Run, host she's not right

Chapter 116 Gold Broker 41

Chapter 116 Gold Broker 41
Zhongli didn't listen to dissuasion, and came all the way to the bridge, and Xing Ji found Zhongli far away.

Seeing that "Zhao Sirong" really appeared, a tricky smile appeared on his face.

He knew he could make it.

Zhong Li walked up to Xing Ji, seeing Xing Ji who was still acting in front of the live broadcast camera, Zhong Li slapped him, just slapped him.

This slap stunned the people present and those watching the live broadcast.

Xing Ji looked at Zhongli in disbelief, stretched out his hand to stroke his face, and couldn't believe that "Zhao Sirong" actually slapped him.

An angry expression appeared on his face immediately, but after he realized that he picked up the live broadcast, he changed into a sad look: "Rongrong, what are you picking up?"

In the dark, after avoiding the camera, he gritted his teeth and made a mouth shape, looking at Zhongli viciously and asked.

"Don't forget to take a picture of..."

Before Xing Ji could finish speaking, Zhong Li spoke loudly, lowered his words, and looked angry.

"Xing Ji, do you know what you are doing? You disturbed public order and blocked this bridge for several hours. How many people's time was wasted and how much police force was wasted."

"What is life and death, you just want to use these to blackmail me, deceive the masses and kidnap me with morality, you have always been so selfish, you used to be like this, and you are still like this now, let me tell you, even if I die, I will not die." Will never be with you."

Zhong Li said loudly, and her words were clearly transmitted into the live broadcast, letting countless people who followed her know.

It can be said that the skin of Xing Ji was torn off severely.

Xing Ji looked at Zhongli in disbelief, how could it be possible, didn't he already send a photo to threaten "Zhao Sirong"?
Isn't "Zhao Sirong" afraid that he would put out those explicit photos of her and make her feel ashamed?How dare she say these things to herself in public?

With a dark face, Xing Ji glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room. The barrage refreshed so fast that he couldn't see it clearly, but there were a lot of people under the bridge on both sides.

Immediately someone yelled that he was disgusting.

Seeing this, Xing Ji immediately turned off the live broadcast on his mobile phone, and then grabbed Zhongli's hand, intending to make one last threat.

The live broadcast of the mobile phone has been turned off, and the people under the bridge are too far away to see clearly, so Xing Ji finally showed a ferocious expression on his face, showing a vicious face to Zhong Li.

"Zhao Sirong, aren't you afraid? I have a lot of photos in my hand. Once these photos are circulated, not only will you lose face, but your parents' faces will also be lost!"

"I advise you to listen to me obediently, we..."

"Tsk!" Zhong Li interrupted Xing Ji's words, squinting at him, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Before threatening someone, you didn't plan to make sure, is your photo still there?"

"You..." Xing Ji quickly realized that he thought that "Zhao Sirong" and the others had hacked into his mobile computer and deleted the photos.

Xing Ji looked at Zhongli with a sullen face, as if mocking her innocence: "Hahahaha, Zhao Sirong, you don't think my photos are only stored in the phone, do you?"

"Brother tells you, I have many backups, don't even try to escape from my palm..."

Xing Ji looked at "Zhao Sirong" fiercely, thinking in his heart, take these photos and see how he kills this bitch.

He treats her kindly, doesn't appreciate it, and even dares to beat her, so he doesn't have to show mercy anymore.


Facing Xing Ji's threat, Zhong Li didn't show any fear on his face, even his eyes were full of sarcasm, like looking at a fool.

Xing Ji was enraged very quickly, he picked up Zhongli's collar, "Zhao Sirong, don't toast or eat fine wine..."

Originally, Xing Ji pretended to be sitting outside the fence beside the bridge, as if he was heartbroken and wanted to jump off the bridge.

Now he picked up Zhongli's collar angrily, and Zhongli also put up his feet very cooperatively, forming a dangerous and dangerous picture of Xing Ji about to pull "Zhao Sirong" into the river.

This time, the crowd under the bridge gasped and looked at the two nervously.

The police officer, who was afraid to approach by the bridge, was now approaching with a serious and cautious face, intending to rescue the two of them.

As a result, before they could act, they saw Xing Ji pulling "Zhao Sirong", and both of them fell into the river, causing huge splashes.

This immediately startled everyone, and immediately lifeguards began to go into the river to save people.

Those who were shocked were not only everyone onlookers, but also Xing Ji.

Xing Ji, he naturally cherishes his life very much, and he came here to do the jumping into the river just to blackmail "Zhao Sirong", if so, he would be the first to run away.

But when he fell down with "Zhao Sirong", he was so frightened that his head went blank.

He didn't notice at all that Zhongli, who was caught by him, had a triumphant smile on his face.



Xing Ji, who was supposed to jump into the river, actually jumped, and even dragged "Zhao Sirong" to jump together.

The most important thing is that in the eyes of everyone, Xing Ji was forced to jump into the river together with "Zhao Sirong" by the collar. In this way, he committed the crime of intentional homicide under the eyes of everyone.

Fortunately, the two of them fell into the river together, and they were not injured when they fell into the water. After "Zhao Sirong" woke up, he immediately sued Xing Ji.

This time, Xing Ji committed the crime in full view, and there was no possibility of escaping the crime. "Zhao Sirong" was unwilling to forgive, and even produced other evidence to sue Xing Ji for other crimes.

Xing Ji panicked when he dived into the water, but later he came to his senses, and "Zhao Sirong" couldn't really let "Zhao Sirong" send him to prison with a bright future.

Immediately, he called a lawyer and friends, and asked them to go to the place where he hid the photos, take out all the photos, and then use them to threaten "Zhao Sirong" to forgive all this.

As a result, there was nothing in these places.

Xing Ji was also afraid that these people would be bought by "Zhao Sirong", so he immediately found other trustworthy people, even his parents, to get photos from other places.

But no matter who he looked for or where he went to get the photos, those photos he hid were gone.

"It's gone, how could it be gone..." Xing Ji muttered to himself, and his heart began to panic.

If there is no photo to threaten "Zhao Sirong", she will definitely not let her go, and he will go to jail.

Where did those photos go?

He obviously hid it alone, no one found it, no one knew about it, why did it disappear?

Thinking about it, Xing Ji seemed to be stunned by the stimulation, and he had a mental problem, muttering to himself, how is this possible, this is impossible...

(End of this chapter)

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