Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 716 Imprisoning Three Generations

In the evening, the political affairs hall was still brightly lit, and the money chaos in Chang'an was quelled, but the issue of the frontline army's meritorious service was still deadlocked, and the political affairs hall had been working overtime for several days in a row.

The meaning of King Yue is that Guo Ziyi has made great contributions to the pacification of the Anshi Rebellion, and the Duke of the State is no longer enough to commend his contributions. He can use the title of county king to reward Guo Ziyi.

But the prime ministers of Zhengshitang expressed their opposition.

Although the Tang Dynasty did not have the vow of punishing a white horse in the Han Dynasty, different surnames could not be named kings, but the Tang Dynasty was still very cautious about the king.

In the early Tang Dynasty, among those Conglong heroes who made great contributions, there were only five kings.

The heroes who followed Taizong only got the title of duke at most.

Later, those who could get the king were those who participated in the Shenlong coup and changed Wu Zhou Jiangshan to Li Tang Jiangshan. , He made great contributions and was awarded the title of king.

Therefore, the Shenlong coup is also called the five kings coup.

When the emperor was in power, because of the great contributions of Ge Shuhan and An Lushan in the frontier, they were also granted the title of king. The prince of the royal family.

King Yue proposed to crown Guo Ziyi as king, and the reason why Zhengshitang opposed it was very simple. Now that the world has just stabilized, Guo Ziyi himself has great prestige in the Tang Dynasty, and being crowned king will harm him instead.

Guo Ziyi, who was on the front line, also wrote to the court many times, expressing his unwillingness to accept the reward of the king.

It is just a troublesome thing to be crowned king. The more troublesome thing is how to arrange the victorious Tang army and deal with the defeated prisoners.

If so many soldiers were dismissed and returned home in one go, it would put enormous pressure on local law and order.

And if you continue to support this army, Datang Finance will soon go bankrupt.

How to reward the soldiers who have done meritorious service, how to punish the defeated soldiers in Hedong, which general needs to be rewarded, and which prisoner of war needs to be judged. The youngest Cui Guangyuan couldn't hold on anymore.

Li Mi took the carriage and returned to his mansion.

Although he has been promoted to prime minister, Li Mi still lives in the house he used as a secretary and supervisor, and there are only a few old servants in the family.

The king of Yue personally gave Li Mi this carriage, which can be driven in and out of the palace.

When Li Mi returned home, he happened to meet Gu Kuang who came to visit.

Gu Kuang was talking to Li Mi's wife. Gu Kuang used to stay at Li Mi's home to study. Li Mi's wife liked this smart and hardworking young man very much and regarded him as her nephew.

Li Mi just remembered that today is his wife's birthday.

Laughing awkwardly, Li Mi's wife glared at Li Mi, and then returned to the back house, leaving the teacher and student alone.

"Teacher." Gu Kuang quickly saluted Li Mi.

Li Mi took off his official uniform and motioned Gu Kuang to sit down:

"I know why you came here, is it for the Wei family's affairs?"

Gu Kuang nodded.

Wei Jianshen jumped to his death in Ci'en Temple, but the Wei family took the lead and sued Wei Jianshen for embezzling the family property.

The Wei family produced evidence and listed Wei Jianshen's family property that had been "stealed by stealth" over the years.

When the Ministry of Households ransacked the house, the Wei family brought out the judgment from Chang'an County, and most of Wei Jianshen's family property had already been awarded to the Wei family.

And the shops run by Wei Jianshen were all rented by him from the clan, and the Wei clan in turn sued Wei Jianshen for arrears of rent, and sealed up some of the food in the shop first.

Gu Kuang was very angry about this, the household department only found [-]% of the grain from Wei Jianshen's granary, and half of the hoarded grain disappeared.

Wei Jianshen's family couldn't get a penny out of the grain money that was required to be supplemented in the contract, and the creditors who came to ask for loan sharks couldn't get a penny from Wei's family.

It is worthy of being the top family in Chang'an. Although the Wei family suffered a loss in the money chaos in Chang'an, it did not hurt the foundation.

Gu Kuang wrote to the court, requesting the court to track down the family property transferred by Wei Jianshen, and at the same time punish the Wei family who helped the evildoers.

However, this letter did not cause much disturbance, and the prime ministers in the Zhengshitang expressed their opposition one after another, believing that the Wei family was not responsible.

If Gu Kuang was not Li Mi's disciple, the prime ministers would all say that Gu Kuang is a cruel official.

Seeing that there was no response to his letter, and it happened to be the teacher's wife's birthday today, Gu Kuang borrowed some money from Wang Chengwei and bought some gifts to visit the teacher.

Li Mi sneered and said, "Tell me about the backgrounds of the prime ministers in the Zhengshitang."

Gu Kuang said: "Pei Xiang is from the Pei family of Hedong, and Cui Xiang is from the Cui family of Boling."

Li Mi said: "Since you already know, why don't you understand?"

Gu Kuang said bitterly: "Teacher, these aristocratic families are national thieves!"

Li Mi fought in the political affairs hall for a day today, and now he is a little tired. He closed his eyes and said:

"Bu Weng, you are from a poor family, I know you have always hated the big family, but do you want to take Jingzhao Webster down through a case?"

Gu Kuang fell silent.

