Chapter 680 Chang'an Transformation

As the closest eunuch to the emperor, Mu Rong watched Li Heng's mentality change little by little with his own eyes.

When he first received a letter from his son Li Tan, Li Heng thought "this is Tan'er's words of loyalty".

Li Heng also happily asked Mu Rong whether Li Tan defeated the Tubo people in Lanzhou and regarded Shi Siming as a soft persimmon.

Li Heng originally wrote an imperial decree, planning to send his confidant eunuchs to Longyou to reprimand King Yue, telling him not to make random comments on major court affairs.

But Li Heng's envoys hadn't been dispatched yet, and the political affairs hall was flooded with snowflakes of memorials.

First, Du Hongjian, the minister of the Ministry of War and the envoy of Lingzhou Jiedu, wrote to the court, expressing his willingness to follow the king of Yue and conquer Shi Siming's department!
Immediately afterwards, the prefects of the Longshang states, including Su Tong, the prefect of Lanzhou, also wrote a letter together, expressing their willingness to follow the King of Yue to pacify Hedong.

The prefects of Longyou and Hexi prefectures also wrote letters to support the King of Yue along with the prefects of Longshang prefectures.

When these memorials were sent to Chang'an, Li Heng's eyes completely changed.

The Jiedu envoys and prefects of the entire Northwest wrote letters to agree with the King of Yue, and the court was horrified to find that the entire Northwest had gathered under the King of Yue, completely advancing and retreating with the King of Yue.

After such a huge political alliance appeared on the territory of the Tang Dynasty, Li Heng suddenly discovered that such a large area in the northwest of the entire empire had quietly escaped the control of the Chang'an court!

Just when Li Heng began to fidget for the northwestern states to break away from Chang'an's control, more memorials were sent to Chang'an.

The prefects of Zizhou, Qingzhou, Jiaozhou, Laizhou and other Shandong states wrote to the imperial court to intercede for the two of Nanzhang, and at the same time expressed that they would fight Shi Siming to the end.

The prefects of Pengcheng, Linhuai and other Huaizhou prefectures also wrote a postscript at the same time, opposing the peace negotiation between the imperial court and Shi Siming.

Zhedong Observer Zhang Duanyang, who was in the process of suppressing coastal pirates, wrote a letter at the same time, saying that if the imperial court negotiated peace with Shi Siming, the seas in the eight states of eastern Zhejiang would be seriously affected, and I am afraid that they would not be able to release this year's rations in time.

In the end, Huainan Jiedu envoy Gao Shi also wrote a letter, expressing Jiangnan's full support for the imperial court to quell Shi Siming's war, and willingness to continue to provide military rations for Guo Ziyi's army.

After these letters were sent to the court, the Zhengshitang immediately fell silent.

Shandong is the front line against Shi Siming, and it is understandable that these places object to making peace with Shi Siming.

But why are you here in Jiangnan to join in the fun?
However, Jianghuai is the wealth of the imperial court, and the imperial court cannot ignore Jiangnan's opinion.

The memorial of Wei Jiansu, the envoy of Xichuan Jiedu, made the Chang'an court fearful.

Wei Jiansu's letter clearly expressed his support for King Yue!I request the imperial court to take the King of Yue as the Generalissimo of the world's soldiers and horses, and preside over all matters concerning rebellion and rebellion!
And Emperor Li Heng's mood, from contempt at the beginning, to gradually angry, now only panic is left.

The most important areas of the Tang court are now so unequivocally opposed to negotiating with Shi Siming, it is almost impossible if no one is connected.

And it's nothing more than the northwestern states supporting the King of Yue. How come you, Wei Jiansu, also support the King of Yue?

Li Heng really couldn't understand why Shuzhong would stand on the side of King Yue?Shouldn't you support King Qi?

At this time, the letter from King Qi who was sent to the middle of Shu was also sent to Chang'an.

King Qi also believed that the court's counter-insurgency needs to be done in one battle, and he could not negotiate a peace with Shi Siming. King Qi also recommended King Yue to be the commander-in-chief of the world's soldiers and horses, and fully preside over all matters related to the court's counter-insurgency!
When Li Heng was stunned by this series of letters, the "Chang'an Daily" also published the "Discussion on Shi Siming" written by the King of Yue himself. Immediately afterwards, more than 200 students from the Imperial College signed at the gate of the Imperial College and voted [-] yuan to the Secretary of General Administration. Yan Shu, supporting the king of Yue to lead the army to suppress the rebellion.

Immediately afterwards, including [-] censors, low-ranking civil servants from various yamen in Chang'an also wrote a letter at the same time, supporting Yue Wang's policy of quelling chaos, and requesting the court to continue to fight Shi Siming to the end!

Li Heng was completely baffled at this moment, when he summoned Mu Rong and asked him to send the Shence Army to suppress the Guozijian.

The envoy of Pinglu and Fanyang wrote a letter protesting the peace talks between the imperial court and Shi Siming. Yu Chixin, who was stationed in Fanyang, said bluntly that he was originally a general under the King of Yue, and he went to Liaodong to fight the rebellion under the order of the King of Yue.

If the Chang'an court gave up attacking Shi Siming, then Yu Chixin would continue to follow the King of Yue to suppress the rebellion!
Uighur, Ge Luolu, Miaogas and other Hu envoys also proposed to the Tang court that they are willing to support [-] cavalry and accompany the king of Yue to put down the Shi Siming rebellion!

