Run, host she's not right

Chapter 122 Gold Broker 47

Chapter 122 Gold Broker 47
Zhongli soon discovered this situation, so naturally he would not let the heat continue to spread.

Didn't you see that Zheng Qiuqiu called Cheng Ruo and Wen Yanyue by name? If you don't deal with this matter, she has been busy making variety shows and movies for so long, and it's all in vain.

Zheng Qiuqiu's acting skills are obvious to all, Zheng Qiuqiu also knows this, that's why she is so nervous.

As for the other people in the crew bullying her, that's ridiculous, at most it's Cheng Ruo and her verbally fighting.

After all, everyone is so busy with work and things are always busy, so there is no time to target people.

Zhongli didn't even need A9008's help, he just got a few videos from the monitor in the crew, which can completely prove that what Zheng Qiuqiu said is false.

Zhong Li didn't use his and Wen Yanyue's accounts to post videos, nor did he use his previous alias, so he continued to create a new alias to post videos to prove it.

Soon Zhongli discovered that before the video was circulated, someone from the background came to delete the video, and this person should be Zheng Qiuqiu.

After Zhongli refused, she found that someone had hacked into her computer along the network cable, touched the anti-theft wall set by Zhongli, and reminded her.

Zhongli's eyes lit up immediately, "Hey, this is really bold."

That's right, those people before, how can they compare with Zheng Qiuqiu.

Zhong Li immediately tapped the keyboard and began to stop the other party's movements, and at the same time tried to counter-invade and go back, but this plan could not be carried out because Zhong Li could not find the other party's address.

Now, she immediately understood that it should be the system on her that Zheng Qiuqiu invaded her computer.

It is the same as A9008, powerful but does not belong to this world, Zhongli can't stop the opponent if he can't figure out such a black technology.

But fortunately, Zhong Li had the foresight to delete all the information on this account, even formatted everything on the computer, and then directly threw the computer into the water.

There was a sound of "呲", black smoke and lightning came out.

Zhongli's sudden movement startled both Wen Yanyue and A9008.

"Sister Rongrong, what's the matter?"

Wen Yanyue put down the script in her hand and looked at it.

A9008 also chirped: "What's going on, what's going on."

Zhong Li looked at the computer soaking in the fish tank in the hotel room with a calm expression, while comforting Wen Yanyue: "It's okay." At the same time, he told A9008 to clean up quickly.

"Zheng Qiuqiu's system has invaded my computer. I guess the other party just wanted to find out who I am, and just deleted the post and evidence by the way. Now I destroy everything quickly, and it will definitely find something wrong. Then we will step up our efforts and focus on thorough investigations."

"Ah, ah, why didn't you tell me that something like this happened!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, A9008 quickly used his ability to help Zhongli clean up the tail, not forgetting to complain about Zhongli's unauthorized actions.

Who does she think she is, just do what she wants, without discussing with it, can she do these systems?

Zhong Li snorted coldly, "Isn't it because you're negligent in your duty, you didn't even know the other party was calling?"

"You must know that you are an advanced spiritual body! Shouldn't you have discovered these nihilistic things faster than me?"

If she hadn't vigilantly installed protection on the computer, and had a few laptops for backup, the foundation would have been touched.

This time, A9008 was silent, and even when it heard the "advanced spiritual body" in Zhongli's mouth, it felt a sense of guilt.

Haha, what, it is indeed careless.

With the dual operations of Zhongli and A9008, Zheng Qiuqiu and her system naturally found nothing.

But Zheng Qiuqiu was also surprised, who was this person, who had such a quick reaction, and deleted everything so quickly.

"Who is she!" Zheng Qiuqiu exasperated.

"It must be Cheng Ruo. Only she can spend so much money to find a hacker."

Zheng Qiuqiu kept chanting, and after scolding this and which one, it took a long time for her system to speak coldly.

"No, there is a 90.00% possibility that this hacker should be from Wen Yanyue."

"Her?" Zheng Qiuqiu asked, frowning.

"She has the ability?"

It's no wonder Zheng Qiuqiu underestimated this "original heroine". In Zheng Qiuqiu's eyes, Wen Yanyue, the heroine, had already sucked away all her luck and was crushed to nothing by her.

The degree of annoyance to her these days is even worse than that of Cheng Ruo.

Wen Yanyue knew how to hold the script and huddle in the corner reading all day long, so she never came out and couldn't see her figure. When filming, she was even scolded by the director from time to time, repeating it.

In Zheng Qiuqiu's eyes, Wen Yanyue was already a defeated opponent, and he didn't take her seriously at all.

But he didn't know that it was because the director focused on Wen Yanyue and planned to hone her acting skills that he was so harsh on her.

After all, in this movie, the heroine's sharp acting skills are not needed, and Cheng Ruo is a guest star in the fourth episode, no matter how good her acting skills are, she only has such a small role.

The director had to put the rest of the shots on the leading actor and other supporting roles, and Wen Yanyue worked hard and obediently caught his eyes, so he would naturally add more drama to Wen Yanyue, give pointers, and hone her acting skills .

Zheng Qiuqiu didn't understand any of these things.

Now the system said it was Wen Yanyue's mess, which made Zheng Qiuqiu suspicious.

"Is it because you are too afraid of her that you put all these things on her?"

The system did not refute Zheng Qiuqiu, but presented a set of data, all of which were calculated by it.

Seeing what the system gave, Zheng Qiuqiu couldn't help being surprised.

"What, although I haven't found out where this video came from, the information on the Internet shows that there are inexplicably many unmanned accounts, speaking for Wen Yanyue, and four months ago, a hacker helped Wen Yanyue Yue's manager, Zhao Sirong!"

"And the data shows that your host's counterattack integrity is 85%." The system said coldly.

The system's words hit Zheng Qiuqiu harder than all the previous words. Her eyes widened in disbelief, and there were various expressions on her face that the director said was facial paralysis.

"Impossible! I entered Yuyue before, and the progress bar was already at 95%, why is it back to 85% now? Why didn't you tell me about this, don't remind me!"

Obviously she worked so hard and spent so much effort to pull the progress bar to 95%. She thought that she would kick Wen Yanyue out of the entertainment circle immediately and kill her, but now she told her that Wen Yanyue went back up.

"And you never said that this progress bar will go backwards!"

(End of this chapter)

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