Run, host she's not right

Chapter 153 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 153 Three Good Students 25
On weekends, Zhou Ziyu packed up her things early and went out, fearing that she would be late.

Xu Jinyi, who was standing on the corner of the stairs, looked at Zhou Ziyu, who was hurriedly leaving the house on the weekend, and couldn't help pursing her lips, feeling a little complicated in her heart.

Is it really easier to learn bad than to learn good?
Zhou Ziyu, a good student, has only been in the private school of Yingjia for a long time, but he was spoiled by a group of rich second generations who eat, drink and have fun.

Isn't this the thing she, a good student, despises the most?

Xu Jinyi was quite happy to watch this depraved real daughter who took away his parents and her life, but seeing this now, she didn't feel as happy as she imagined, but felt a little guilty instead.

A good seedling will become a scientist who overcomes medical problems in the future and brings hope to thousands of people, but now she falls halfway because of her. If Zhou Ziyu fails to become a scientist and research those medicines, then those Didn't people all die because of her?
Thinking of this, Xu Jinyi's conscience began to ache, she...

At this time, pieces of "bullet screens" appeared in front of Xu Jinyi. Those bullet screens were translucent, and only she could see them.

[Hey, hey, the anchor is not soft-hearted now, is he?She killed you in her previous life. 】

[Zhou Ziyu's own puppy love, being tempted by inattention, is itself a problem with her. 】

[Learning to hook up with men at a young age, anchor, you must never learn that! 】

[Zhou Ziyu's research and development in her previous life definitely did not rely on her own. It is estimated that there are many teams behind it, but she took the credit for it. 】

[Anchor, you should sue your parents at this time...]


When Xu Jinyi looked at these continuous bullet screens, she suddenly jumped out of a panel that was also transparent and only she could see. No one else or the netizens in the so-called live broadcast room could see it.

This is Xu Jinyi's smart customer service...

[Xiaoqi: My dear, our mall has a series of research inventions on the shelves, including medical research, biological research, scientific research, etc., which can be redeemed with points.With these studies, you will be able to shine. 】

Seeing this, Xu Jinyi's eyes lit up, and great joy flooded into her heart, she held back her mouth and asked.

"Is it true? Open the mall."

In the blink of an eye, a page appeared in front of Xu Jinyi, on which a series of items were neatly arranged. The beauty pills and slimming pills are just the lowest things, and the more advanced ones include English, Chinese, and mathematics. these things.

As long as she slaps her head, she can immediately transform from a scumbag who doesn't understand to a master student, no matter how difficult the subject is.

And now, the mall has new top-notch research inventions from other high-level worlds. As long as she just redeems one of them, it will definitely make the development of this world leap forward for 20 years.

Seeing this, Xu Jinyi was full of high spirits, but when he saw the points with a series of numbers under the item column, his heart immediately cooled down.

Hey, with so many points, I don't know how long she will save them.

No, for the progress of the world, for the development of the world, she has to work hard.

"Xiao Qi, I have a task to do."

Xu Jinyi said to her smart customer service that in the blink of an eye, her smart customer service immediately listed a series of tasks, and Xu Jinyi earned points by completing these tasks, and then went to the mall to exchange things.

[Let Zhou Ziyu enroll in Yingjia School. (completed)】

[Let Xu's parents believe that Zhou Ziyu stole the jade pendant. (completed)】

【Let Zhou Ziyu...】

The series of completed tasks on the list are all tasks to frame Zhou Ziyu in various aspects.

Xu Jinyi looked at the list of completed tasks and sighed helplessly.

She didn't want to either. The name of this live broadcast system is "Female Supporting Turning Over". Xu Jinyi will be able to get a huge amount of points immediately, and these points have been exchanged by her for beauty pills, slimming pills and other things.

After eating one, her face can become smooth and tender, without going on a diet or losing weight, and her figure dropped five kilograms in one fell swoop. Who would want to use such a good system?

As long as she is a female supporting role, she can live a better life than Zhou Ziyu. She doesn't want to hurt Zhou Ziyu, but with the system, her achievements will definitely be higher by her in the future. Now for the good of the world, Zhou Ziyu only needs to be a little Just accommodate her.

Xu Jinyi looked at the most recent unfinished task at the top.

[Convince Zhou Ziyu to continue studying in Yingjia and integrate into the school group. (undone)】

Looking at this task, Xu Jinyi shook his head, this task is really difficult.

After all, Zhou Ziyu is a well-known three-good student, and even the principal Xiao takes good care of her. How can she be willing to stay in this school full of dandies and rich children.

This is really a problem.

But now that Zhou Ziyu is "in love", maybe this task can be completed easily.

While taking over this task, Xu Jinyi also secretly promised in her heart: Zhou Ziyu, don't worry, as long as I get enough points and exchange them for technologies that are useful to this world, she will let her go immediately.

I just hope that Zhou Ziyu can be obedient now and don't play dead.


When Zhou Ziyu came to the school, he was taken aback. The school, which was originally quiet on weekends without a single student, turned out to be overcrowded at the moment.

Zhou Ziyu listened to a sentence or two carefully, and it turned out that these people came here for the solution of "Qiu Li", just to see her thinking of solving the problem with their own eyes.

In the past two days, the topic she spread on the Internet has been studied over and over again, but she still finds a few points that she doesn't understand.

Now "Qiu Li" said that she would explain it to everyone on the live broadcast, so these people, no matter if they were interested in killing the crowd, all appeared.

When I met Zhou Ziyu on the way, she hurriedly asked.

"Qiu, Qiuli, why are there so many people in the classroom?" Looking at the fierce strangers, Zhou Ziyu was a little scared.

Zhong Li's face was dark, and he was also a little unhappy.

Who knew that Xu Qiaoran, that unreliable guy, actually told the time and place of the live broadcast.

Although Inga is an aristocratic school, people who have nothing to do with the school can't come in, but it didn't say that the students of this school can't come?

No one knew that the rich second-generation students in Yingjia's school would join in the fun besides studying.

Now even if they don't understand these topics at all, between you instigating me and I instigating you, the big weekenders will come to school.

(End of this chapter)

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