Chapter 686 The Death of Quan Eunuch
Li Fuguo was riding a tall horse, surrounded by his godsons and cronies, galloping along the official road.

The weather at the end of July is already very hot, but now the world is not peaceful, Li Fuguo and his party are all wearing armor.

Today's sun was particularly dazzling. The group of people had been galloping for an hour, and Li Fuguo was already drenched in sweat.


One of Li Fuguo's godsons caught up with his horse and reminded Li Fuguo that someone had fallen behind.

Li Fuguo frowned, but still ordered the troops to rest in the woods ahead.

Finally, I can rest. There is a small river in the woods. As soon as I entered the woods, a few young guys couldn't help rushing into the river to play in the water.

Li Fuguo also got off his horse, he took off his helmet, and a godson took out a water bottle and handed it over.

"Where are you?"

"Godfather, we're near Tongguan."

Li Fuguo nodded in satisfaction, this godson doesn't have other abilities, but he has a very strong ability to recognize the way.

All along the way, I rely on him to lead the way and guide the direction, and I never miss it.

Li Fuguo decided to reward him well after returning to Chang'an City.

After setting off from Xiangzhou, Li Fuguo galloped all the way to Chang'an.

It took only three days to reach the vicinity of Tongguan. This speed is already very amazing.

But Li Fuguo still felt that it was not fast enough, he had to return to Chang'an as soon as possible!
He also thought a lot along the way, and now the way to break the situation is to return to Chang'an to rescue the emperor, and then use the emperor's order to let Guo Ziyi serve as king.

After all, Li Heng was the emperor, and loyal officials like Guo Ziyi and Zhang Xun must be loyal to the emperor.

But the closer he was to Chang'an, the worse news Li Fuguo received, and the worse his mood.

On July 26, Jing Zhaoyin ordered martial law in Chang'an, and county soldiers from Chang'an and Wannian counties occupied the inner city gate of Chang'an.

On July 27, Prime Minister Cui Guangyuan issued an order to the Guanzhong prefectures in his capacity as the current prime minister, requiring all the soldiers in the prefectures and counties to stay in the local area. I dare not move anymore.

On July 28, Empress Zhang's younger brother led his servants to forcibly storm the city gate, trying to get out of Chang'an, but was killed on the spot by Shan Tao, the judge of Dali Temple guarding the city gate. A word came out.

Li Fuguo looked at these news, his head was buzzing.

Something must have happened in the palace!
Although Li Heng is not a popular emperor, he is an emperor after all.

There are still many people in Chang'an City who are loyal to the emperor. There are also Shence Army outside the city, and there are also troops protecting the Emperor in Taiji Palace of Daming Palace. It shows that the emperor lost the channel to communicate with the outside world.

Who is isolating the emperor!
Li Fuguo was furious, and several figures flashed in his mind.

Could it be Yu Chaoen?

Impossible, that guy doesn't have the guts!

Empress Zhang?
Empress Zhang is the queen, if she controls the emperor, she can control Chang'an in the name of the emperor and the emperor, and this situation will never happen now!
Mu Rong?

A vague impression flashed in Li Fuguo's mind, but he shook his head again. Before he left Chang'an, Mu Rong was just an ordinary eunuch who couldn't enter the palace. He really didn't know much about Mu Rong.

Li Fuguo secretly regretted that he should not have left Chang'an for this little military exploit, and even let the villain get away with it.

But it was already too late now, Li Fuguo just wanted to return to Chang'an as soon as possible, and then, as a soldier and horse envoy of the Shence Army, mobilized the Shence Army outside the city to enter Chang'an City.

As long as you can see the emperor, everything will be fine!
But, is the emperor still alive?
Li Fuguo shook his head quickly, expelling this disrespectful thought from his mind.

The emperor must still be alive!

It's just that there are villains who isolate the inside and outside of the palace!Make the emperor unable to control Chang'an!
Thinking of this, Li Fuguo was even more eager to return.

"It's almost time to rest, tell everyone to hurry up and get on the road!"

Li Fuguo called the godson again and told his subordinates to leave quickly.

Just when Li Fuguo stood up with the support of the big tree, a long arrow passed through the woods and flew past Li Fuguo's body.

Li Fuguo has been in the army for a long time, and his reaction is not slow. He immediately rolled on the ground without any image, and at the same time shouted at his subordinates:

"There are assassins!"

Li Fuguo's godsons and cronies quickly assembled and guarded Li Fuguo in the middle.

A few daring ones searched for the assassin along the direction of the bow and arrow, but found nothing.

Li Fuguo was secretly startled, these assassins were coming after him!
Here is close to Tongguan, there is no possibility of bandits!
The bow and arrow that almost shot him was shot from a heavy bow, and it is impossible for bandits to have such weapons.

Who is it?

Now that the situation is chaotic, who is going to kill him?
Li Fuguo thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of an answer.

If Guo Ziyi wanted to kill herself, then it was impossible for Li Fuguo to leave the Xiangzhou barracks.

King Yue?

how could it be possible!The king of Yue raised his troops in the northwest, and he came back from Xiangzhou.

Does the King of Yue have clairvoyance and ears?Can you predict your return route to Chang'an, and arrange for assassins to assassinate yourself?

If the king of Yue is so predictable, how can he play?
Li Fuguo was thinking wildly, and the godson who knew the way the most came over and said:
"Godfather, no assassin was found, and..."

"What else?"

