Chapter 672 Just sell it
The Lord of Silla's worries were not unreasonable. The Tang Dynasty had always taken a tough attitude towards the Korean Peninsula. During the Taizong and Gaozong periods, both prefectures and counties were set up on the Korean Peninsula.

So far in Silla, there are still some people who think they are citizens of the Tang Dynasty and are unwilling to submit to the rule of Silla.

Who wants to be a citizen of Silla who can be a citizen of Datang?

However, due to the cost of ruling and domestic political turmoil, Datang finally withdrew the counties and counties on the Korean Peninsula and established Silla's vassal state relationship, only requiring Silla to pay tribute to Datang on a regular basis.

Silla and Datang have lived in peace for many years, and Silla also stood firm during the Anshi Rebellion, standing on Datang's side.

Jin Xianying, the lord of Silla, quickly found Jin Zaiyu, the envoy sent to Tang Dynasty who had returned from Datang, and asked him about the situation of Datang.

Jin Zaiyu participated in the celebration when the Tang Dynasty was still in Chang'an, and then returned to Silla. He is the minister who knows the situation of the Tang Dynasty best in Silla.

Jin Zaiyu was born in a real noble family, studied Confucianism since he was a child, and was a pro-Tang faction in the small court of Silla.

Kim Xianying quickly summoned Jin Zaiyu to ask;

"This time, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty will stop at Jeju Island, how will I, Silla, treat it?"

Jin Xianying suddenly realized, yes, since he can't beat him, what is there to worry about?The envoy of the Tang Dynasty can give whatever he wants.

Shang Bo made a generous move, expressing that His Royal Highness the King of Yue is willing to subsidize Jin Zaiyu's family to study in Chang'an or Longyou, not only to bear all the expenses of studying abroad, but also promise to enter the Datang Guozijian to study.

Such a strange scene appeared in the sea area near Jeju Island. The Datang clipper ship took the lead, followed by the Silla warship.

Jin Zaiyu stayed on the pier and couldn't help thinking.

But soon they discovered that the dragon flag representing Datang was flying on the clipper ship, and the officers on the warship immediately ordered:

Datang can protect Silla, and even send experienced officials to help Silla maintain law and order.

Su Xing also didn't want to talk nonsense, so he simply and directly stated his request.

When Shang Bo and Jin Zaiyu communicated, they would naturally discuss the relationship between Datang and Silla.

It wasn't until Su Xing's ship slowed down to dock that he realized that there were so many Silla warships chasing behind him.

He also didn't want to go round and round with this Silla official, so he said directly:

"When I came, Pang Chengshou of Dahang City put forward a condition."

Datang can train officials for Silla, and it can directly open the academies of Datang to Silla.

Jin Xianying nodded, no matter what, the envoys of the Tang Dynasty should not be offended, this is already the consensus of the small court of Silla.

Jin Zaiyu also talked about it for a long time, and Su Xing was completely bored now.

"It's the envoy of the Tang Dynasty! Hurry up! Raise the semaphore to welcome the envoy of the Tang Dynasty!"

Kim Jae-yu continued:
"I dare to ask the king, if the Great Tang Heavenly Army attacks, can I, Silla, stop it?"

But no matter how sailed, Silla's warships couldn't catch up with Su Xing's clippers.

Take a look at Abe Nakamaro from Fusang, he is the envoy sent by Fusang to the Tang Dynasty, will he go back?

Jin Xianying shook his head, if he could beat it, would the Silla court be so anxious?
Kim Jae-yu said:
"I can't fight anymore, so why worry about it, isn't there only one way to go now?"


With so much money saved, with Silla's population and land, it is absolutely possible to live a better life than now.

Jeju Port was originally an important trading seaport, and ships from Bohai and Fusang could dock at Jeju Island.

Under the brainwashing of Shangbo, Jin Zaiyu gradually agreed with Shangbo's theory.

If this continues, I will really lose this sailing race.

Jin Xianying gave Jin Zaiyu the right to act arbitrarily, as long as the negotiation with the envoy of the Tang Dynasty was settled, he could confirm the signature on behalf of Silla, and he did not need to ask the Silla court for instructions.

What Pang Ju wanted was that Datang's ships could dock at Jeju Port, and Datang's ships could trade in Jeju Port. In fact, this condition was not unacceptable to Silla.

Sure enough, the news from Beiban is correct, Datang has built a fast boat that can travel thousands of miles a day!
Jin Zaiyu stood respectfully on the pier, waiting for Su Xing's ship to dock, he smiled and greeted him.

Jin Zaiyu took out his own set of theories again, and advised the king:

"The same rights as Silla ships?"

Jin Zaiyu is naturally grateful, it is not the same to be able to study in Datang!Datang's academic qualifications are very hard in Silla!

That's why Su Xing reluctantly stopped the ship and docked, pretending to be a snake with the Silla official in front of him.

Su Xing didn't want to talk nonsense, so he said directly:
"My Datang's ships shall enjoy the same treatment as Silla's ships!"

