Chapter 625 Padmasambhava

Tubo King City.

The dispute over the Buddhist line within Tubo seems to be a battle between the local Bon religion and foreign Buddhism, but it is actually a battle between old and new forces in Tubo.

Contrary to many people's inherent impression of history, Buddhism was actually more advanced than Bon religion in this era, and in a semi-agricultural and semi-nomadic country like Tubo, monks were actually tools of the ruling group.

Or to put it this way, in the Western world Christian priests are the lowest ruling unit. If Confucianism is called Confucianism, then the role of scholar-bureaucrats is the same as that of priests in the West. They are all educated grassroots bureaucrats.

For Tibet, which was still in the era of slavery, Buddhism was not so much a religious reform as a political reform.

Monk Jihu died in Tuyuhun, but Trisong Detsen did not stop the process of introducing Buddhism. He sent his ministers to Nepal again and invited Master Padmasambhava, who was well-known in the world of Buddhism at that time.

When Padmasambhava heard that Tubo Zanpu was interested in Buddhism, he immediately set off to cross the Himalayas and came to the Tubo royal city.

Master Padmasambhava went all the way to Tibet. According to Tibetan Buddhism, he absorbed many demon gods of the Bon religion into his body along the way, and turned these demon gods into Buddhist guardians, so that the priests of the Bon religion feared and worshiped the superb Dharma of Padmasambhava. under.

In fact, this book is not a novel about cultivating immortals, and Padmasambhava has no supernatural powers. All the way into Tibet, Padmasambhava began to write new scriptures, and in the scriptures, Padmasambhava also drew the gods of Bon religion. Into the myth system of Buddhism.

This trick is quite similar to the Taoist trick in writing "Lao Zi Hua Hu Jing", which is to show the superiority of one's own myth system by incorporating the opponent's myth system and placing the opponent's myth system under one's own myth system.

From the Eastern Jin Dynasty, "Lao Zi Hua Hu Jing", this scripture Taoist legend said that Lao Tzu entered the belly of Jingfan Princess Jingmiao in Tianzhu. After birth, he named himself Sakyamuni, established Buddhism, and began to enlighten Indians. , This is the so-called "Lao Tzu Hua Hu".Sakyamuni is just an incarnation of Lao Tzu.

And Padmasambhava played the same way, incorporating all the gods of the Bon religion into Buddhist protectors, which naturally belittled the Bon religion and raised the standard of Buddhism.

Incorporating the gods of Bon religion into the Buddhist system also allows people who originally believed in Bon religion to seamlessly connect to believe in Buddhism.

What you used to worship was only the Dharma Protector of our Buddhism, now you can continue to worship, if you feel that the Dharma Protector is not effective, Bodhisattva and Buddha understand?
It is also because Padmasambhava combined Buddhism and Bon religion and carried out localization reforms, so the difference between Tibetan Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism is not small, and even retains many bloody and barbaric rituals of Bon religion.

Moreover, with the continuous suppression of the rulers of the Central Plains and Confucianism, Chinese Buddhism basically withdrew from the political system in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and became a religion based purely on faith.

Han Chuan Buddhist temples can earn money and occupy land for farming, but they cannot participate in grassroots political affairs.

But the monks of Tibetan Buddhism are part of the grassroots ruling group. The monks and the nobles together form a dual ruling structure that combines politics and religion. However, Tibetan Buddhism still has great influence in today's Tibet.

Padmasambhava walked very slowly. Since he entered Tubo, he was writing scriptures while walking, but Buddhist temples were built one after another wherever he passed, and many Tubo nobles who originally believed in Bon religion converted to Buddhism one after another.

When Padmasambhava came to the Tubo King City, the whole of Tubo was proclaiming his name, and the Buddhist disciples in the Tubo King City were eagerly waiting for Padmasambhava to enter the King City.

Trisong Detsen is also waiting for Padmasambhava to enter the royal city. In the previous battle with the conservative ministers, Trisong Detsen suppressed the conservative ministers through Zanpu's influence.

However, the loss of Tuyuhun and the death of Dalun Shang Qixin'er, who had converted to Buddhism, changed the political balance of the Tubo royal city.

Those anti-Buddhist ministers of the old school gathered one after another and used Shang Qixin'er's defeat in the battle to contact Buddhism, thinking that Shang Qixin'er was defeated because he converted to Buddhism and thus could not receive the blessings of the Bon religion priests. All monks in Tubo should be expelled, all Buddhist temples should be destroyed, and the status of Bon religion should be re-established as the state religion.

But Trisong Detsen has always disagreed with this plan, and now the high-ranking anti-Buddhist minister is Trisong Detsen's thorn in the flesh.

And those Buddhist ministers are new forces who are anxious to get in power, and they also want to overthrow those old ones to get in power, so they are naturally political alliances with Chisong Detsen.

Samye Monastery is a Buddhist temple built under Mount Habu on the north bank of the Yarlung Zangbo River.

It is said that on the day when Trisong Detsen invited Master Padmasambhava to Tibet, he dreamed of a huge god Buddha with the sky above his head and his feet on the earth. In the dream, Trisong Detsen shouted "Samye", and immediately worried the ministers after waking up. , to build a Buddhist temple for Guru Rinpoche.

Today's Samye Monastery has only just been built for a small half, but there are already more than 30 monks practicing here.