Li Heng's palace was restless, and the Shence Army sent by Mu Rong to suppress the Guozijian soon reported that there was a conflict between the people of Chang'an and the Shence Army. Wang Chengwei, the county magistrate of Wannian, asked the court to speak out, and no one in Tang Dynasty was convicted for his words. Scholars led Wannian county soldiers to protect Guozijian.

Chang'an was in chaos, and Li Heng suddenly realized that even Chang'an City didn't seem so safe anymore.

Li Heng hastily dispatched the Shence Army to enter the palace, and only then did he feel a little bit more secure. He really couldn't figure out how the King of Yue in the northwest bought such a big official and important court official, and even the Uighurs supported him?
"Little Muzi!"

Li Heng woke up from the imperial couch, and he stayed in the imperial study for the past few days, only being able to sleep under the heavy protection of the Shence Army.

Li Heng had a nightmare, the king of Yue led his troops into Chang'an, and the prime ministers of the Zhengshitang led all the officials to welcome the king of Yue.

Li Heng called Mu Rong and asked:

"Xiao Muzi! Are my prime ministers loyal to me?"

With the letters from Guozijian students and low-level officials, the Tang court was actually in chaos.

The operation of the imperial court requires a large number of officials to operate. When those middle and low-level officials went on strike in series, the Zhengshitang and the six departments have been shut down.

And Wannian County left half of Chang'an City out of the imperial court's control.

Now the emperor can't even trust the concubines in the harem, let alone the prime ministers of foreign courts.

But Mu Rong couldn't answer Li Heng's question. Are the prime ministers loyal?
Your emperor doesn't know whether the prime minister is loyal or not?

Mu Rong could only lower his head and reply:
"The prime minister of Datang is naturally loyal to Datang."

Li Heng was not satisfied with this answer, he pushed away the hill-like memorial on the royal case, and said hysterically:

"These ministers are all opposing me under the banner of loyalty to the Tang Dynasty! Traitors!"

"King of Yue! Nizi!"

"I want to make an order! Take away the prince of this rebellious son! Escort him to Chang'an for questioning!"

Mu Rong looked at the emperor with some sympathy. These days the emperor was always full of nonsense. He had no idea how many people had disappointed the emperor after the letter of incrimination against Nanzhang was sent out.

The money law in Chang'an was corrupted, and the people of Chang'an complained a lot.

The emperor did not reward the generals who made great contributions to countering the rebellion, but also punished the generals who made great achievements because of the threat of the traitor Shi Siming.

Not only the civil servants of the outer dynasty, but even the Shence Army guarding the Daming Palace expressed dissatisfaction with the emperor's stupidity.

Up to now, the emperor is still asking whether Prime Minister Mu Rong is loyal or not?
Soon, the emperor, you will know whether the prime minister is loyal or not!

Sure enough, there were footsteps outside the main hall, the side door creaked open, and a young eunuch stumbled into the hall.

He originally wanted to report the news to Mu Rong, and waited for Mu Rong to decide whether to wake the emperor up or talk about it tomorrow.

But seeing the emperor standing in front of the imperial case, the little eunuch who delivered the news suddenly knelt down.

With the candlelight shining on the pale face of the little eunuch, Li Heng knew that this was definitely not good news.

"What news, tell me quickly!"

The little eunuch grabbed the ground with a crying voice, and said tremblingly:
"Your Majesty, yes, it's news from the Northwest."

The little eunuch's voice became smaller and smaller, Li Heng felt like being shaken by a heavy hammer when he heard the word "Northwest", Mu Rong hurried up to support him.

"Say! I can hold on!"

The little eunuch couldn't bear the pressure and said directly:

"The king of Yue swore an oath in Wuwei, and sent troops to attack Shi Siming."

"Okay, okay, I get it, let's get back."

This news was not unexpected, Li Heng suddenly felt a little dazed, how could this script be similar to the one where the emperor relocated to Sichuan, and he was fighting for rebellion in the Lingwu oath master?

It's just that the role has changed, and his son has become the one who swore the oath?
But the little eunuch still knelt on the ground motionless, Li Heng asked:

"What else?"

The little eunuch just cried but didn't answer, Li Heng felt even more irritable and said:

"Quick play!"

The little eunuch stopped crying, and replied cautiously:

"Prime Minister, Cui, Cui."

"What happened to Cui Guangyuan!?"

"After Cui Xiangguo left Chang'an, he said that he was unwilling to follow the imperial edict to negotiate peace with Shi Siming. Cui Xiangguo..."

"What's up with him?"

"Cui Xiang went to Wuwei, saying that he wanted to assist the Prime Minister Yue Wang to suppress the rebellion."

After the little eunuch finished speaking, Li Heng felt dizzy, and even Mu Rong couldn't help him, and fell on the imperial case.

"Pass the Imperial Physician!"

Mu Rong shouted loudly, and the imperial study immediately became noisy.

In the harem, Empress Zhang heard a message from her confidant maid:

"His Majesty fainted?"

"The concubine didn't see it with her own eyes, she just saw the imperial doctor going in and out of the imperial study."

Empress Zhang paced back and forth, raised her head suddenly, and said to a confidant eunuch:
"Go to General Fuguo's mansion quickly and tell the news to General Fuguo's family."

General Fuguo is the leader of the Shence Army, Li Fuguo.

When Li Fuguo left Chang'an that day, he had a secret agreement with Queen Zhang Liangti. Once there was a change in Chang'an, Li Fuguo would come back immediately.

Originally, Empress Zhang thought that the situation in Chang'an would not change when Li Fuguo left Beijing to fight.

Now it seems that Chang'an has really changed.

(End of this chapter)

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