The following debate meeting is the appetizer for this hunting meeting.

For those players who choose to become monks and priests, this is a major "version good" news.

Longyou's long-term policy of suppressing Buddhism and Taoism has strict regulations on monks' and Taoists' property, which also makes it difficult for players who have taken up positions as monks and Taoists to upgrade.

But among the nearly [-] players, there are always people who want to experience a different life, and Longyou still has some players who insist on becoming monks and priests.

Most of the monks followed Yuantong into Tubo, but this time there were more Taoist players in the Prairie Conference.

Heretics need to go to hell more than heretics. Since the hunting meeting, monks and Taoist priests have been hostile to each other, and now it's finally time to debate scriptures.

Among them, the most powerful one is the Quanzhen sect led by Zhang Tianlun.

During the disaster relief in Lingzhou, Du Hongjian promised Zhang Tianlun to build a Quanzhen Taoist temple outside Lingwu City. After the Taoist temple was completed, Zhang Tianlun, a fake Taoist priest, moved into the Taoist temple and became a "celestial master". .

Relying on the reputation accumulated during the disaster relief in Lingzhou, and with the help of Taoist players who took refuge in him, Quanzhen Taoism developed very rapidly in Lingzhou.

Quanzhen Dao developed very fast in Lingzhou, and more Taoist players gathered under Zhang Tianlun's command.

The doctrine of Quanzhen Taoism itself is a fusion of the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and advocates the tranquility and inaction of Laozi and Zhuangzi.

Zhang Tianlun also removed the parts about ascending to immortality and taking elixirs, and added some of the health regimens of modern society. At the same time, he promoted the new hygiene campaign in Lingzhou, incorporating some hygiene knowledge of drinking boiled water and washing hands frequently.

At the same time, Zhang Tianlun bought medicines from Longyou, and through the method of curing diseases and saving lives, he turned Quanzhen Taoism in Lingzhou into a system similar to that of barefoot doctors at the grassroots level.

Originally, Zhang Tianlun's idea was to provide disaster relief in Lingzhou, but he didn't expect to become Zhang Tianshi of Quanzhen Taoism.

In the era of Datang, medical resources are proper high-end resources.

Except for the doctors in the cities, ordinary people can only bear the burden when they get sick.

If you really can't bear it, please ask the witches and gods from all over the world to have a look, and get some herbs and talisman water to drink.

It's good luck if it can be cured. If it can't be cured, just let the witch and the man continue to organize the funeral.

This is also the reason why Baocitang in Chang'an can cause such a sensation among the people of Chang'an. Even if it is the emperor these days, if all the officials and ministers get sick, it is just a matter of luck whether they can be cured or not.

In fact, what Zhang Tianlun prepared for the Taoist priests of Quanzhen Taoism is also a commonly used anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory drug, but in this era, it is already tantamount to a panacea.

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle and popularization of health knowledge can also prolong the lifespan of believers.

Now Zhang Tianlun's Quanzhen Taoism became famous in Lingzhou, and the incense of the Taoist temple became more prosperous, and Zhang Tianlun became the leader of the Taoists among the players.

This time, Zhang Tianlun brought the seven players who are most proficient in the scriptures in Quanzhen Taoism, known as the Seven Masters of Quanzhen, together with the core disciples of other Taoist schools in Longyou, they formed a gorgeous Taoist group.

For the belief on the grassland, Zhang Tianlun is determined to win!
But the monks are much worse. Nowadays, most of the monks who are proficient in Buddhism are either preaching in the Tuyuhun area, or sneaking into Tubo with Yuantong and ambush in Tubo monasteries.

Since King Yue took back the Tuyuhun area, a large number of Tuyuhun monks fled to Tubo.

The host Daolun Shang Qixin'er who died in the battle vigorously promoted Buddhism when he was in office, requiring every seven households to enshrine a monk, which also led to a large number of monks in the Tuyuhun area.

After the downfall of Tubo, these monks were also afraid of being liquidated, so they fled directly into Tubo, and those monks and players also mixed in.

Among them, Yuantong is the best. He is now a monk in the Samye Monastery and a disciple of Padmasambhava, and because he is smart and eager to learn, he is highly regarded by Padmasambhava, and now he is also famous in Tubo.

Think about it, compared to Zhang Tianlun's Taoist group, the monk's momentum is much worse.

The sutra debate conference held by Li Tan was divided into three sessions. The first two sessions were themed debates, which mainly discussed the scriptures and mythology systems of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism, and the third session was a free debate.

The result is naturally obvious, Zhang Tianlun's Quanzhen Dao is aggressive and well-prepared.

The improved Quanzhen religion has integrated some Buddhist and Confucian sayings, perfected the mythology system based on the online novels of later generations, and combined health and hygiene knowledge to form a set of precepts for believers and Taoist rituals, which will argue for Buddhist players who have no backbone. 's fiasco.

In the beginning, these prairie princes watched the debate competition with the mentality of watching a program.

But soon they were completely immersed in the Taoist "myth" carefully written by Zhang Tianlun.