Monk Yuantong, the player who sneaked into Tubo from Tuyuhun, successfully got into the Samye Monastery by relying on his "profound" Buddhist teachings. Now he is an eminent monk practicing in the Samye Monastery.

Today is a big day for Samye Monastery, and Trisong Detsen has already greeted Guru Rinpoche in front of the Tubo King City.

Yuantong and other monks in the Samye Monastery cleaned the monastery carefully, waiting for the world-renowned eminent monk Padmasambhava to move in.

In fact, Yuantong also wanted to see the miracles of Master Padmasambhava, but he was arranged to work by the temple supervisor.

Trisong Detsen was at the gate of the city, with a long neck, finally waiting for Master Padmasambhava.

I saw that this monk had a solemn and dignified appearance, and was travel-stained, but his demeanor was still calm. He didn't look like he had crossed the Himalayas and rushed to the Tubo King City.

Seeing Lianhuasheng's demeanor, the Tubo nobles felt even more extraordinary and respected this eminent monk even more.

Next, Chisong Dezan led the ministers to warmly welcome Padmasambhava, and they entered the Tubo royal city together in a sedan chair.

That night, Trisong Detsen and Master Padmasambhava arrived for a night talk. The next day, Trisong Detsen conferred the title of Padmasambhava as Tubo National Teacher and bestowed Samye Monastery on Padmasambhava.

This suddenly aroused the criticism of the anti-Buddhist conservative ministers, and then Padmasambhava announced that he would debate the worldly law with the Bon religion, and decided to debate the scriptures with the Bon religion priests in the Samye Monastery.

These priests of the Bon religion also dispatched the priest who was most proficient in the scriptures of the Bon religion, and the two sides debated for three days and three nights in the Samye Monastery.

What the Bon religion priests didn't expect was that Lian Huasheng had studied the scriptures of Bon religion along the way, and his level was higher than that of all the Bon religion debate priests present!
He can also find contradictions among the many sects of the Bon religion, and then refute each other through the scriptures of the Bon religion itself.

And the Buddhism he introduced even more integrated the world view of the Bon religion into it, but the gods and Buddhas lived at a higher level, and absorbed many demon gods of the Bon religion as Buddhist dharma protectors.

All the Bon religion debates and sacrificial offerings were defeated. Chisong Dezan was overjoyed and ordered the painter to draw a "Lotus Biochemical Benzene Picture" in Samye Temple, and rewarded him with some gold and silver.

Compared with the vigor and vigor in the Tubo royal city, Chisong Dezan did not vigorously promote Buddhism in the local area.

It is also because of this that the anti-Buddhist ministers did not completely tear themselves apart. The Tubo King City itself is Zanpu’s own territory. Zanpu promotes Buddhism in his own territory, and other nobles have no right to dictate, unless Chisong Dezan forces All ministries in Tubo believe in Buddhism, and this is considered a war with anti-Buddhist ministers.

Yuantong also admitted that Padmasambhava is a very charismatic great monk.

He insisted on penance, and was not interested in money. He donated all the gold and silver bestowed to him by Trisong Detsen to Samye Monastery, and asked people to make golden bodies for Buddha statues.

And he is proficient in Buddhism, has outstanding eloquence, and is very kind to others.

Whether it is Zanpu of Tubo or ordinary people, he treats them equally, and this recuperation is indeed worthy of the word "master".

And as Padmasambhava moved into Samye Monastery, the status of this monastery has also risen.

When Padmasambhava went to Tibet, he brought a total of twenty disciples, but because of the difficult journey, five disciples died of illness one after another, and he left five disciples behind to recuperate. When he arrived at the Samye Monastery, there were only ten disciples left. .

Padmasambhava spent three days debating the scriptures in the Samye Monastery, and the original monks of the Samye Monastery worshiped him one after another, and they all worshiped under the disciples of Padmasambhava.

Yuantong also successfully joined the disciple of Padmasambhava and became his disciple.

With such an identity, coupled with Yuantong's cleverness and the love of Padmasambhava, he has been able to go in and out of the homes of the ministers of the Tubo royal palace and preach Buddhism to these ministers.

And Chisong Dezan also kept calling Padmasambhava into the palace to teach the Buddha, and suddenly the Buddha Dharma prospered in the whole area around Luoxi City.

On the right side, Li Tan finally arrived in Tingzhou City with the Buddhist representatives selected from Gaochang City and the Taoist representatives from Shazhou City.

During the snow disaster last year, Li Tan personally came to Tingzhou to rescue the disaster. At that time, he had a banquet with Li Guangqin, the princess of Ningguo. Unexpectedly, after so many months, Li Guangqin became a widow before he got married, and became Shang Kedun of Uighur.

I came to Tingzhou City after a few months. At this time, the ice and snow had melted, and there was no miserable scene of snow disaster before.

Accompanied by Li Tan, Cao Lingzhong, the governor of Beiting Protectorate, looked at the emerald green crops in the military camp, and his heart was filled with a sense of security. In this era, only food can give people a sense of security.

On the day Li Tan arrived in Tingzhou, General Shi Guiyi, who was attached to Tushi, led the Tushi cavalry nobles, and King Ge Luolu Jinshan led the chiefs of Ge Luolu's tribes, scrambling to enter Tingzhou like children running a race.

In the end, General Shi Guiyi, who was carrying a horse and a white horse, ran faster, leaving Ge Luolu Jinshan King who was carrying gold coins behind, and paid homage to King Yue first.

And according to the player's information, the Uighur mission is about to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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