So fast!
Commander Silla looked at the flying clipper ship in disbelief, and it took a long time before he realized:

Su Hang's clipper ship soon arrived at Jeju Island. Jeju Island is the residence of the Silla Navy, not only a military port but also a trading port and fishing boat wharf.

Su Xing was in a bad mood. After the voyage started, Li Daoyuan was riding the wind and waves, and he would arrive in Ryukyu tomorrow.

After getting such an important task, Jin Zaiyu immediately set off from Jincheng, arrived at Jeju Island by fast boat, and waited for the envoys of Datang.

Jin Zaiyu is a proper pro-Tang faction. After he went to Chang'an last time, he became friends with Shang Bo who stayed in the backyard of the Longyou Governor's Mansion.

At that time, a real noble like Jin Zaiyu can freely choose to live in Jincheng or Chang'an, and their descendants can also enjoy the education of Tang Dynasty.

After Su Xing finished speaking, he asked Jin Zaiyu to deliver the supplies to the ship, then hurriedly boarded the ship and continued sailing.

Jin Xianying, the lord of Silla, sent Jin Zaiyu as the prime minister of Silla, and also entertained envoys to Jeju Island to welcome the envoys of Datang.

If Datang really came from land, would Jincheng still have room to resist?
Kim Hyun-young immediately asked:
"How do you greet Tang Envoy when he comes?"

A patrolling Silla warship saw the speeding boat approaching in the distance, and immediately turned its bow to intercept it.

Shang Bo broke his fingers to settle the accounts for Jin Zaiyu, how much money Silla needed to raise soldiers, and how much money it needed to train officials, these expenses can be saved completely.

If Datang didn't want Jin Zaiyu, he would have to stay in Chang'an.

"Quick! Follow up and report to the port!"

Jin Zaiyu quickly said: "When I left Datang, the battle in Hedong was almost settled. The scene where the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty re-entered Jiyu, and the scene where the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty re-emerged on the throne, I will never forget in my life. It is simply a god. A gorgeous ceremony that can only be enjoyed!"

An Shougui is Kim Xianying's confidant, and of course he knows the strength of his enemy.

However, Su Xing's clipper ship was too fast, and he couldn't see the semaphore of the Silla warship at all, but just passed by the Silla warship.

But now, hearing what Jin Zaiyu said, the Silla ruler was filled with fear.

However, Pang Ju of Dahang City did not let him go. As a local travel sponsor, Pang Ju asked Su Xing to negotiate with Silla officials on Jeju Island. right.

Silla is too close to Datang. If Silla wants to live well, he must completely rely on Datang and be Datang's younger brother wholeheartedly.

Jin Xianying's face was even paler. After Jin Zaiyu returned from Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, he had been talking about the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty in the middle school.

But all the players were watching, so Su Xing gritted his teeth and insisted.

Jin Zaiyu had already received the news, and immediately brought all the officials of Jeju Island to stand on the pier to welcome Su Xing.

"Your Majesty, Silla is originally a vassal of the Tang Dynasty. The envoys of the Tang Dynasty are going to visit Fusang. We should warmly welcome them!"

And the upper real bone nobles of Silla can also integrate into the aristocratic circle of Datang from the nobles of this small country of Silla.

Originally, Jin Xianying didn't want to see him say these things, and asked Jin Zaiyu not to talk about the Tang Dynasty in the small court.

Wang Xuanzhi was only the Jiedushi of Pinglu Township at that time, and he was able to beat the elite of the Beiban on the ground.

Soon, all the military ships, merchant ships and civilian ships in the sea area of ​​Silla noticed the Datang clipper. They were all surprised that Datang had such a fast ship, and all the military ships followed the clipper ship. A ship capable of catching up with Su Xing.

And my boat slowly drove along the coastline, and I didn't arrive at Jeju Island until today.

Jin Zaiyu muttered to himself, what rights does Silla's ship have in Jeju Island?
Sailing, supplies, entering and leaving ports, garrisoning troops?
etc!Does Datang want a pier in Jeju Island?

Su Xing originally didn't want to waste time on Jeju Island, he just wanted to pack up the supplies and set off immediately.

And enter the Datang Guozijian to study, if you pass the exam, you can still be an official in the Datang!
If you can be an official in the Tang Dynasty, who wants to go back to Silla and become a rich man in the countryside!

Jin Zaiyu fully accepted the theory of Shangbo. After seeing the grand ceremony of the Tang Emperor's return to Chang'an and enjoying the prosperity in Chang'an, Jin Zaiyu never wanted to return to Jincheng, a rural place. .

Or is Datang going to station troops on Jeju Island?

Jin Zaiyu thought of the theory instilled in him by Shangbo back then. Didn't Jeju Island always shout that pirates were rampant?The navy has increased its funding every year, but pirates continue to attack merchant ships.

Then it's better to just let Datang garrison troops, and then abolish some navy divisions, Datang will definitely guarantee the safety of the route!

Jin Zaiyu immediately wrote his thoughts into a memorial. While sending the clippers to Jincheng, he asked the soldiers and civilians on Jeju Island to level the land, preparing to build an independent new wharf for Datang.

(End of this chapter)

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