"Just counting the number of people, ten brothers who went to wash horses by the river disappeared."

Li Fuguo's face was pale, he said quickly:

"Let's go! Let's go now!"

It is meaningless to search for assassins in such a large forest, Li Fuguo knows very well that the most important thing now is to return to Chang'an City as soon as possible!
As long as you return to Chang'an City and control the emperor, you still have a chance!

Li Fuguo set off in a hurry, but the silent knights slowly fell behind and finally left the team.

By the time the group arrived near Tongguan, nearly a hundred riders had already left the group secretly.

"I am the great general of the Fuguo conferred by His Majesty! The military envoy of the Shence Army! Open the city gate quickly!"

Li Fuguo had no time to listen to his cronies to report the number of people left behind. Now that the sky was getting dark, Li Fuguo stood under the rule of Tongguan and shouted to let the guard of Tongguan open the gate.

Tongguan is the key point in Guanzhong. When he marched from Tongguan to Xiangzhou that day, Li Fuguo specially installed his cronies as the guards of Tongguan, but he called Guan himself, but there was still no response in Tongguan.

what is the problem?

Li Fuguo asked his cronies to knock and close the door, and it took a long time for someone to answer after Tongguan closed:
"There is an order from the imperial court to close the door tightly, please ask the general of Fuguo to detour!"

Li Fuguo almost exploded when he heard this, let me go around?
Just when Li Fuguo's cronies were about to forcibly break through the pass, a row of arrows rained down from Tongguan and landed in front of Li Fuguo's retinue.

Now Li Fuguo's cronies did not dare to act rashly, and everyone realized that this is Tongguan!The world's number one grand pass!

Shi Siming's hundreds of thousands of troops have never conquered Tongguan, what can he do with it?

Li Fuguo waved his whip angrily, but in the end he gave up calling Guanguan and asked people to camp far away from Tongguan.

Not far away, after watching the whole process, Nan Jiyun asked Zhang Wu who was lying beside him:
"Isn't this Tongguan guard a close friend of Li Fuguo? Why didn't you open the door for him?"

Zhang Wu smiled and said:

"Things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. Zhang Liushou is surrounded by righteous men like Brother Nan, and Li Fuguo is surrounded by such villains."

"When Li Fuguo was strong, these villains naturally scrambled to cling to him, but in the current situation, the villains all want to protect themselves, so naturally no one will work for him."

Nan Jiyun nodded half-understood, Zhang Wu looked at Li Fuguo's team camped in the distance, smiled and said:
"Rest well, we have to work at night!"

After finally settling down, it was completely dark, and Li Fuguo went to bed after eating some dry food.

In the middle of the night, Li Fuguo was suddenly awakened by his godson.

"Godfather, godfather!"

"What's the panic?"

"Night attack!"

Hearing these two words, Li Fuguo sat up all of a sudden.

I only heard shouts of killing and the sound of blades intersecting from outside the camp, but it's strange that no one entered the camp?

"Quick alert!"

Li Fuguo ordered that everyone in the camp was shaken awake and began to guard with weapons.

But after one night, when the sky was getting darker, still no enemy came in.

Li Fuguo stood up energetically, and said to his adopted son and cronies:
"Let's go quickly and bypass Tongguan!"

Because of the tossing all night, the team dragged their feet and gathered for half an hour before setting off. This time, many people tacitly fell behind.

On August 300st, when Li Fuguo and his party finally bypassed Tongguan through the waterway on the side, and counted the number of people again, there were only more than [-] people left from the thousand people when they set off.

Immediately afterwards, Li Fuguo encountered two more night raids and encountered a trap, and more than 300 of the 100 people fled.

Li Fuguo was terrified, he didn't dare to rest day and night, and he didn't dare to take off his armor to sleep at night.

By the time he was two hundred miles away from Chang'an, most of his adoptive son's cronies had already dispersed, leaving only a few dozen horse guards still following him.

When it was a hundred miles away from Chang'an, there were only a dozen or so riders still following Li Fuguo.

At this time, Li Fuguo looked embarrassed and his whole body was dirty. He leaned against a big tree and shouted to the air in front of him:

"A timid thief! Come out! General Li Fuguo is here! Come if you have the ability!"

An arrow flew out and hit the roaring Li Fuguo's face. His whole body twitched and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Brother Nan is good at archery!"

Zhang Wu praised him sincerely, and didn't care that Nan Jiyun took the head and was able to hit it from a hundred paces away. Nan Jiyun's arrow technique had reached the level of a magic skill.

Nan Jiyun asked: "It doesn't seem a little unreasonable to kill people like this?"

Zhang Wu laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up, he said:
"Being harmed by this eunuch, can you speak uprightly?"

"A gentleman has a way of death for a gentleman, a general has a way of death for a general, and a villain of this kind also has a way of death for a villain."

Nan Jiyun nodded, put away his bow and arrow, and got on his horse.

"Let's go to Chang'an and face the emperor!"

Several crows circled around Li Fuguo's body, and Li Fuguo's foster sons and cronies rushed away after grabbing their luggage.

The adopted son who led the way finally stepped forward and cut off Li Fuguo's head.

On the normal historical branch line, Li Fuguo, the powerful eunuch who once controlled the court and oppressed the emperor and officials, just died on an unnamed hill.

On August [-]th, the king of Yue entered Fengxiang.

 I thought about it all day yesterday, but I still don't think so.

  difficult to write a book

(End of this chapter)

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