Chapter 94 Armor
Li Longhua continued to sneak into the back temple while the monks were patrolling, and soon he found a heavily guarded monk's house in the back temple of Leiyin Temple.

Li Longhua was not a reckless man either, he also made full preparations before sneaking into Leiyin Temple.

First of all, Leiyin Temple still exists, so the map made by the "production team" must be "made" according to the modern Leiyin Temple.

Li Longhua asked his friends to find the scenic spot map of Leiyin Temple. During the day, he found that the Leiyin Temple in the game had basically the same terrain as the Leiyin Temple in reality.

At the same time, this task is already the most popular discussion post on the forum. Many players sneaked into Leiyin Temple to investigate before. Li Longhua sorted out these posts.

This monk's room is the most guarded place in the back temple. During the day, some players pretended to be lost, and when they reached the door of the monk's room, they were "invited" out by the patrolling monks.

However, Li Longhua found a way to bypass the guards at the front gate based on the structure of Leiyin Temple in later generations.

He walked around the middle of the two monk's rooms, climbed up the mountainside along the mountain wall, and approached the monk's room from mid-air.

In reality, Li Longhua naturally couldn't do such a move, but now he has [-] points of agility, and his body balance is excellent, so he landed on the roof of the monk's room with a light jump.

Putting his body on the roof and avoiding the detection of the guards, Li Longhua gently lifted the tiles, and then he took out a periscope and put it into the monk's room to check the situation.

This monk's room seems to be a warehouse, and there are no monks guarding it.Li Longhua took out the claws made by blacksmiths, tied them to the cornices of the roof, and sneaked into the monk's room from the roof.

The rope that was pulling the claws fell to the ground, and Li Longhua made sure that there was no one in the monk's room, so he lit the torch.

When he saw the armor and weapons in the monk's room, Li Longhua gasped!
If it is said that the weapon is hidden, it may be for self-defense.

Then hiding armor privately is a serious crime in Datang to prepare for treason.

Many nobles in the early Tang and mid-Tang were beheaded for this crime.

A small Leiyin Temple dared to hide so many armors, Li Longhua immediately counted these armors with a fire folder, and recorded all of this.

His nervous palms were sweating, but trembling with excitement, the feeling of sneaking in was so cool!This is still the iron man mode in which you pass the level with one life!Li Longhua finished counting carefully, a total of [-] sets.

This is not a small amount, no wonder these monks are so heavily guarded.

Li Longhua recorded all these, and then climbed back to the roof along the claws.

Mission accomplished!The next step is to report back to the Governor's Mansion!

At this time, it was late at night, and the guards of Leiyin Temple were also relaxed. Li Longhua climbed out of the courtyard wall without any effort, and then he ran directly to the governor's mansion.

In the morning of the next day, Li Longhua handed in the task and immediately got a reward of [-] contribution points!

Sure enough, it was a hidden mission, or a hidden mission with such rich rewards. After receiving the reward, Li Longhua immediately uploaded yesterday's video to the forum.

Immediately afterwards, King Jianning summoned his subordinates to discuss matters. Several players who were most trusted by Li Yan, such as Cui Tao, Shang Bo, Jiang Lun and others who had official positions in the Bafu, were called to the inner hall to discuss matters.

Li Longhua was also added an official position by Li Yan as the commander of the Doulu Army, and was summoned to discuss matters.

Cui Tao and the others had already read Li Longhua's post, and after sitting down, Cui Tao hurriedly said: "Your Highness, Leiyin Temple wants to plot rebellion!"

These days, risking the crime of accumulating armor privately, one must commit such a serious crime as treason.

However, Li Yan said doubtfully: "So the case of Shi Shierang is because he broke the secret of Leiyin Temple, first he was bought by gold bars, and then he was killed by these monks? But why did Leiyin Temple keep it private?" Armor, are they really going to rebel?"

This is also something that Li Yan can't figure out. Although Leiyin Temple has a great reputation in Shazhou, how can a group of monks rebel?

If they really wanted to rebel, why didn't they rebel with the Fifth Colonel?
But even if he was arrested, could this group of monks still establish political power?
How is this possible? No matter how much you believe in Buddhism in the Central Plains, there has never been a Buddhist country. He is not the only king of Jianning in Longyou Dao. What kind of earthly Buddhist kingdom is established will definitely be wiped out immediately.

At this time, Shang Bo suddenly said: "I watched the video on the forum, oh no, after listening to Li Lushuai's description, the armor hidden in the monk's room is a bit weird."

Li Yan also opened the video on the forum, and it turned out that these armors were different from those of the Tang Dynasty.

When Shang Bo reminded him, Cui Bo, who majored in history, immediately said: "These sets are Persian armors, and these are Turkic armors. Hey, why are there so many types of armors?"

Tang armors are all made by special military craftsmen, and all armors have standard requirements, but in the monk's room of Leiyin Temple, there is not even a piece of armor from the Great Tang Dynasty.

"Wait, this is Tubo's armor, or the standard armor."

There are many armors unearthed in Tubo. In this era, Tubo was a powerful regime that could compete with the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions, and it had a huge army.

Through the marriage of the two princesses Wencheng and Jincheng, Tubo absorbed the advanced technology of the Tang Dynasty and developed its own armor workshop.

It's just that the plateau iron smelting technology is not good enough, and the quality of Tubo's armor is still far behind that of Tang Dynasty. Therefore, in addition to making armor by itself, Tubo will also fill the treasury with the armor captured by the enemy when expanding.

Therefore, the Tubo army does not wear uniform armor like the Tang army. They are like an exhibition of armor from all countries, and they often see soldiers wearing armor from different civilizations.

Cui Tao said: "So that's the case. No wonder there are so many Persian and Turkic armors here. They should be the spoils of war when Tubo expanded westward."

Li Yan's face darkened and he asked, "What does Cui Sima mean, that the Leiyin Temple colluded with Tibetans?"

Cui Tao nodded and said, "That makes sense, only Tibetans can produce so many armors!"

The Tubo people's ambitions for Longyou Dao are clearly revealed. When Emperor Xing was still in Lingwu, Tubo sent envoys to "borrow troops" from the Tang Dynasty, and the condition was to cede Longyou.

This proposal was rejected by Guo Ziyi, and Tubo entered the Kou Longyou way many times during the autumn defense last year. At that time, Li Yan led the players to fight the Tubo people outside Guazhou City.

Cui Tao's face changed and he said: "Your Highness, Leiyin Temple invited you to participate in the Lent Ceremony on the first day of next month, in order to hold you hostage and capture Shazhou City."

Li Yan stood up, held the hilt of his sword and said, "These bald donkeys!"

Cui Tao cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, the biggest threat to Shazhou today is not Leiyin Temple!"

(End of this chapter)

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