The big ship in the distance finally came to the port and stopped. The captain immediately visited the consul of the port and expressed his gratitude to them.

But the captain spoke a language that even the well-informed interpreter at the port could not understand.

The port of Bao'an County has a superior location, and those merchant ships that often pass through Datang know the location of this port.

People who often travel to and from the Tang Dynasty today are mainly Linyi people (now Vietnam), Chenla people (Cambodia), Heling people (now Java Island), Pyu people (now Burma), and Tianzhu people (now India).

The port officials are not surprised by foreign merchant ships, but this ship has a strange shape and the people on board are also very strangely dressed, so the port officials reported it to the county magistrate Xu Hao.

Xu Hao just settled the players who came to join him, so he took the players to meet the captain of the ship.

A player said excitedly: "Magistrate Xu! This man is a Byzantine!"

Li Fuhai looked at this player, everyone came to Bao'an County on a boat, and they were already very familiar with it during the voyage.

The player who spoke was named Li Zhai, and he was a lover of medieval culture. The most talked about along the way was Rome and King Castle.

Li Zhai recognized the merchant ship as a standard merchant ship of the Byzantine Empire at a glance. He walked up to the captain and tried to communicate with the captain in Latin.

The captain's name was Avazd, and he was indeed from the Byzantine Empire. He heard about the great power in the Far East from the merchants in the Lion Kingdom.

However, the Suez Canal has not yet been excavated, and the sailing route around Africa has not been found out, so the ship was built from Cairo and went to sea, and then began to look for the sailing route of the Datang Empire.

Ahwazd broke through the big cannibal's blockade of the sea, broke out of the Gulf of Aden, and entered the Arabian Sea.

Encountered many difficulties along the way, the captain finally bought a navigation chart to Datang at the port of the Tianzhu people.

Relying on this nautical chart, Ahwazd began his voyage to Datang.

However, these cunning Tianzhu merchants did not mark the ports along the way, and what is even worse is that the location of the Datang port they marked was wrong.

And Ahwazd encountered a sea storm in the South China Sea, and finally saw land in despair.

Is this Datang?

Ahwazd is also observing this port. The port in Bao'an County is not well developed. He knows that there are not many foreign merchant ships in this port, and it is far less famous than Quanzhou Port.

Quanzhou Port is the real bustling port. Li Fuhai and his ship once stopped at Quanzhou Port for supplies. Even the supply ships had to line up to enter the port. There were merchant ships with national flags floating on the sea.

Ahwazd was slightly disappointed, is this Datang?This port is not as prosperous as Tianzhu's port.

But after seeing Xu Hao, Ahwazd's eyes lit up!
Xu Hao was wearing the green official robes of low-ranking civil servants, and the official robes of the Tang Dynasty were naturally made of silk. Such a dyed silk robe could be sold at an astonishingly high price in Constantinople!

Seeing this dress, Ahwazd was sure that he had sailed to Datang, the legendary country full of gold and silk.

But what made Ahwazd scratch his head was that the officials at the port couldn't understand what he said. Ahwazd was about to find an interpreter who could understand Dashi language to get off the boat, but he heard a person next to the Tang Dynasty nobleman. People came up to him and greeted him in Latin.

Ahwazd was also stunned, there is actually someone in Tang Dynasty who can speak Latin?

You should know that our Byzantine Empire didn’t even say anything, okay?
Arvazd looked at the man in front of him who spoke poor Latin with weird eyes. Could this be a university student?

Li Zhai is still greeting Arvazd in Latin. He learned Latin out of his love for the middle world. He thought his Latin could make the Byzantine captain accept his bow, but the other party used He looked at himself strangely.

The Byzantine captain yelled again in a language he didn't understand, and finally a guy in a priest's uniform got off the ship. The old priest with a gray beard walked up to him and communicated with Li Zhai in Latin.

Li Zhai's Latin is very fake, but with the help of translation software, he can barely communicate with this priest.

Li Zhai didn't realize that he had made another historic mistake until he started communicating.

Latin was indeed the official language of the Byzantine Empire before the fifth century, but now it is the 8th century. Most people in the Byzantine Empire speak Greek, while Latin is only used by missionaries.

The priest was very excited, and he was also very angry that the Byzantine Empire was paying less and less attention to Latin. He was the only person on the ship who could use Latin, and these rough people couldn't understand Latin classics.

According to the priest, Latin is the language of the gods, and only Latin can accurately convey the will of the gods, but he has to tell some pornographic adventure stories in vulgar Greek to attract the crew to pray.

