Run, host she's not right

Chapter 107 Gold Broker 32

Chapter 107 Gold Broker 32
Wei Rong was stunned for a moment, then understood Zhongli's reaction, and smiled with his lips raised.

"Miss Zhao is really careful."

Zhong Li also smiled, "It's okay to be careless."

After that, I started looking for a car.

"Sister Rong Rong is a very responsible and good manager." Wen Yanyue was also speaking for Zhong Li, and Wei Rong nodded repeatedly.

"Sorry, sorry, it was my fault."

"However, I suggest that you don't look for a car at this time. There are already fans gathered outside the shooting location, and they are very excited. You had better not go out first."

Zhongli and Wen Yanyue looked at each other, and then they both looked at Wei Rong, agreeing.

The fans found outside are all because of Wei Rong.

After all, Wen Yanyue debuted for four years, and she also filmed a lot of movies and TV series. She became a little popular when she first debuted, but Zheng Qiuqiu snatched away all the resources. Now there is some popularity, and Wen Yanyue has filmed some Bad movies, Zheng Qiuqiu's enthusiasm for Wen Yanyue's scandals from time to time.

Therefore, it is unlikely that those fans at the door came here specifically to find Wen Yanyue.

It was probably all because of what happened yesterday. His fans knew that he was filming a variety show in Guicheng, so they traveled all the way to the door of the recording site to wait for someone.

In such a situation, Zhongli and Wen Yanyue had lost their minds, so they left in his car.

Originally, the two of them had the same weibo frame yesterday, and some people were thinking wildly. If they were photographed together again, Wen Yanyue's show would probably be shot for nothing, and they would be accused of going through the back door.

Fortunately, the program team discovered these things in the end, quickly found a few cars, and sent several guests back to the hotel together.

When I drove out of the program recording site, I could see a dozen people waiting at the gate, looking around.

After meeting Wen Yanyue's eyes, someone immediately shouted, "Here, all the guests filming variety shows are here."

After hearing this, people immediately surrounded him. Fortunately, the driver stepped on the gas pedal and ran away before these people caught up.

"It's so dangerous..." Zhong Li complained quietly in his heart.

She didn't pay much attention to the content of those entertainment circles, so after seeing the learning materials of her agent, she thought that those crazy fans were fake, but she didn't expect there to be such crazy people.

I ran all the way here just to see this side.

Fortunately, Wen Yanyue is not popular now, otherwise Zhongli will not only arrange work for her in the future, but also act as a bodyguard for her to block these crazy fans who surround her.

After resting overnight, I started recording the program again the next day.

The variety show "Battle of the Brains" has had many episodes for many years, so they are fully prepared, work efficiently, and do not procrastinate at all, and will soon start filming the third episode.

This level is the simplest, it only needs to use brain power, it is not like before, which requires both brain power and physical strength.

But at the same time, the questions of this level, which is also the final question, are very difficult.

Once you make a mistake and fail, there will be a penalty level.

The name of this level is called "Circle", which means that ten guests sit in a circle, and there is a table in front of each person with their numbers written on it.

Then, a large screen will appear in the center of the stage, on which a guest will be randomly selected to answer a question.

If the selected guest answers incorrectly, one point will be deducted, and the question will be postponed to the heads of two nearby guests, and one will be randomly selected. Similarly, one point will be added for the correct answer, and one point will be deducted for the wrong answer.

After two wrong answers to the question, lucky audiences and questions will continue to be randomly selected.

In short, there are a total of [-] questions, and the numbers of ten guests are randomly selected together. Anyway, every guest will not be left behind.

If you answer a question correctly, you will get one point, if you answer incorrectly, you will deduct one point, and three points will be considered a pass.

After the game is over, guests who fail less than three points will enter the penalty level, and the one with the highest score will become the champion of this episode.

This time, the operation directly made the guests dream of going back to school, facing the teacher's nightmare of roll call and asking questions, and there is an extra level of nightmare Plus version where it is the turn of the deskmate to answer the wrong answer.

Just thinking about it makes me break out in a cold sweat.

But fortunately, in this level, each guest has a chance to help outside the venue.

And Wen Yanyue got a free answer card when she passed the first level yesterday. If she encounters a question that she can't do, she can directly show the free answer card at this station and skip this question. .

But Zhongli and Wen Yanyue had discussed it before.

The two of them didn't just come to participate in the show, they relied on this popular variety show to increase their popularity and expand traffic.

This purpose makes them completely different from those who pass the test in a peaceful manner.

In the first round, Wen Yanyue did a good job, perfectly attracting the audience's attention. I believe that after the broadcast of this variety show, Wen Yanyue will be able to increase her popularity.

And this last hurdle.

" have to see and see." Zhong Li thought for a while and said.

Although after failing this level, you can still participate in a penalty level. There are more opportunities to be featured, and the traffic will naturally increase, but if you can't solve too many problems, it is easy to be detained as an idiot beauty.

But fortunately, the questions of this variety show are notoriously difficult. If they make mistakes and fail, there won't be too many people gossip. As long as they answer the questions well and show their attitude, it will be fine.

What if the topic is really too difficult, they will fail if they can't do it, and they have to pass the penalty level?

After all, he didn't answer the question by himself, so Zhongli couldn't guarantee Wen Yanyue's result.


Wen Yanyue looked at Zhongli and nodded obediently, but in her heart she somehow felt that Zhongli's sigh seemed a little cute.

It feels like a child pretending to be old.

Thinking of this, Wen Yanyue felt that she had been kicked in the head by a donkey. "Sister Rongrong" was older than her, more mature and stable than her. Treating her like a child, isn't that an insult to others?
So when the director called for preparations, Wen Yanyue ran away as if her butt was on fire, and she didn't even dare to look at Zhong Li.

The third round began soon. Wen Yanyue and a group of guests sat down in their seats, and the turntable on the central screen began to spin.

So the eyes of the guests were fixed on the central screen, wondering who would be the topic and the unlucky one selected in this round?

A tense atmosphere surrounds the entire recording site.

Soon, the carousel ended, and an unlucky guest was randomly selected, and began to ask questions. The other guests secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the questions.

Only the neighbors on both sides of this selected lucky guest raised their hearts together, hoping that they would not be selected if they got the wrong answer later.

Unfortunately, the first selected guest gave the wrong answer after thinking for a minute.

"It's a pity that guest No. [-] gave the wrong answer. Come on, let's see who will solve this question?"

"Well, I walked onto the stage with my left foot today, so congratulations to guest No. [-] on the left, and guest No. [-] to answer!"


Wen Yanyue seemed to hear the guest next door whispering something extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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