Run, host she's not right

Chapter 131 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 131 Three Good Students 2
Zhongli woke up, looked at Cang Zhu with lingering fear, and A9008 on the side was like a child who made a mistake, shrank to the side and dared not speak.

"I used your own golden light of merit to form a protective cover, so that it will not be harmed by spiritual power, but this is only temporary. The golden light of merit is infinitely useful, and it is difficult to obtain. It is too extravagant to use as a protective cover. This time After returning from the mission, you can go to practice hard."

Cang Zhu looked at Zhongli, sighed, and explained to her carefully.

While talking, he kept complaining about Zhongli's parents in his heart, what did these two people do for food, and they didn't teach Zhongli anything.

A good child wants her to be a supervisor, but she doesn't teach anything, so it's been delayed for so long, it's a waste of money.

Let him take care of it.

The golden light of merit on Zhongli's body was obtained by becoming No.1 after participating in the supervisor's assessment.

At that time, the people who were on the list of "Fengshen Bang" all got the golden light more or less, and those people practiced the golden light of merit on the spot to increase their skills.

Only Zhongli hadn't cultivated yet, and the golden light of these merits had been staying in her body, waiting for the right opportunity to use them.

Hearing the concern in Cang Zhu's cold voice, Zhongli nodded, and began to look forward to the cultivation in his heart.

"Okay, now I know that too many things are not good for you, so let's go to the task first."

As Cang Zhu said, her cold gaze fell on A9008, that cold gaze like a knife made A9008 tremble uncontrollably.

Woohoo, Master Cang Zhu is so scary!
"Look at her carefully, don't let her continue to make mistakes..."

After staring at A9008 with death eyes for a while, Cang Zhu spoke, with a threat inside and out.

A9008's originally cheerful heart suddenly sank.

Just now the teacher comforted it, saying that there is no need to be afraid of Zhongli's parents, and that they will not accept her threat. Now that Zhongli's backer is replaced by Master Cang Zhu, I don't know if the teacher still has the confidence to say this?


Before Cang Zhu's eyes swept over, A9008 jumped a few times in a panic.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand, I will take good care of Zhongli in a while!!"

A9008 hastily promised, and only raised his hand to make a military order.

Cang Zhu's dark eyes fell on Zhongli's body, she shook her head, and said meaningfully.

"That's not necessary, you just need to complete the task well, don't spoil her anymore."

Zhong Li, who was suddenly mentioned, blinked his big eyes, and wanted to say, why did A9008 spoil her, it was obviously bullying her!

A9008 also thought a little angrily, who spoiled her, it was obviously Zhongli who was threatening it! !

"Then go..."

"Wait, Uncle Cang Zhu!" Just when Cang Zhu was about to kick Zhong Li and the others into the small world that needed their help, Zhong Li hurriedly raised his hand and shouted to stop.

Cang Zhu frowned, and his deep eyes fell on Zhong Li.

Zhong Li swallowed his saliva, "I suddenly went to another world, and my real body is still here, so what will happen to me in Blue Star?"

This is what Zhongli has always wanted to ask.

From Blue Star, she suddenly arrived at Planet 33 where Wen Yanyue was located, and she has been there for several years, and she doesn't know what will happen to her in Blue Star.

You won't be reported as a missing person, and you will register your death information, right?

"It turned out to be this..."

Cang Zhu raised her eyes, the pupils seemed to light up in an instant, the fluorescence was fleeting, and there seemed to be countless mysteries flowing from them.

After seeing the rules clearly, Cang Zhu slowly explained to Zhong Li:

"The time lapses in the two worlds are different. Only one day has passed since you left Small World No. [-]."

World No. 33 was where Zhongli stayed before, and the world where Wen Yanyue lived, and World No. [-] was the Blue Star where she originally lived.

In The Authority, all worlds have their own numbers and names.

"I'm relieved of that."

Hearing that only a day had passed, Zhongli felt relieved.

She is at home alone in Blue Star, her parents are away, she has finished her college entrance examination, and she has chosen her choice, and there is nothing important about her, that is, the neighbors, tenants, and a few girlfriends will look for her.

At that time, she can explain that she went on a trip these days when she disappeared. After all, her parents have used this excuse since she was a child.

"Then, can I still enter World 33?" Zhongli asked curiously.

I don't know if she can go back to see Wen Yanyue and the others after completing the mission. After all, after a few years there, Zhongli has already lived a quarter of his life.

She always has the illusion that the things in that world are her working years after graduating from university.

Cang Zhu nodded slightly, "After you have the strength, you can re-enter world 33, and enter any world."

"But the passage of time in different worlds is different, and you may not be able to meet the people you want to see."

Originally, when Cang Zhu said that he could go back, Zhongli's eyes lit up, but when he heard the time when he couldn't go back and he couldn't see the person he wanted to see, Zhongli's eyes dimmed.

"Oh, back in time, we can adjust the time to go back in time..."

After thinking of this, Zhongli's eyes sparkled, looking at Zhongli like this, Cang Zhu couldn't bear to hit her thoughts.

A9008 on the side said popular science: "No, world 33 has already been retraced time, especially since it has absorbed a lot of the world's origin, it cannot be retraced at all."

"One more time, time will be chaotic, and the world will collapse."

Zhongli didn't understand these principles, but he had learned them since he was a child.

"That's it, then don't disturb them, let them live a good life..."

Zhong Li said with regret in his eyes.

For her own selfishness to see them, mess up the whole world, she can't do it.

"Zhongli, I can seal your memory so that you won't be disturbed by the influence." Cang Zhu said.

As regulators, there are few ordinary people, and each of them has extraordinary experience before becoming a regulator.

For them to go to a small world to carry out tasks, it is for them to step into the world of mortals, to connect with ordinary hearts, to practice, to temper, and they will not have doubts or confusion about their own self.

But Zhongli is different, she is still young, she hasn't experienced too much, and she hasn't practiced yet.

Originally, she only lived for 18 years, but she spent two or three years in the No. 33 small world, and the mission time in other worlds would only last longer.

After that, Zhongli will go crazy sooner or later, he will have doubts about himself, he will regard himself as a body in some small world, and he will not know himself clearly.

So blocking her memory in the small world is the best choice.

Zhongli also wanted to understand this point. If she kept thinking about it, she would probably develop a personality called "Zhao Sirong".

(End of this chapter)

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