Run, host she's not right

Chapter 110 Gold Broker 31

Chapter 110 Gold Broker 31
Zhongli and Wen Yanyue were very grateful to the director for his help. After returning home, they immediately contacted the phone number he gave and successfully won an interview opportunity for Wen Yanyue.

Even if it's just a female supporting role in Fan [-] and doesn't have many roles, Wen Yanyue is already very satisfied.

Zhongli and A9008 were also very happy.

A9008 was so excited that he wanted to jump up.

"Great, great, Wen Yanyue has a movie to shoot, which means that she will soon return to the entertainment circle, step on Zheng Qiuqiu's feet, and defeat them, so that we can complete the task soon!"

Zhong Li squinted her eyes with a happy expression. She was also very excited to make it this far.

Two rookies who are new to the society, they are looking forward to the successful conclusion of the work and the praise from others.

But Zhongli did not drift away, and his vigilance did not decrease.

"This is just the beginning. I haven't gone to the audition yet. I don't know what the future will be like."

After all, this is a real world, and they can't figure out the specific development at all, and they can't predict it.

"Hey, you're such a disappointment!"

Seeing that Zhongli was not as excited as it was, A9008 was somewhat dissatisfied.

Even if Wen Yanyue couldn't rely on this movie to become famous in one fell swoop, at least they had already taken the first step, why didn't they even give them a little bit of fun...

Zhongli didn't pay attention to A9008's thoughts, she wasn't unagitated, but Zhongli understood that everything would change before it settled down.

Just like at the beginning, she thought in a hurry that she was the highest scorer in this year's college entrance examination, but she was able to even take the first exam.

Now, instead of fantasizing about the future after the filming of this movie, it is better to start working, to be a dedicated agent, and to find information for Wen Yanyue to participate in this movie.

Zhong Li quickly found the information, although it was not much, but it was enough for the two of them to figure out what role the third female character was in and what the characters were.

Generally speaking, this is a fairy puppet show, that is, the hero and heroine are gods, and they come down to the world to fall in love and save the world by the way.

As for the identity of the third female lead, she is a mortal, the senior sister of the reincarnated male lead, who is gentle and considerate, and takes care of the male lead everywhere. After finally knowing about the male lead and the male lead, she feels bitter in her heart, and then chooses to quit the supporting role.

Wen Yanyue had spent a lot of time in the entertainment industry anyway, and she was born with an ability to recognize scripts. After seeing the script of the third female, Wen Yanyue frowned slightly.

Zhong Li has not forgotten the cramming education recently, and has read all the materials that the agent needs to learn, and even signed up for an advanced advanced class. When Wen Yanyue enters the filming group, she will go to participate in the training to improve her development contacts.

Zhong Li didn't miss out on the study of the script. In addition, Zhong Li was smart, so he saw the advantages and disadvantages of the script.

In terms of character design, it is good, there is nothing to be picky about, but in terms of the participation of the plot and the depth of the audience, it is a bit mediocre, with no memory point, similar to a passerby character.

Such a character, in a movie of more than 100 minutes, I don’t know if there is a 10-minute appearance time, and such a character design is too facial, destined to be hard to remember.

After reading it, I probably remember a big sister, and I don’t remember the rest.

If Wen Yanyue were to choose such a role script, she would definitely not choose it, but this moment is different.

Now it's her asking for the script, not the script asking her.

This script was introduced to her by the director. It was the director who had a lot of affection for her and found her such an impeccable role. It's nothing for her to be picky.

If she misses this book, she doesn't know if she still has filming.

So Wen Yanyue didn't say much, took the information that Zhongli had found, and began to figure out the plot characters and simulate the plot, hoping to leave a good impression during the audition and get the script.

"This female fourth is not bad..."

Zhong Li read the script roughly, and his eyes fell on the role of the female fourth.

This female fourth is also a mortal, unruly young lady, she fell in love with the male lead at a glance, and then followed the male lead all the time. Being scolded deserves it.

Wen Yanyue listened to Zhongli's words, carefully watched the scene about the fourth female, and nodded involuntarily.

"You're right."

Although the plot of this female fourth will make people itch and feel that she is "acting", but this kind of "acting" can leave a deep impact on people. As for what kind of "acting" will be performed, it depends on the actors. acting skills.

What Wen Yanyue lacked now was the audience's impression.

She urgently needs to maximize her enthusiasm before Zheng Qiuqiu discovers her intentions, so that Zheng Qiuqiu will no longer be able to hide Wen Yanyue in the snow and intercept Wen Yanyue's resources as before.

"Think about these two scripts carefully, and then try to audition for the role of the fourth female role. If it doesn't work, go for the third female role."

Zhongli thought for a while, and decided to let Wen Yanyue have a try.

Although the female fourth is a delicate and headstrong character, Zhongli believes that Wen Yanyue can discover the loveliness of this character by relying on her acting skills.

Besides, if it doesn't work, isn't there still Zhongli, the "leader of the water army"?
After all, he is a "small actor", and he will not let people out of the play if he does it in and out of the play.

"it is good."

Wen Yanyue nodded in response, she also wanted to give this role a try.

So, after going back, both Zhongli and Wen Yanyue were immersed in their work, and soon it was the audition date.

After a week of tempering, Wen Yanyue was full of confidence.

The two went to the audition location together, which was in a studio in a high-rise building in the capital.

As soon as you enter, you can see all kinds of beautiful brothers and sisters everywhere, with fair skin, beautiful skin, tall and tall.

As soon as Zhongli and Wen Yanyue entered, many people stared at them clearly and secretly, judging how much they were capable of competing with themselves.

However, since this is Director Guo's studio, no one would make trouble here.

Before the audition started, Zhongli and Wen Yanyue found a place to sit down and wait.

Time passed little by little, and more and more people auditioned.

A9008 became a little apprehensive, and began to whisper to Zhongli quietly: "There are so many people, can Wen Yanyue be selected successfully!"

It panicked.

In fact, Zhong Li is not very sure.

If Wen Yanyue was still the daughter of the interface and had great luck, let alone a small supporting role, even the heroine would be fine.

But now Wen Yanyue's luck has been absorbed by Zheng Qiuqiu and the others until there is only a shell left, it's really hard to say whether she can pass.

But this must not be said to A9008.

Zhongli looked calm and replied confidently.

"You have to trust her!"

(End of this chapter)

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