These days, the only recreational activity on the grassland is playing the piano, riding a horse and giving birth. Most of the patriarchs on the grassland can't read a single word, let alone read Han books.

The stories told by the wizards who believed in the Longevity Heaven were the most miraculous stories most grassland people had ever heard.

But how can the story told by a godly man on the grassland compare with the myth constructed by Zhang Tianlun stitching online novels?

After a large number of prehistoric and cultivating novels pieced together the story of creation, the wonderful fairy tales quickly attracted the princes and nobles on the grasslands, and even Li Guangqin listened with gusto.

And since Zhang Tianlun was preaching in Lingwu, he changed these myths and stories into extremely colloquial statements. These nobles on the grassland can now speak some Chinese and understand Zhang Tianlun's stories.

After three days of debate, Li Tan announced that the Taoist player represented by Zhang Tianlun won.

Zhang Tianlun and the Seven Masters of Quanzhen smiled, while the monks and players were downcast, while the nobles from various tribes of the grassland sitting on their seats looked at Zhang Tianlun and his disciples with fiery eyes.

Not to mention the soothing words in Buddhism and Taoism, these beautiful and magnificent fairy tales alone make these grassland nobles want to stop.

Li Guangqin has also been reminded by Lu Anya, she bowed and said to Li Tan:
"Brother Emperor, I Uighur would like to invite a real person to spread the Taoism in Wangzhang City."

After saying this, King Ge Luolu Jinshan and General Guiyi of Tuqishi immediately said:

"Your Highness, we also want to invite real people to preach Taoism in our department!"

Even the patriarchs of the Hu tribes in Modong made requests to Li Tan one after another.

Li Tan said with a smile: "It depends on the thoughts of the priests."

Soon, these Taoist priests and players became popular, and the direct prairie princes rushed down immediately and started the work of attracting people.

Li Guangqin offered the best terms. She promised to build a Taoist temple of Quanzhen Taoism in Wangzhang City and allow Zhang Tianlun and his disciples to preach on the grassland.

Zhang Tianlun agreed immediately, and he led his disciples to Wangzhang City to spread the belief of Quanzhen Taoism.

If you can't get the master, then you have to get the disciples. The Quanzhen Seven Masters who performed well in the debate were also attracted by the princes of the grassland.

The wealthy Jinshan King is willing to build three Taoist temples to allow Taoist players to spread their beliefs in Geluolu. Although the Tuqishi people have no Taoist temples, they also occupy several monasteries in the Western Regions. They are willing to pay to convert the temples into Taoist temples. , dedicated to these masters.

Even the poor and tinkling Modong Zhuhu offered various conditions.

The final result was that Zhang Tianlun went to the Uighur King's Tent City, and the Quanzhen Seven Sons he brought were divided among the various ministries.

The Miaogas tribe, who failed to grab the Taoist priests, became interested in those monks who lost in the debate, and they also invited these monks to return to Miagas with them to preach.

Li Tan was very satisfied with this time's debate meeting, Li Tan decided to build a royal hunting ground in Tingzhou, and there were temples and Taoist temples in Tingzhou, and then he announced the end of this hunting meeting.

The grassland is full of joy, but for the emperor of Chang'an, there is no good news recently.

First, both the crown prince and King Qi were involved in the case of counterfeit money, which made the royal family lose face. Although the crown prince and King Qi were dealt with coldly in the end, the people's trust in Qianyuan Chongbao had dropped to the lowest point.

Fifth Qi believes that more stringent measures are needed to allow the people to use the new money.

Fifth Qi even suggested the compulsory recycling of Kaiyuan Tongbao, forcing people to use new money.

The emperor did not agree with Fifth Qi's approach. Now that the frontline is tense, if too radical reforms are messed up, Chang'an will be in danger.

Guo Ziyi sent an urgent report that Shi Siming's army had arrived in Huayin, and he had sent troops to tentatively attack Luoyang City, but they were all defeated by the Luoyang defenders led by Zhang Xun.

Now Shi Siming is also facing the same problem as An Qingxu, whether to attack Tongguan or Luoyang.

The emperor frowned. The rebels in Hedong were really like locusts, they couldn't be wiped out no matter what.

Guo Ziyi was still training troops in Tongguan, but this time the emperor was anxious, but he didn't dare to force him to send troops.

There is a precedent for the Northwest Army whose father's disorderly command ruined Ge Shuhan. Li Heng is also somewhat self-aware, knowing that he has no military talent, so he basically doesn't intervene in the frontline warfare.

Anyway, with Li Fuguo in the army, Guo Ziyi couldn't possibly rebel.

The war in the Central Plains was a mess, and Li Heng was not in a good mood. He put down his imperial pen and walked out of the palace. Looking at the warm spring breeze outside the Daming Palace, he said to Yu Chaoen, who was serving beside him:

"Yu Chaoen."

"The minister is here."

"Call Xiao Muzi, change into folk clothes, and follow me out of the palace to have a look."

Yu Chaoen originally wanted to persuade the emperor, but thinking that it was Li Fuguo's privilege to accompany the emperor out of the palace in the past, he immediately agreed:
"Yes, saint."

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