Run, host she's not right

Chapter 13 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 12

Chapter 13 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 12
Faced with such a setting, Zhongli has no way to say anything, of course it is useless to say anything, and it should not change it.

After going back and forth, Zhongli has been very proficient in parkour on the roof of the car.

With her long legs, she landed on the car that was one car away from the fat woman, and then jumped out of the car, slashing the ax in her hand with a strong wind.

After killing a zombie who was circling around Yan Meimei's car with an axe, Zhong Li turned his head away and avoided the bodily fluids.

After killing a zombie, Zhongli didn't stop, and quickly eliminated all the zombies surrounding their car.

All the zombies in the vicinity were attracted away by Zhongli's big movement. Although they were not killed by her, with their slow pace, it would take some time to rush back here.

Zhongli's guess was right, when there was no threat of zombies around her, the fat woman's legs immediately became softer, and at the same time, familiar red characters appeared above her head.


Extra points, it seems that she has successfully completed this question.

However, just these three points, is it too picky?
She was rescued from surrounded by many zombies. Is it reasonable to give only three points?

But now is not the time to worry about this, after Zhongli dealt with the zombies, he got down on his stomach and fiddled with the car where Yan Meimei and the others were hiding.

Yan Meimei was confused, she climbed off the car carefully, looked at Zhongli and asked.

"Ali, what are you doing?"

"We have to run away, or the zombies will come back later."

Yan Meimei reminds Zhongli.

"I know, let's go right away, you get the motorcycle out first, or you won't be fast enough for a while."

Zhong Li didn't raise her head, she continued to tinker, and after quickly finishing one car, she ran to another car to tinker.

"Not fast enough?"

Yan Meimei didn't understand what Zhongli meant. There were no zombies around, and they were safe. Even if the zombies came from the direction Zhongli led away, such a long distance and the slow speed of the zombies were enough for them run away.

Although Yan Meimei didn't understand what Zhongli meant, she still took out the motorcycle that was stored in the space ring.

This is also a kind of work for her.

His hands were busy with Zhong Li, and he was very satisfied with Yan Meimei's movements.

It seemed that her guess was correct, even if she didn't seize the space ring, she could still obtain the right to use the space ring.

The fat woman didn't seem to notice Yan Meimei's sudden act of taking out a motorcycle out of thin air, and she didn't have the slightest doubt or greed in her actions.

Without the threat of zombies, the fat woman also climbed off the roof, and her smooth movements did not match her weight at all.

The fat woman looked at Zhongli's actions, although she didn't understand her plan, she continued to say: "Little girl, I..."

At this time, Zhongli, who had been messing with several cars, finally climbed out from under the car, and she waved her dirty hands.

"Let's talk about something later, it's important to escape now."

"Escape?" The fat woman whose words were interrupted looked puzzled. Aren't they already out of danger?
Isn't there no zombies anymore?

Why run for your life?

Yan Meimei didn't understand what Zhongli meant.

"Ali, what do you mean?"

"You will understand in a while." Zhongli said mysteriously.

She looked around and noticed that there happened to be a fire hydrant not far away. Zhongli walked in front of the red fire hydrant. She didn't know what she was messing with. With a "poof", a large amount of water began to gushe out from the fire hydrant. out of water.

The continuous stream of water flooded half of the road at once.

But Zhongli ignored it at all, and continued to open the nearby fire hydrants and fire hoses, and exploded. For a while, the water that kept coming out surged up into the air and then fell, covering the road like rain. They were all flooded.

And after such a long delay, the attracted zombies could already be seen, and they began to appear faintly again.

"Ah Li, the zombies are back." Yan Meimei looked at the zombies that appeared, and reminded Zhong Li to stop doing these messy things and run for her life.

"I know, come on, everyone get in the car first." Zhong Li, who was all dirty and wet, was not surprised at all. She got on the motorcycle first, then patted the car, reminding Yan Meimei and the others to get in the car first .

"Well, you come up first, Meimei sits in the back."

Zhong Li began to arrange the seats.

Yan Meimei swallowed her saliva as she looked at the shiny black motorcycle with a cool shape, and then at the fat woman with a full tonnage.

The fat woman was very obedient, she got on the motorcycle with one leg, and the tires were pushed down immediately, and Zhong Li, who was sitting on the motorcycle with posses, was even shaken by the car, and the whole person leaned on the front of the motorcycle Lie down.

Seeing that the fat woman got on the motorcycle, there was only a little space left, Yan Meimei swallowed her saliva, and sat on it. Although she was light and thin, half of her buttocks were still hanging in the air when she got on the motorcycle.

Yan Meimei grabbed the motorcycle in fear, fearing that she would be thrown away when the car started to drive.

Zhongli, who was sitting at the front of the car, was also uncomfortable. The fat woman sat on it alone. The woman sat in the middle of the scooter, which was protruding forward and backward. Zhongli was pushed to the front of the car, and finally couldn't sit down , can only stand and drive.

This appearance is an authentic Roujiamo, with a piece of meat inside, sandwiching the buns on both sides.

Yan Meimei looked at this posture and reminded: "Ah Li, there is still a distance before the zombies come over, we just run, it's too dangerous to take a car."

Zhongli: "No, we are running too slowly, there will be danger."

It's this sentence again, Yan Meimei doesn't understand, why is there danger, where does the danger come from?

Isn't it more dangerous to get into a car accident?
Zhongli turned the front of the car, found the direction to leave, and even turned on the car, but she didn't drive.

Looking forward to the endless traffic, as if waiting for something.

Seeing Zhongli's actions, Yan Meimei had a not-so-good idea in her heart.

No way……

As if to prove that Yan Meimei guessed correctly, with a "coax", the ground under her feet seemed to shake, and the glass of the surrounding buildings shook violently, making a buzzing sound.

In the direction where Zhongli was running, a mushroom cloud was clearly visible from the endless traffic flow, and the orange-red flames could feel the heat from a distance.

Seeing this, Yan Meimei's eyes couldn't help but widen, she immediately figured out what happened, and she looked at Zhongli in disbelief.

This brat, she actually caused an explosion? ! !
How dare she?
How dare you!

(End of this chapter)

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