Run, host she's not right

Chapter 158 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 158 Three Good Students 30
Of course, a video can't explain anything, so they plan to continue searching.

But there is no need for them to search, such news hotspots are overwhelming everywhere.

Randomly scroll down five or six videos, all about this girl named "Qiu Li".

After carefully watching a few videos, even though the two pairs of parents have not read books for many years, they can also know from the titles and comments of those videos that these new arithmetic solutions are shocking.

It is enough to prove that the girl with dyed blond hair in front of me is an amazing and talented student.

And in those edited videos, it's not just the girl Qiu Li who exists alone, there is another girl and boy in it, and some kind-hearted old people.

The other girl was their daughter, Zhou Ziyu.

Sure enough, Qiu Li didn't lie just now, she spent the whole morning with Zhou Ziyu and studied together, this is known to all the people in the world.

And how lucky Zhou Ziyu was to be friends with this Qiuli, and to be at the same table. They are parents, but they have this attitude.

The four of them were ashamed, looked at Zhou Ziyu, then at Zhongli, and finally said to Zhongli.

"I'm sorry, classmate Qiu Li, it was uncle and aunt who blamed you by mistake, don't blame aunt for saying the wrong thing."

"Yes, yes, classmate Qiu Li, come, we apologize to you."

"Qiu Li, you can become friends with Tzuyu, it's a happy thing..."

"Student Qiu Li, did you come to Qiushui Garden for dinner..."

The four of them quickly began to show courtesy to Zhongli, which of course has the reason why Zhongli is good enough.

Zhou's parents want Zhongli not to continue to make friends with Zhou Ziyu because they are alienated from Zhou Ziyu.

After all, they taught Zhou Ziyu to play with students with good grades since they were young. Now it would be a pity to miss such a talented and good student friend.

Although the Xu family's parents have reasons because of Zhou Ziyu, they also have reasons for their own small calculations.

After all, such a powerful person will definitely be a talent no matter what he does in the future. There is no harm in making friends with such a person.

Moreover, she is still in the same class as Zhou Ziyu in Yingjiali, and they are classmates at the same table. Yingjia is a private aristocratic school, and only rich and powerful people can enter it. This naturally shows that Qiu Li's family background must be good.

Now the husband and wife are very happy in their hearts. Fortunately, Ziyu was transferred to Inga, otherwise they would not have known these characters.

Or, transfer Jinyi to Yingga some other day...

Xu Jinyi, on the other hand, looked at the video that was spreading all over the Internet with a shocked expression, and muttered in a low voice.

"This, impossible, this is impossible..."

If it's a small matter, maybe she really didn't care about it in her previous life.

But now the whole network is full of troubles. Seven of the top ten hot topics on Weibo are all about this Qiuli. Such overwhelming news, how could she not have the slightest impression of her who played every day in her previous life?
Where exactly did this go wrong?

Xu Jinyi frightened herself into turning pale, and started thinking wildly without saying a word.

When Zhou and Xu's parents tried their best to invite Zhongli to have dinner together, the waiter who was dumped by her before finally found him.

"Miss, I found you. Mr. Qiu is waiting for you in the peony garden."

The waiter bowed slightly to Zhongli, and said with sparkling eyes.


Everyone sitting there noticed this, and they looked at Zhongli with unison, and their hearts began to turn rapidly.

The parents of the Zhou family, who are middle class, naturally don't have so many thoughts in their hearts, but the parents of the Xu family, who are also wealthy and have guessed Zhongli's identity just now, have wonderful thoughts in their hearts.

Qiu Shui Yuan, Qiu Li, Qiu Group, Miss...

Could it be that the girl in front of me is Qiu Rong's daughter?

I have never heard of the existence of this "Miss Qiu Li", but there is news that Qiu Dong of the Qiu Group has a daughter...

The waiter's "Miss" gave Zhong Li a bad feeling, and she quickly figured it out.

Qiu, Qiushuiyuan, this should be opened by Qiu's family.

In his memory, Qiu Li often came to Qiushuiyuan for dinner, with his mother, and with friends, but he never knew that the famous Qiushuiyuan in the water city was actually her family's.

It was clear that Qiu's father didn't want to see Qiu Li, and he didn't even tell her how much property his family had, let alone introduce her existence to others.

Fortunately, Qiu Li herself is gone, and Father Qiu has started to introduce "Qiu Li" to others.

Zhongli reckoned that it was because of her calculations that Qiu's father saw the value in her.

Of course, adults are not so simple just relying on their preferences. Although he doesn't like Qiu Li's daughter and doesn't recognize her, if "Qiu Li" can bring him huge benefits, he will naturally not be stingy.

No, he immediately showed his favor to "Qiu Li" and started to introduce her to others. Isn't this just to reap the benefits of "Qiu Li" now.

At this point, Zhongli really can't separate them all, after all Qiuli and him really have a father-daughter relationship, even if the other party never wants to see her, but Qiuli is not willing to part with them, don't want this father and mother.

As a person who uses other people's bodies, Zhongli can't do anything against his original will, so he severed his father-daughter relationship with Father Qiu and the others.

So now that Qiu's father invites her, she will obediently come to participate.

Since she can't refuse, it can't be said that she doesn't ask for conditions.

So Zhongli's mouth curled up slightly, and he bid farewell to Zhou Ziyu and the others, followed the waiter out, and continued to detour to the Peony Garden.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a good-looking, 40-year-old man who looked like a handsome uncle sat there waiting with his lips tightly pursed and his face darkened.

Obviously impatient to wait.

Normally, Qiu's father would have left with a disgruntled face. After all, his business is up to now, and there are not many people in Shuicheng who dare to show him shame and make him wait.

What's more, what makes him wait now is the daughter that he didn't like and didn't pay attention to since he was a child.

This anger value doubled and doubled.

Seeing Qiu's father who was obviously angry and impatient and still waiting, he knew how much he valued the value of "Qiu Li" at this moment.

Seeing "Qiu Li" coming, Qiu's father opened his mouth, but he didn't curse out loud, but said something strangely.

"You are really a noble person who forgets things now. If I treat you to a meal, you can chat with others and forget."

"No way, I thought you wouldn't come this time, Father, so I talked to my little sister when I saw her."

Zhongli's light words choked Qiu's father.

It's not that Qiu Li had dinner with his parents before, but even if it's the New Year's Eve dinner, even if Qiu's father made an agreement in advance, he still won't come when that day comes.

Even if she waited expectantly from the morning until twelve o'clock in the evening, until the food cooled down, the other party was nowhere to be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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