Run, host she's not right

Chapter 101 Gold Broker 26

Chapter 101 Gold Broker 26
After Zhongli returned to the hotel room, he selected a few photos, made a nine-square grid and posted them on Wen Yanyue's Weibo.

As soon as it was posted, Wen Yanyue's face came out and praised.

[Sister is so beautiful, the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers all over the street can be photographed so beautifully. 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

[Where did my sister go, I'm going too, I want to meet my sister by chance. 】

[There are so many sweet-scented osmanthus, I thought the sweet-scented osmanthus was too vulgar, the fragrance was too strong, and the blooming was too brilliant, but now I feel that everything is just right with you! 】

[Wow, the poet sage is confessing his love in different ways again. 】

[It feels like my wife is more beautiful today than before. 】

[What do you mean upstairs, isn't Yueyue not beautiful at other times?Yueyue is the most beautiful fairy! 】

[I understand what it means. My older sister was very beautiful before, but today's older sister is even more beautiful. Maybe it's because of a different photographer. 】

[Wow, the texture of the blockbuster, which competition-level photographer is this! 】

[Oh my god, is this a movie poster?It looks so good!Looking forward to the next movie~]

[How many W lenses are needed to take such a clear photo? 】

[This structure is amazing, no one has ever tried it before, I didn't expect the photos taken to be so amazing! "]

Wen Yanyue was also very surprised when she saw the photos taken by Zhongli. Isn't it an ordinary mobile phone original camera?

The photos taken in her hands are somewhat distorted, but how can they be taken in the hands of "Zhao Sirong", just like a large film taken by a camera!
Isn't this just a random photo?

Wen Yanyue was a little confused.

"Rongrong, are you so good at taking pictures?"

"'s okay, the main reason is that you are good-looking."

Zhongli thought about the photos he took, and they were indeed very good-looking, so it wasn't a lie.

Wen Yanyue's photo, which looked like a blockbuster movie, immediately made her popular and brought a lot of traffic.

These people were all attracted by this photo, wanting to see which big guy took the beauties.

Wen Yanyue also replied to a few questions in the comment area, which was like introducing Zhongli to Wen Yanyue's fans.

【It's a photo taken by the new agent~】

[It was taken by the original camera of the mobile phone, not a movie promotion. 】

While replying, Wen Yanyue called Zhongli: "Sister Rongrong, do you have Weibo? Let's interact with each other?"

Wen Yanyue was also a little red before. She used to have a lot of fans on Weibo, but after what happened later, she lost them one by one.

The fans who are left now are either her beauty fans who only look at her face, or her loyal little fans.

After going through so many things, Wen Yanyue also cherishes those cute little fans who like her, and often interacts with them.

Now that she met Zhongli, she was very happy, and of course she wanted to share this joy with them.

Wen Yanyue's fans saw her reply to the comment, at most they were excited, they were patted on the head by their sister, so they wanted to post it~
But when other passers-by saw it, they felt a little outrageous.

[You told me this photo was taken with a mobile phone? 】

[As far as this photo is concerned, my 10,000+ camera can't take it. You actually said that it was taken by the original camera of the mobile phone. 】

【Hey, the little stars these days are immoral at all, they can't even blush when they tell lies, and their hearts don't beat. 】

【If this photo was taken by a mobile phone, I will use my head to take a picture of the cucumber! 】

[What do you mean, my sister said it was taken by the mobile phone, so it was taken by the mobile phone, she will not lie to us. 】

Wen Yanyue's little fans saw these people acting strangely, and immediately refuted them, but how could a group of little girls beat these people.

Especially this photo, no matter from which angle you look at it, it doesn't look like a photo that can be taken by a mobile phone.

At least the mobile phones on the market can't take pictures.

Ever since, many of Wen Yanyue's fans began to waver, but there were still some who persisted.

Netizens didn't believe that these photos were taken with a mobile phone, if so, they asked Wen Yanyue to show evidence.

Just when there was a lot of quarrels on the Internet, a somewhat blurry photo suddenly appeared in the comment area of ​​Wen Yanyue's Weibo.

It was the situation where Wen Yanyue and Zhongli were taking photos in the afternoon. One person was posing in front, and the other was taking photos with a mobile phone in the back. The environment and characters' clothes of Zhongli in the photo were the same as in the photo, and there was no camera in sight.

After the man posted the photo, he also commented.

[I happened to pass by in the afternoon and saw two beauties taking pictures. I didn't expect to take such good pictures with my mobile phone. I hope I have the opportunity to learn from you. 】

Seeing this, Wen Yanyue's little fans wept with joy.

"Let's say my sister won't lie to us! It was really taken with a mobile phone!"

But there were also people who argued that this person and Wen Yanyue belonged to the same gang, they were singing oboe, and they were talking vigorously, so there were a lot of comments below.

[Brother, look at the information you sprayed on that person. 】

[Look at his profile picture and name, it's Wei Rong! 】

【I'm Big Boss Wei, such a character would definitely not be fake, so it's true. 】

[In case Wei Boss is deceived, he uses his mobile phone to take pictures while taking pictures with his camera. 】

[Wait, can you stop arguing and pay attention to the important point, how did Wen Yanyue, a little star, meet the boss Wei Rong? 】

[Yes, this is a good question! 】

The topic on the Internet was always going wrong, Wen Yanyue was really surprised to see Wei Rong speaking for her, she didn't know such a character.

"It is estimated that the car we met in the afternoon was him." Zhong Li said.

Zhong Li was quite vigilant and didn't notice that someone secretly took pictures of them, and although the angle of the photo was cropped, it could be seen that it should be a picture captured by the dash cam.

"Oh." Wen Yanyue nodded, thanking the other party for speaking for her, "By the way, why did he appear here? Could it be that he also came to participate in the show?"

"Let me check."

Zhong Li pursed her lips. Before that, she really didn't know why this Wei Rong appeared suddenly, maybe it was a coincidence.

"9008, do you know what's going on? Is there any information about Wei Rong? Check it out."

A9008 quickly gave a reply, which was very specific.

"Wei Rong, 28 years old, 186 meters tall, weight...he is now in Guicheng because he was invited to be the author of "Brain Wars"."

"The questioner?"

"I didn't say that before." Zhongli frowned. She checked the program group in detail before, but she didn't see the name Wei Rong in it, which meant that the other party appeared suddenly.

A professor from Peking University suddenly went to be the presenter of a small program, and why?

It's a pity that the information obtained by A9008 is all on the surface, and what the other party is thinking in his heart is not known.

(End of this chapter)

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