Run, host she's not right

Chapter 120 Gold Broker 45

Chapter 120 Gold Broker 45
It still looks like this after several filmings, but in the end the director could only yell and go to shoot the next scene, but fortunately, one has already been filmed for this one, which is useful.

It's just that the director couldn't help muttering in his heart, Zheng Qiuqiu had acted well before, but after one scene, she was asked to make up a few more.

For Zheng Qiuqiu, who won the Best Actress Award, she should not have made such a mistake in her acting skills. Is it because she is dissatisfied with a director who is not well-known like him and asked to make more of these, so she loses her temper and refuses? How about a good shot?
This has to make the director think more.

After all, Zheng Qiuqiu's acting skills are still there, it's just that her emotional movements are a few beats slower, as if on purpose.

In the next few scenes, Zheng Qiuqiu's acting skills became more and more outrageous. The heroine she played seemed to be a few beats behind everyone, and she could never keep up with the rhythm.

Even though she has already decided to move, she can still go wrong, or she can't remember, and what's even more outrageous is her lines, which she can't remember or say in a wrong way.

This time, the director was really angry.

This Zheng Qiuqiu is really deceiving people too much! ! !

The director was so angry that he turned his head and left, leaving Zheng Qiuqiu, who was equally angry, slapping the table with her hand, and said with a stern look.

"Just go."

After hearing this, the director immediately blew his beard and stared, this Zheng Qiuqiu is really irritating! !
It's so disrespectful!

If she had this three-point emotion in the scene with the villain just now, instead of limp and chirping, he would have shouted, would he have shouted! !
Seeing that the director was angry and stopped shooting, Zhongli and Wen Yanyue looked at each other, Zhongli showed an embarrassed but polite smile, and asked A9008 in his heart.

"This is how the same thing?"

A9008 cried out loudly, "It's none of my business, it's Zheng Qiuqiu who doesn't even memorize her lines and her location, it all depends on that system."

So they delayed the system, and Zheng Qiuqiu's acting lines were delayed by a few beats.

Zhongli: "..."

Good guy, how can he be an actor so easily without doing anything!
"Then what should we do now?" A9008 asked.

Zhongli thought for a moment, "Let's reduce the delay effect, a minute and a half will be fine."

The delay was too long, she was afraid that the director would be pissed off, how would the scene be filmed then?
Besides, this filming is not about learning and doing problems alone. It’s a late filming, just take your time, but if you are filming a scene with several people, as long as you can’t keep up, it will be particularly prominent and you will be disgusted. up.

At this time, Zheng Qiuqiu was also very angry and aggrieved and poked at his system: "System system, what are you doing!"

"Why is it so slow, so late?"

As a result, the system appeared slowly after a while, and the electronic voice said slowly.

"I do not know either……"

After communicating with the system for a while, I couldn't get any information, and even the system had to be updated to check what the problem was.

In this way, doesn't she have no system?
Without the help of the system, she couldn't memorize the lines, what to do! ! !
This made Zheng Qiuqiu go crazy.

"Qiuqiu, you have an event that you need to participate in. You have to finish filming a few days in advance to allow time..." At this time, a woman in a suit came to Zheng Qiuqiu with materials and said.

Zheng Qiuqiu, who was already depressed by the system to update and couldn't control her, immediately threw the information in her hand on the ground when she heard this.

"I haven't finished filming today's scene, how can I advance!"

Zheng Qiuqiu said angrily, without showing any face to this woman, he bumped her shoulder and walked out of the dressing room.

The woman who lost face had an embarrassing expression on her face, and forcibly held back the emotions on her face, but she still felt that the eyes of the people around her looked at her with mockery.

She lowered her head to pick up something, rushed out quickly, and bumped into someone accidentally.


"Hey, sister Rong Rong, are you okay?"

Seeing someone bump into "Zhao Sirong", Wen Yanyue quickly looked at Zhong Li, seeing that Zhong Li shook her head and was fine, then she looked at the person who bumped into him.

When the woman raised her head, both of them had surprised expressions on their faces, and the woman even lowered her head and fled in despair.

Wen Yanyue looked at the woman leaving quickly, with anger and loneliness on her face.

"What's the matter, do you know that person?" Zhong Li looked at the person who ran away, knowingly asked.

Wen Yanyue grabbed Zhongli's hand and said with a little grievance in her voice.

"She, she was my former manager." The person who had been with her all the way, turned his back on Zheng Qiuqiu in the end and stabbed her instead.

"It turned out to be her. No wonder she bumped into someone. It turned out to be poor vision."

Zhongli's voice was indifferent, but without moving his expression, he coaxed Wen Yanyue to smile.

"Yes, she has bad eyesight, not as good as Sister Rong Rong."

"Don't be so boastful!"


Without Zheng Qiuqiu's system, her acting skills are even worse. Her original "late" acting skills, this time, are simply gone.

It's nothing if you don't have acting skills, and the actors don't even have the most professional ability to memorize scripts and remember where to go.

This made the director very worried, and said that he was cheated!
It's fine if you don't remember the lines, and you can dub in the later stage, but you don't even remember the location, how can he add special effects in the later stage of this Xianxia movie! ! !
The director immediately asked for a change of actors, but due to the influence of the capital father, nothing could be changed in the end.

In the end, the director could only cut the role of the heroine again and again, focusing on shooting other actors, and he was unwilling to shoot Zheng Qiuqiu as the heroine.

This made Zheng Qiuqiu jump up and down, but it was useless, who made her system go offline.

Wen Yanyue, whose scenes were emphasized, was exhausted, and kept filming like spinning around.

While filming during the day, she would discuss the script with Zhong Li at night, discussing how to film this unruly young lady without being hated by others.

There's no way, Wen Yanyue's unruly young lady is set up as a mortal with no cultivation. Now that she has been added to the role, it means that she will continue to follow the hero and heroine all the way.

This delicate and willful character is still so noisy, which undoubtedly displeases the audience, but Zhongli and Wen Yanyue can't let her go on like this.

So every day, the two of us, or discuss the plot with the director and other actors, and then hone my acting skills at night, and try to add some sparkle to this character, so that she is cute and charming at the same time, so that people will not be disliked.

Wen Yanyue, who has been staying on the set, is open-minded and studious, in stark contrast to Zheng Qiuqiu, who has no acting skills and is arrogant and disobedient. Not only did the director and other veteran actors hate him, but he was also willing to give Wen Yanyue some pointers.

And Zhongli, relying on his hard work and ingenuity, got acquainted with those actors' managers, and these will become Zhongli's contacts in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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