khan City for the funeral of Mou Yu Khan. They did not expect that Shang Kedun would entrust them with the important task of assisting the government when they arrived in Khan City.

The new Khan He Moda was only seven years old and had no ability to deal with government affairs at all, so all the affairs on the grassland were handed over to the Three Great Yehus.

The player Lu Anya opened the door and entered Li Guangqin's room. She said with a smile, "Princess, this time the Hulun Conference really broke out."

The Hulun Conference is the most important meeting held on the grassland every spring.

There is only one topic for this meeting, which is to discuss the ownership of the pastures of each tribe this year.

This issue is a major issue that affects the life and death of the major tribes on the grassland, and this conference is also where the power of the Uighur Khan lies, and it is the institutional guarantee for the Uighur Khan to control the various tribes on the grassland.

Grassland tribes live in grasslands, but if the tribes are allowed to roam the grasslands, the tribes will fight for grasslands and water sources.

After the establishment of the Uyghur Khanate, every khan controlled the tribes on the grassland through the Hulun Conference.

If it was a tribe that was obedient to the Khan the previous year, or a tribe that made meritorious deeds for the Uighurs, then they could get better pastures.

If it is a tribe that obeys the Khan's orders, it can only be allocated smaller pastures, or more remote pastures.

The allocated pastures will be made into tokens and handed over to the chiefs of the tribes. If any tribe invades other people's pastures to graze, they will be punished by the Uighur Khan.

The Hulun Conference system is the reason for the formation of the Uighur King’s Tent City. Every spring, the patriarchs and warriors of various tribes will gather in the King’s Tent City to hold the Hulun Conference to delineate pastures.

Order is always better than no order. Although the Uyghurs have declined now, the Hulun Conference still ensures that those small tribes can survive on a pasture on the terrible grassland, and also restricts large tribes from annexing other small tribes, so After Mou Yu Khan took office as Khan, he still successfully held the Hulun Conference.

This time, the new Khan was too young, and Li Guangqin of Shang Ke Dun stayed behind closed doors, so the Hulun Conference was handed over to the three major Ye Hus to hold it.

The Three Great Yehus were naturally ecstatic. The convening of the Hulun Conference was Khan's supreme right, and it was actually entrusted to them to exercise.

So the three major Ye Hus did their best to prepare, not only mobilized a lot of manpower from Beilin City, but also surrounded a hunting ground near Khan City, adding a hunting session to this year's Hulun Conference.

At the same time, they took out money to buy a lot of special products of the Tang Dynasty, set up many big tents on the hunting ground, and slaughtered cattle and sheep to entertain the tribal chiefs who came from the bitter cold to participate in the conference.

When the Hulun Conference just started, it was natural for the host and the guests to enjoy themselves. After expressing their condolences to Khan Mou Yu, the ranch began to sing and dance.

But the happy atmosphere didn't last long, and soon the Hulun Conference became full of gunpowder.

The reason is also very simple. The three major Yehus have obtained the rights, and Pugu, Hun, and Bayegu were originally the largest tribes on the grassland to remove the Khan tribe. As Yehu, they are also the patriarchs of the three major tribes. Own tribe to claim the best land.

The three major tribes and the tribes of their in-laws all got the best pastures, and there were only so many pastures on the grasslands. If some people got more, others would naturally get less.

Conflicts arose in this way. The three major clans were allocated more pastures, which aroused dissatisfaction from the rest of the tribes. The Hulun Conference, which was harmonious at the beginning, suddenly became tense.

For this result, Lu Anya had already expected it. This time, it was actually Lu Anya's idea to persuade Li Guangqin to temporarily hand over the power to the three major Ye Hus.

"The Hulun Conference is not a good job at all. It's better to leave it to the three major Yehus to offend the entire grassland."

This is how Lu Anya persuaded Li Guangqin to temporarily give up the right to go to Kedun to supervise the country.

Li Guangqin followed Lu Anya's suggestion very simply. After Li Guangqin became Shang Ke Dun, he immediately began to actively grasp the power of the Luoge Khan tribe.

The tribe of the Uighur royal family is called the Luo Ge tribe, which is also the largest tribe on the grassland. The Uighur guards are all from this tribe, and it is the source of the most elite tribe of the Uighur Khan.

However, after the last time Yingwu Khan was defeated in the Battle of Jinshan, the Luoge tribe suffered heavy losses. After Mou Yu Khan succeeded to the throne, he cultivated and thrived, which allowed the Luoge tribe to recover.