Today, when I met Li Zhai, a Tang native who knew Latin, the priest chattered on and on for a long time.

Just as the crew of the Byzantine Empire was about to unload the cargo, an Arab-style ship also entered the port.

"Big cannibal!"

Avazd was often chased by the cannibal's merchant ships along the way, and he immediately drew his sword, ready to rush forward and fight the cannibal with his life.

Xu Hao immediately ordered the port officials to stop the group of Byzantines. He watched the large Arabic-style ship send a signal to the port, requesting to dock at the port.

This is a large sailing ship that Xu Hao has never seen before. The sailing ships of the big cannibals (Arabs) are very distinctive. They began to use triangular sails very early on. Learned from Arabian ships.

However, in the port of Bao'an County, it is rare to see big cannibal merchant ships, because the big cannibals mainly sail in the Arabian Sea, and most of the countries that like to take the Datang route are those countries in the South Asian subcontinent.

Datang is no stranger to the big cannibal in black. During the battle of Hengluo many years ago, the Tang court fought against the army of the big cannibal.

Although Datang was defeated in the Battle of Hengluosi, the Black Yi Dashi also gave up its strategic attempt to enter the Western Regions.

Over the years, with the rise of national power, the big cannibals expanded westward on land, further squeezing the living space of the Byzantine Empire, and extended their hands to Tianzhu in an attempt to control the South Asian subcontinent.

On the ocean, the big cannibals have occupied almost all important port cities on the Arabian Sea, monopolizing the entire Arabian Sea route.

But this Dashi merchant ship is different from other merchant ships. It is much larger than other commercial merchant ships, and the number of people on board far exceeds the sailors needed by normal merchant ships.

Xu Hao immediately became vigilant. He first refused the big food ship to dock at the port, and then asked the interpreter to board the ship in a small boat and asked about the origin of the other party.

After some inquiring, it turned out that this ship was not a merchant ship, but a warship sent by Dashi in black to open up maritime trade. The captain's name was Sama. In addition to finding out the reliable route to Datang, he also He carried a letter of credence written by Caliph Mansour in black to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Hearing that it was the official envoy of Dashi in black, Xu Hao didn't dare to neglect. He immediately notified his superiors and asked someone to guide the Dashi ship to dock.

Li Zhai murmured about Xu Hao's emphasis on the cannibal.

"Is this Xu Hao stupid? That's a Byzantine ship! How can a mere cannibal receive him!"

Li Fuhai is already very familiar with Li Zhai, and he is not surprised by his mental illness. Li Fuhai said:

"Now Byzantium is being beaten to the bum by the big cannibal. East and West Rome can't be beaten together. Why do you think magistrate Xu attaches so much importance to the big cannibal?"

In this era, the only ones who can truly be called empires are Datang and Heiyi Dashi.

In the west, Pepin the Short had just established the Carolingian Dynasty and gave the city of Rome to the Pope.

Africa, America and Australia were all in the uncivilized era, and the Fusang people could be regarded as civilized people when they went there.

The Eastern Roman Empire that Li Zhai talked about was being violently beaten in turn. Nomads, Armenians, and black-clothed food. Being the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire was more dangerous than being the president of South Korea.

On the South Asian subcontinent, the Rajputs in northern Tianzhu have just emerged, but they have not yet established a unified dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, the eminent monk Xuanzang returned from his travels in Tianzhu and described a Tianzhu region that worships religion crazily and is full of city-states.

The Slavs in the north are still barbarians like the Vikings.

Whether it is a player or a scholar of Datang, it is recognized that the only one that can communicate with Datang on an equal footing is the Abbasid dynasty established by the big cannibal.

After the Battle of Hengluosi, Datang and Black Yi Dashi basically cut off contact, but Dashi merchants would still come and go to Datang, and there were even areas where Dashi people gathered in Chang'an City.

Datang, however, knew very little about Dashi. Even Datang didn't know what the current territory of Dashi was.

After Shi Siming awarded the title, Datang Fengyun's second expansion has come to an end.

The third material "Silk Road Wind and Cloud" has been launched, and all players are clear about the future development direction, which is to conquer the world along the Silk Road!

Whether it is the Silk Road on land or the Silk Road on the sea, black food is a giant that cannot be avoided.

And all players have received a legendary long-term mission - [Measure the World].

Any player who marks the world outside of Datang, whether it is drawing a map, discovering a sea route, or clarifying geopolitical relations, can get experience rewards.

Xu Hao looked at the Byzantine merchant ships and man-eating warships, and smiled while drooling. This is a home-delivered experience!

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