Chapter 642 Catastrophe is imminent
The Wannian County Yamen quickly accepted the case. These merchants were all businessmen who borrowed money from the Ci'en Temple. After borrowing money, they found that the Qianyuan Chongbao they borrowed was paler than the Qianyuan Chongbao of the court. They asked the craftsman to appraise it , confirm that the money is fake money.

So these businessmen united and filed a complaint with the Wannian County Yamen.

Wang Chengwei had been waiting for this day for a long time. When the merchant's certificate arrived, he immediately accepted the fake money and sent it to the Ministry of Industry for inspection.

In order to reduce the cost of casting counterfeit money privately, the prince mixed a lot of lead and other metals into the copper water, so the Qianyuan heavy treasure he cast was whiter than the real money of the imperial court.

The craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry melted the fake money and soon discovered the tricks in it.

When the monks of Ci'en Temple were still celebrating by lending out all the Qianyuan treasures, they didn't know that Wang Chengwei's speed was so fast.

After receiving the report from the official and sending it to the Ministry of Industry for verification, Wang Chengwei immediately led the Wannian County Yamen servants to the Ci'en Temple.

Ci'en Temple is a temple confiscated by the royal family. Wang Chengwei, a ten-thousand-year county magistrate, is not qualified to confiscate it.

Wang Chengwei's timing was very good. It happened that the imperial court was having a headache because of the flood of fake Qianyuan treasures in the market and the soaring prices in Chang'an. This memorial was sent to the Zhengshitang.

Now the emperor and the prime ministers are holding back their anger!

But now the merchants in Chang'an City are refusing to accept the Qianyuan Chongbao openly and secretly. Prices started to skyrocket again.

The Zhengshitang could only bite the bullet and sell the previously prepared military rations at the original rice price, trying to suppress the crazily rising grain prices in Chang'an.

"Investigate! Be sure to investigate strictly!"

He asked Mu Rong again:
"What's the reputation of Ci'en Temple among the people?"

After discovering an event, it is attributed to the cause of the event, which is attribution.

Just when the prime ministers were devastated, the case of Wang Chengwei's use of fake money to lend money by the Ci'en Temple immediately blew up the fragile nerves of the prime ministers.

Li Heng naturally knew where the low-quality fake money on the market came from.

"Go, summon [-] magic tactics troops and hand them over to the magistrate of Wannian County. Those treacherous monks in Ci'en Temple must not be let go! Let me interrogate them all!"

The government sold grain at a low price, but it was looted within two days of selling it. The Zhengshitang immediately stopped this policy.

Mu Rong didn't mention other things about Ci'en Temple, but only mentioned the raising of monks, which suddenly touched Li Heng's backlash.

Li Heng frowned and said:
"I know that, what else?"

When the rest of the prime ministers saw Wang Chengwei's memorial, they immediately attached their names, and then ordered the eunuchs to send it to the palace.

Seeing Wang Chengwei's memorial, Li Heng was furious.

The prime ministers in the Zhengshitang racked their brains, the price of goods in Chang'an is still rising, and the price of Qianyuan Chongbao in the black market is still falling.

How can ordinary people have the ability to make money? Those who can do these things must be the powerful and powerful in Chang'an.

The temple that was conferred by the royal order took the lead in lending with fake money. Li Heng didn't like those bald donkeys in the first place, but now he was even more angry!

But once the price rises, those small officials will go hungry, and even these ordinary officials will go hungry, let alone the ordinary people in Chang'an.

But I didn't expect this policy to be implemented for a day, and then the grain stores in Chang'an began to sell grains mixed with a lot of sand and chaff. The price was still the same as the price set by the court, and even such inferior grains were still being mad by the people. snap up.

"Your Majesty, the Ci'en Temple has many believers in Chang'an City, and many of them are important officials from the imperial court."

Li Heng picked up the imperial pen and immediately approved Wang Chengwei's memorial.

The imperial court issued Qianyuan Chongbao, and within a few days after it was discovered, fake money flooded in, making the imperial court lose its reputation among the people.

In the past few days, Emperor Li Heng was also tortured a lot by the Qianyuan Chongbao incident.

Mu Rong immediately said: "The main hall of Ci'en Temple is resplendent and magnificent. In addition to incense money, the biggest income is loan sharks. Ci'en Temple also raises monks, and there are many lawsuits against monks in Ci'en Temple for hurting people every year."

Now that the frontline is fighting, officials are thankful that they don't owe their salaries, and their salaries will definitely not increase.

Attribution is a basic way of human thinking.

At this time Mu Rong said again:

The always staunch prime minister Zhang Hao is the prime minister who is holding the pen today. After seeing this memorial, he immediately wrote down his handling opinions.

Eunuch Mu understands that this is the time for the emperor to test Dongchang's ability to handle affairs!
He said at once:
"The Temple of Ci'en is very popular, and it is the largest temple in Chang'an City."

I dealt with the Crown Prince and King Qi before, but I couldn't deter these greedy guys. The front line of the Tang Dynasty is still fighting, and these guys still don't know how to restrain themselves!
Li Heng has already attributed the problems encountered in the issuance of Qianyuan Chongbao to the reason that there are too many fake money in the market.

Well, I have used so many methods to make Qianyuan Chongbao circulate, but the Ci'en Temple has been secretly dismantling it.

Alright, if I dare to raise monks in Chang'an City today, I don't even dare to think about what I will do tomorrow!
Li Heng's face was ashen and said:

A Kaiyuan Tongbao weighs two baht, and a Qianyuan heavy treasure is only six baht. The market is flooded with counterfeit money. Isn't the reason why the new money from the court is not good enough?
Obviously, the emperor would not attribute it to himself. He attributed the issue of the issuance of Qianyuan Chongbao to those who privately minted fake money.

Then the Zhengshitang strictly ordered the price of grain in Chang'an to rise, and ordered the yamen to inspect the grain stores and prohibit the sale of grain at high prices.

Rising prices are not a small problem. Although the officials of the Tang Dynasty are paid well, life in Chang'an is not easy. These small officials also live on their salaries.

And Li Heng obviously didn't think about why the common people resist Qianyuan Chongbao and why merchants don't trust the currency value of Qianyuan Chongbao.

However, the food supply in Chang'an is sufficient now, and the price of food has risen because the people do not trust Qianyuan Chongbao, so they exchange their money for food.

check!Must be strictly investigated!

Li Heng even gritted his teeth and said: "First escorted to Wannian County for interrogation, the people from the Sanju Department talk too much, in case the news leaks out. If there are any memorials to intercede for Ci'en Temple these days, all of them will be detained and recorded!"

"According to the order!"

With the support of Shence Army, Wang Chengwei became more confident. Seeing more and more torches outside, the monks in Ci'en Temple were even more desperate.

In the main hall of the Ci'en Temple, the abbot, who was wearing a gorgeous cassock, looked livid, looked at the Zhiku monk who was kneeling in front of the Buddha, and the abbot recited a Buddha's name and said:
"My Ci'en Temple is in great trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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