Li Mi said again: "Isn't your friend Wei Yingwu also from Jingzhao Webster?"

"Teacher! Brother Yibo is different! He often tells me about the evils of the family!"

Li Mi shook his head and said, "But if you really want to eradicate Jingzhao Wei, will Wei Yingwu still support you?"

This time Gu Kuang was silent.

Li Mi said: "As a teacher, I would like to ask you, which era was the most prosperous era of this family?"

Gu Kuang immediately said: "Naturally it is Wei and Jin! Emperor Wen of Wei practiced the law of the nine ranks of the middle and upright. The upper rank has no poor family, and the lower rank has no aristocratic family. The misfortune of the aristocratic family has been going on for a long time!"

Li Bi shook his head and said, "Wrong."

Gu Kuang looked at the teacher suspiciously, only to hear Li Mi say:

"In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there were still poor scholars who were able to become official officials, and the aristocratic families traveled south with clothes and clothes, and they still needed to rely on poor scholars and warriors to guard the border."

"The real age of the clan is the Spring and Autumn Period."

"That was the age when man was born noble."

Gu Kuang nodded in embarrassment, or he was not good at academics, and even forgot about Chunqiu.

Li Mi continued:

"Although Qin was aristocratic, he was able to rule the country with sages regardless of his background. Only then did the first emperor rule the Kyushu."

"It wasn't until Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty rose up by slaying the white snake, and seized the world with his humble background, that he completely buried the nobles of the six countries."

Suddenly talking about history, Gu Kuang asked suspiciously:
"Teacher, what do you mean by these?"

Li Mi said meaningfully:
"The meaning of being a teacher is that if you want to deal with the aristocratic clan, you must always plan it slowly. This is not something that can be done in a short time."

Li Bi changed the subject and said:

"Your Highness has already seen the issue of the aristocratic family. This is a letter from Cui Tao, who stayed behind in Lingzhou. This is a feudal official under the rule of King Yue. He will return to Chang'an soon, and he will serve as the Imperial Academy together with Jiang Lun and Shangbo. Bachelor."

Gu Kuang took a deep breath, now the court said that the Hanlin scholar is the shadow prime minister.

Originally, the Hanlin Academy was only a place for Ci officials. Although there were grades, they belonged to the emperor's private officials, that is, officials of the inner court.

For example, Li Bai, who has just returned to the Central Plains because of the amnesty of the world, once served as the imperial edict during the emperor's time.

However, since King Yue entered Chang'an, several Hanlin scholars have shown sophisticated political skills beyond their age. Together with King Yue's group of Zhongshushe people, they have severely punished the six departments, nine temples and five prisons in the three provinces of the Tang Dynasty.

Gu Kuang hesitated for a while and said, "Teacher, this is a letter from the court officials to the Political Affairs Hall, can I read it?"

Li Bi said with a smile: "Of course I can't do anything else, but for Cui Tao, King Yue has already ordered it to be published in "Chang'an Daily", so it's okay for you to read it first."

Hearing that it was going to be published in Chang'an Daily, Gu Kuang felt relieved and quickly took it to read it.

The content of Cui Tao's letter was not complicated, and Gu Kuang quickly finished reading it, but his heart beat violently after he finished reading it.

Cui Tao's letter was very simple, that is, to persuade the court to "pardon" carefully, and suggested adding more unpardonable crimes to the Tang law.

Although the amnesty of the world in the Tang Dynasty was not as frequent as the amnesty once every few months in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there have been quite a few amnesties in the past few years.

Li Bai returned to the Central Plains from Changliu Yelang because of the amnesty of changing his year name to Qianyuan.

According to Cui Tao, crimes that have serious consequences, such as murder, adultery, and corruption of ink, should be included in the "unpardonable" crimes, and the court should not easily pardon prisoners.

At the end of Cui Tao's letter, he also believed that officials who committed unpardonable crimes should also be prohibited from serving as officials for three generations, and those who have already served should also be dismissed.

After reading Cui Tao's letter, Gu Kuang said hastily, "Teacher, isn't this the party prison of the Han Dynasty?"

Li Mi shook his head and said, "How can this be a party prison? The children of criminal officials cannot be officials, isn't that right?"

Cui Tao thought about it carefully, and felt that this letter was extremely ingenious.

The family has a huge power and many children, which is the advantage of a large family.

But at the same time, there are also many unscrupulous children in the big family.

One person committed a crime, and three generations of descendants were imprisoned as officials.

For example, although Wei Jianshen committed suicide this time, his son and grandson would not be able to be officials, so Wei Jianshen's team would never have a chance to stand up again.

According to Cui Tao's standard, the scope of unpardonable crimes was expanded, and countless officials committed crimes during the Anshi Rebellion, especially the rich families in Hedong.

Forbidding their direct descendants to serve as officials is tantamount to cutting off the possibility of them regaining influence.

Moreover, in the Tang Dynasty, father and son were one body, and the father was an official who committed an unforgivable crime. Can the son still be a good person?
Whether it is Confucianism or social morality, no one will criticize this ban!
Gu Kuang was almost overwhelmed!

Li Mi said coldly:
"His Royal Highness is about to reorganize Yushitai. If Cui Tao's suggestion can be passed, you can go and investigate Jingzhao Webster."

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