Chapter 684 Martyrs

On July [-]th, the vanguard of the King of Yue arrived in Yuanzhou, and the loyal governor of Yuanzhou stood outside the gate of the city, respectfully welcoming the King of Yue's army.

On July 25th, Li Mi, who followed the King of Yue's chariot, arrived in this city for the second time. The difference was that the last time he accompanied Li Heng's emperor's imperial chariot.

Revisiting the old place, Li Mi has not had much emotion yet, the vanguard of the King of Yue has already occupied Longzhou.

Eunuch Mu of Chang'an has tried his best to block the news of Chang'an, but the news that the king of Yue rebelled against the rebels, Chang'an was in turmoil, and the emperor closed the palace gate was still transmitted from Chang'an.

The first person to receive the news was Zhang Xun who stayed behind in Luoyang.

Zhang Xun is a loyal minister.

When he received the news from Chang'an, Zhang Xun was drinking with Guo Mu from Xingyang.

During the siege of Luoyang, if Guo Mu hadn't used an airship in Xingyang to support Luoyang's food, Luoyang would have been captured by Shi Siming long ago.

After the siege of Luoyang was lifted, Zhang Xun asked the imperial court to reward Guo Mu, so Guo Mu got the post of Lieutenant of Xingyang County.

The work of the court's meritorious service was carried out very slowly. Guo Mu was officially appointed by the court at the beginning of the month, and Zhang Xun was his leader. Today he came to Luoyang to thank Zhang Xun.

This was not specially designed by Guo Mu, and he didn't know that Zhang Xun just got the news of the chaos in Chang'an during the banquet.

After Zhang Xun received the news, he was about to lead his troops to Chang'an immediately, and he was immediately stopped by Guo Mu.

Guo Mu pulled Zhang Xun and said:

"Stay behind, you are responsible for guarding the land, you can't leave Luoyang easily!"

Zhang Xun's white beard moved, and finally he sat down with a sigh.

Compared with those famous officials of the Tang Dynasty who were young Jinshi, young people who became famous, Zhang Xun was a different kind.

He didn't read well, and he didn't pass the Jinshi exam. If it weren't for the chaos in the world, it would be thankful for him to be a county magistrate with such an education.

Before the An Lushan rebellion, Zhang Xun was indeed only a county magistrate.

However, Zhang Xun's achievements are all military merits, and he has stepped up step by step, so although some people in the court despise him, it cannot be denied that this Eastern Capital stayer is already a pillar of the empire alongside Guo Ziyi.

"Your Majesty locks the palace, Chang'an is in turmoil, and I am staying behind in the Eastern Capital. I should lead my troops back to Chang'an King Qin!"

Zhang Xun was quiet for a while, then stood up again and said.

Guo Mu immediately said:

"Stay behind! Although Chang'an is in turmoil, His Majesty has not issued an order to let all the troops enter Jingqin King. In what name do you want to send troops?"

Zhang Xun was stunned. He was a loyal minister, but he also knew the rules of the court.

Not to mention that he is a key position in the eastern capital, even the county magistrate near Chang'an cannot enter Chang'an without the imperial court's order.

Not to mention leading troops into Chang'an, isn't that the same as treason?

Zhang Xun sat down again, and the emperor didn't even order the Shence Army to return to Chang'an. Could it be that Chang'an is still under control?
Zhang Xun was going to wait for the news from Chang'an, but he didn't wait for the news from Chang'an, but he saw two familiar figures under the city of Luoyang.

Zhang Wu and Nan Jiyun?

Aren't these two people in Shandong?How did you get to Luoyang?

Zhang Xun already knew about Zhang Wu and Nan Jiyun's attack on Shi Chaoyi because they refused to accept the imperial decree. A few days ago, he used his official position as a guarantee for the two and asked the emperor to forgive them.

But how did the two of them get to the city of Luoyang now?
For these two people, Zhang Xun's feelings are quite complicated.

For Zhang Xun, Nan Jiyun is like a direct disciple. Nan Jiyun was promoted by Zhang Xun, his calligraphy was taught by Zhang Xun, and the art of war was also taught by Zhang Xun. It can be said that he is Zhang Xun's political successor.

Zhang Wu and Zhang Xun were both disciples and friends. Zhang Xun often praised Zhang Wu to Nan Jiyun for his "ancient knight-errant style", and highly praised Zhang Wu's talent.

Didn't you two just fight against the decree and beheaded Shi Chaoyi, why did you come to Luoyang now?
"What, you two went to Chang'an to plead guilty?"

Zhang Xun looked at Zhang Wu and Nan Jiyun. He didn't look at Nan Jiyun, but stared at Zhang Wu.

Nan Jiyun is an honest person, Zhang Xun is Nan Jiyun's teacher, and he knows his disciple very well.

Ask him to lead troops to fight, he is a good player, no matter how difficult and dangerous the environment is, Nan Jiyun can break out, and has never let Zhang Xun down.

But playing tricks, then Nan Jiyun is a younger brother. Suiyang was besieged that day, Nan Jiyun broke through to ask for help, Xu Shuji deliberately did not send troops to rescue, Nan Jiyun could only chop off his finger on the spot to show his staunch attitude , but Xu Shuji was helpless.

Later, it was Zhang Wu who killed Xu Shuji and seized his military power, so he led his troops to rescue Suiyang.

Leading the battle to resist the decree, and now talking about going to Chang'an to plead guilty, this is not like Nan Jiyun's style, but Zhang Wu's.