With the help of the players, Li Guangqin quickly eliminated the forces opposing her within the Luo Ge Department, and then recruited some old ministers like I Daxie to cut hair, promoted a few young people whom he had recruited, and personally consoled the Luo Ge Department The impoverished herdsmen have firmly controlled the Luoge tribe in their own hands.

But Li Guangqin resolutely gave up the right that belonged to the Khan, and handed it over to the three major Yehu and the ministers of the Khan King's Tent.

Li Guangqin's actions naturally made the Uighur nobles even happier. They clearly expressed their support for Li Guangqin's control of the Luoge tribe, and made Li Guangqin's position in the Luoge tribe unshakable.

Lu Anya said with a smile: "This year's Hulun Conference, no matter who hosts it, will not satisfy everyone, let alone the three big Ye Hu who are too selfish."

Li Guang closed the letter and said: "It's just that I didn't expect the three major Ye Hus to be so short-sighted."

Lu Anya said: "The three monks have no water to drink. If the heroic Khan presides over this Hulun meeting, it will definitely weaken most other tribes and give small and medium-sized tribes room to survive."

"If Mou Yu Khan presides over this meeting, even if the large tribes cannot be moved, he will attack the medium-sized tribes and give the small tribes a satisfactory pasture."

"Now the three major Yehus are co-hosting, and the three major tribes want to give themselves more, and the final result is naturally like this."

Li Guangqin nodded. Lu Anya's control over human nature was very accurate. Since she followed Li Guangqin, the strategies she offered were very useful and won Li Guangqin's trust.

For Lu Anya, Li Guangqin is also an "NPC" worth following.

She has the bravery of a general's daughter. After learning of Mou Yu Khan's death, Lu Anya persuaded Li Guangqin to rush into Khan City immediately and seize the Uighur power. Lived up and down under the Uighur king's tent.

The second strategy Lu Anya offered to Li Guangqin was to give up the rights that belonged to the Khan and let Li Guangqin only seize the rights of the Luoge tribe of the royal family.

Lu Anya's reason was also very simple and straightforward, and she immediately convinced Li Guangqin.

"On the grasslands, the strong are kings. The so-called order of the Uighur King's Tent has only been established for decades."

"Instead of guarding the nihilistic rights of the Uyghur Khan, controlling the Luoge tribe is the capital for a stable life on the grassland."

"With the strength of Ke Dun and the young Khan, the Khan's authority cannot be maintained, so it is better to give up the power temporarily."

"In the current situation on the grassland, Khan's power is poison that looks like a delicious delicacy. A little carelessness will arouse the hatred of all tribes. It is better to hand over this power to the three major leaf guards."

Like the last time, Li Guangqin also decisively followed Lu Anya's suggestion. She took the young Khan to study in the king's tent, and handed over the Khan's rights to the three major Yehu.

There was a dispute at the Hulun Conference, and even a few small border tribes left the conference directly. After talking about this, Lu Anya narrowed her eyes and said: "Princess, Prince Ye Hu is dead."

There was a slight wave on Li Guangqin's face, and she asked, "How did you die?"

"Prince Ye Hu entered Lingzhou and was besieged and killed by the army of His Royal Highness King Yue."

"Emperor Brother"

Lu Anya smiled and said: "Princess, Prince Ye Hu is dead, those who support Ye Hu, can we do it now?"

Li Guangqin nodded and said coldly, "Do it."

When reconciling Luo Ge's tribe, Li Guangqin met many diehards who still supported Prince Ye Hu. These former tribes of Prince Ye Hu secretly contacted Prince Ye Hu in an attempt to start a conspiracy after Prince Ye Hu returned to the grassland.

All of this was naturally seen by Lu Anya, and this time Cui Tao encircled and suppressed Prince Ye Hu, and found the list of nobles from the Luo Ge tribe he contacted from his belongings.

This time the Hulun Conference was a good time. When the three major Yehu were busy arguing with other tribes, they pulled out all the nails in Luo Ge's tribe at once.

While the three major Yehu were still arguing with the chiefs of the tribes at the Hulun Conference, the internal guard players who had sneaked into the grassland in the Luoge tribe took the list and put all the nobles who had colluded with Prince Yehu and the nobles who had fornicated other tribes execution.

After Li Guangqin took firm control of Luo Ge's department, the Hulun Conference could not go on.

(End of this chapter)

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