Run, host she's not right

Chapter 126 Gold Broker 51

Chapter 126 Gold Broker 51
When I saw the ambulance on the Internet, I was wondering if there was an accident during filming.

Someone in the hospital also recognized Wen Yanyue, and immediately took pictures of her with their mobile phones. After all, Wen Yanyue is no longer the little transparent person she was in the past.

A patient in the hospital recognized her, and immediately took a short video and posted it on the Internet, saying that the person who came to the hospital was Wen Yanyue, but she didn't seem to be in any serious health problems.

Now it's all right, it's nothing serious, but he came to the hospital in an ambulance. Isn't this playing a big role and abusing public resources?
As a result, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and they began to point at Wen Yanyue's popularity. After a while, she began to play big names.

It's really hypocritical and unprofessional to have to go to the hospital for a little injury.

There are a lot of words of all kinds, and they are all in Heiwen Yanyue.

Seeing this, Zhongli and Wen Yanyue also understood that this was not just what passers-by were talking about, there must have been other artists who had ended up black Wen Yanyue.

After all, in a short period of time, she has grown from an unknown over-the-top star to such a height in the blink of an eye, and even joined Starlight Company with the treatment of a first-line actress.

This made many people jealous, even in Starlight Company, there were many artists who were jealous and wanted to trip Wen Yanyue.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, they certainly won't miss it, so Wen Yanyue's big-name play became a hot search all of a sudden.

This is not easy to handle.

Because Yunhechuan is an investor in the film crew, and he has many backgrounds, releasing his news without asking for his consent will undoubtedly offend him and the forces behind him.

Moreover, Wen Yanyue, an unmarried female celebrity, got involved with a man, so it was easy to be criticized for what happened to the two of them.

Zhong Li didn't know about the others, but seeing how close Yun Hechuan and Zheng Qiuqiu were before, it seemed that they were still a couple. Zhong Li and Wen Yanyue didn't want anything to do with him.

So how to cover up things on the Internet is also a difficult task.

But she is Zhongli, and what she fears the most is difficulties.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. You can recover your energy and go back to filming." Zhong Li patted Wen Yanyue's shoulder to comfort her.

After returning to the residence from the hospital, Zhongli took a shower and felt much more comfortable.

The wet hair on the sideburns stuck to her fair cheeks like seaweed. Zhong Li casually wiped his hair with a towel, and then went to work with the computer in his arms.

Zhong Li first collected the previous ones, and carefully looked at the surveillance videos about Zheng Qiuqiu.

Since Zheng Qiuqiu dared to treat Wen Yanyue like this, of course Zhongli would go back without fear of revenge.

Zheng Qiuqiu, who is now a movie queen, is of course much more popular than Wen Yanyue, so a video about her suddenly became popular.

Nothing else, it's a video about Zheng Qiuqiu's acting skills.

I can't tell where the video came from. In a certain crew, Zheng Qiuqiu's acting skills and lines are slowed down with other people every time. It is worse than the new actors. It makes people speechless to the extreme. up.

This video was not shot by Zhongli, but she found it by searching big data on the Internet.

The original author who posted the video should be an employee of a certain crew. The first time he met an actress like Zheng Qiuqiu, everyone in their crew was stunned.

Because of Zheng Qiuqiu's mistakes, the entire crew had to work overtime. This video was made by the original author, but not many people paid attention to it at first.

And Zhongli added fire to him, making the video instantly popular for everyone to see.

It's not that Zhongli doesn't have Zheng Qiuqiu's videos. The best thing is to film the ancient puppet movie "Clouds and Moons" with her.

In this crew, Zheng Qiuqiu's system went on strike, exposing her real acting skills and her lines that never got right, that's what she called hot eyes.

It's just that in this movie, Wen Yanyue also participated in the role, plus it was posted once before, and Zhong Li was afraid that Wen Yanyue would be involved if it was involved, and he would hurt the enemy by one thousand and himself eight hundred. It wouldn't be nice to let this movie get by.

So Zhong Li didn't make any big moves, but just used the existing video to make this matter bigger, so that everyone would pay attention to Zheng Qiuqiu and look away from Wen Yanyue.

No, as soon as Zheng Qiuqiu's video came out, it immediately attracted a lot of melon eaters.

After all, the melons of the actresses in the entertainment industry are of course more attractive than the melons of Xiaohua.

In addition, there have been rumors before that Zheng Qiuqiu's acting skills are not good enough, and it all depends on the backstage.

But some people refuted, if Zheng Qiuqiu's acting skills are not up to standard, are all her previous works fake?

The vivid characters in it, are they dreaming?
You can't convince me, and I can't convince you, so the two groups of people quarreled, and the quarrel was very heated, and Wen Yanyue's matter was immediately forgotten.

Zheng Qiuqiu and the others were affected by this video, after all, this is how she has been recently.

Whenever those netizens @Director, or actors from the same crew, their vague replies make the netizens excited, as if they have come into contact with the truth.

In the end, even though Zheng Qiuqiu deleted the video, this incident that had already caused a lot of noise was still remembered by netizens.

Once Zheng Qiuqiu's movie or TV show is released, they will beat him to death.

This matter is not over yet, Zhongli handed over the clues that A9008 had collected from Vialy to the company for them to deal with.

Zheng Qiuqiu is not in this crew, if she wants to tamper with Wen Yan's Wia, someone must help her.

And this person is from Yuyue Company. Now that they have evidence, Starlight Company immediately went to Yuyue Company. The cover of a top fashion magazine.

This should be the compensation from Yuyue Company to Wen Yanyue. In addition to the compensation from Yuyue Company, their own Starlight Company also gave Wen Yanyue a lot of resources, saying that it was to compensate Wen Yanyue for being injured this time.

It's just that only Zhongli and the others know the real reason for the starlight.

Looking at the employees of Yuyue who were respectful to her, Wen Yanyue felt as if she had let out a bad breath, and she felt much more comfortable.


Seeing the other party's good attitude and the compensation offered, Zhong Li didn't hold on anymore.

After Wen Yanyue took a day off, she went back to the set to continue filming, and took time off to shoot endorsement commercials and magazine covers with Zhong Li.

Zhong Li didn't use the company's photographer, but found her a famous photographer in Country Y.

Wen Yanyue took a group of photos in his hands, processed them, and after being published in a magazine, they immediately amazed everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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