Zhang Wu didn't dodge Zhang Xun's questioning gaze, and said directly:

"Zhang Liushou, the two of us really went to Chang'an to plead guilty."

Zhang Xun still didn't believe it, Nan Jiyun spread his hands and said:
"Teacher, we really went to Chang'an to plead guilty."

Hearing what Nan Jiyun said, Zhang Xun believed it, and asked:

"Since you know you are guilty, why do you do that?"

Zhang Xun was not a pedantic Confucian scholar. He used his own merits to guarantee Nan Jiyun and Zhang Wu out of the elders' love for them, but it did not mean that Zhang Xun approved of their actions.

In Zhang Xun's view, resisting orders in battle is almost equivalent to rebellious behavior.

Nan Jiyun lowered his head, while Zhang Xun still looked at Zhang Wu.

Zhang Wu raised his head and said:
"Stay behind, the two of us entered Chang'an, not to plead guilty for resisting the decree."

"Then why?"

Zhang Xun's beard was about to blow, he looked at Zhang Wu and asked.

Zhang Wu said:

"Stay behind, do you know what Qi Lu has been tossed by Shi Chaoyi in the past six months?"

Zhang Xun was silent.

Zhang Wu pointed to Nan Jiyun and said:
"General Nan is in Qingzhou. Where is Qingzhou? It has been a rich land since ancient times. Emperor Wu of Wei Cao Cao occupied Qingzhou and took the northern land. It is a place where he can become a king and overlord!"

Zhang Xun nodded. He was familiar with history books, so he naturally understood that the Qingzhou cavalry in the hands of Emperor Wu of Wei was the capital of Cao Cao's fortune.

"But what is it like now? Refugees are everywhere, the people have to change their sons for food, a large number of fertile fields are abandoned, and countless refugees cannot escape southward. Qingzhou's household registration is less than one tenth of Tianbao's last year."

Zhang Xun closed his eyes, he had seen this kind of scene too many times, and it was the same when Suiyang was besieged.

When guarding Luoyang last time, Zhang Xun also saw the people in the city trying to drown a newborn child. In the end, Zhang Xun called this male into the army and gave him more rations to keep the child alive.

Zhang Wu said:

"Shi Chaoyi is ambitious. If he puts down his weapon and surrenders to me or General Nan, we may not be able to tolerate him."

"But he sent an envoy to surrender to the prince, which shows that his power will not diminish, and he will continue to cause troubles in the world if he has the opportunity in the future. Does he want Bianzhou to repeat the same mistakes as Qingzhou?"

Zhang Xun was speechless all of a sudden.

Zhang Wuzheng said:
"Our crime is that as ministers, we condone the emperor's reckless behavior, but we cannot persuade the emperor."

"General Nan and I entered Chang'an this time to meet the king and explain the king's fault. It is a century-old matter for the court to suppress the rebellion, so how can we take shortcuts and accept the surrender of Shi Siming and his son?"

Zhang Xun was stunned for a moment and asked:
"What if the emperor doesn't accept your advice?"

Zhang Wu said:

"Then support King Yue's enthronement!"

At this time, Zhang Xun didn't know the news of the King of Yue's revolt. He only knew that the King of Yue had written to the court, refusing the court to make peace with Shi Siming.

Zhang Wu said:

"Your Majesty refuses to accept our advice, so let's replace the prince who refuses the peace talks as emperor!"

Hearing such outrageous words, Zhang Xun felt unable to refute.

Tang Confucianism is different from later Song Confucianism. Although they do not have the blood of Han Confucianism, they do not have the foolish loyalty of later Song Confucianism.

Nan Jiyun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:
"Teacher, I want to visit Chang'an with brother Zhang."

Zhang Xun froze for a moment, looking at his most proud disciple.

Nan Jiyun said:
"The disciple has never seen Chang'an, let alone the emperor, and wants to see what the emperor in Chang'an is like."

Zhang Xun opened his mouth and tried to describe the emperor's appearance, but he couldn't say anything soon. In fact, Zhang Xun hadn't seen the emperor much.

After the battle of Suiyang, the emperor only summoned him once, and Zhang Xun only saw the emperor from a distance in the hall once.

Later, Ren Dongdu stayed behind, and Zhang Xun was not in Chang'an, let alone seeing the emperor.

Nan Jiyun said:
"Teacher, I want to go to Chang'an to see the emperor. Back then when the teacher guarded Suiyang, the situation was a hundred times worse than now. The city might be destroyed at any time. You taught me the integrity of a minister, and I must be loyal to the Tang Dynasty."

"Later, when the disciple left Qingzhou, he always remembered the teacher's teachings to protect the environment and the people, train troops and defend against the enemy."

"The minister has done so much for the emperor, but how much the emperor has done for the minister, so I want to go to Chang'an to see if the emperor on the throne is worthy of such service."

Zhang Xun opened his mouth, and finally said:
"Go ahead, act as if you have never been to Luoyang."

After saying this, Zhang Xun said again:

"You are right. As a courtier, you must persuade the emperor, not just obey the emperor. Taizong has a courtier like Wei Zheng around him, so there is a rule of Zhenguan. After you leave, I will also write a letter to the emperor. Make it clear that you cannot discuss peace with the Shi thief."

On July 28, King Yue arrived in Longzhou, and King Yue's call for rebellion spread to the Central Plains, and the world was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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