Run, host she's not right

Chapter 168 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 168 Three Good Students 40
Although the Qiu family villa is his own home, Qiu Rong has not been back to this home a few times throughout the year.

Either in Xiaosan's villa, or in Xiaosi's big flat, anyway, he always has somewhere to go, and Qiu's villa is the place he is least willing to come back to.

Although Qiu's mother doesn't have a job, she doesn't stay at home very often. She usually goes out to play mahjong or have beauty treatments with rich wives.

Every time Zhongli returned to Qiu's house, she and a nanny were the only ones in the house, and the lights were barely turned on. It was the first time she had seen this brightly lit villa.

Regarding the fact that he had hung up on Qiu Rong several times, Zhong Li was right in his heart, and walked towards the villa.

After entering the villa, he didn't even glance at Qiu Rong who was sitting on the sofa with Dama Jindao, and planned to go upstairs to his room.

On the contrary, Qiu Rong shouted angrily.

"You stop for me!"

Zhong Li had no choice but to stop obediently, and looked back at him: "What's the matter?"

"Is that how you talk to your father?" Qiu Rong patted the table and said angrily.

Usually some people have nothing but love to show off.

Just like Qiu Rong, he has never been Qiu Li's father, never done what a father should do, but at the moment he never leaves his mouth.

"Then what should we say? Father? Do you want me to kneel down to accept the order?" Zhong Li raised his eyebrows and asked obediently.

The yin and yang words almost killed Qiu Rong.

This daughter, he should have strangled her when she was born.

"Father, is there nothing to say? If not, then I will withdraw first."

Zhongli didn't want to continue to get involved with him, she wanted to go back and experiment quickly.


Knowing that nothing he said to the rebellious "Qiu Li" would work, and Qiu Rong didn't want to make a fuss anymore, he asked.

"What's the matter with your zero-point test paper that you handed in a blank paper?"

"Do you know that the company's stock has fallen because of this?"

Qiu Rong gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"Isn't it my best thing to get zero points? As for the stock price falling, I don't think it's as bad as when you are exposed to raising a lover every time, right?"

As for Qiu Rong, Zhong Li is not afraid of him at all.

Strictly follow the rebellious daughter personality left by Qiu Li, as long as Qiu Rong is not mad at death, it is not a big deal.

Didn't you see that the relationship between father and daughter is "harmonious"?
Normally, the original owner Qiuli could see his father a few times a year, which is considered remarkable, but now he sees his father twice in a month!

"You you you you..." Qiu Rong was so angry that Zhong Li was speechless.

"Are you trying to piss me off?"

Qiurong was middle-aged, and the elegant and handsome man who still attracted countless women finally couldn't stand it anymore, so angry that he wanted to pick up a stick and beat Zhongli.

"I'm going to kill you, the scourge..."

Zhongli stood there motionless, and didn't even try to hide, watching helplessly when the stick was about to fall, and said something lightly.

"Are you sure you want to hit me? Are you afraid that Qiu's stock will fall even more after hitting me?"

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Rong shook his hand and met Zhongli's cool gaze, and the stick fell from Zhongli's side, without hitting her at all.

With a "click", Qiurong threw away the stick he picked up in his hand. He looked at Zhongli, gritted his teeth, and never dared to drop it. After all, with "Qiu Li" being so crazy, he really hit her. , will definitely keep doing it.

Damn, she was really in control.

Now that she handed in a blank paper, the company's public relations department had finally settled it, and "Qiu Li" couldn't be allowed to mess around anymore.

"Hmph, if you hand in a blank paper next time, I will take it back from Qiushuiyuan, and I will never give you any money."

In the end, Qiurong had no choice but to threaten Zhongli with material.

It is absolutely impossible for someone to be kicked out of the house, after all, the Qiu family is still relying on "Qiu Li" to make money.

"Then if I don't hand in the blank paper, Qiushui Garden will belong to me forever?" Zhong Li said while looking at Qiu Rong lazily, and began to negotiate terms with him.

"Isn't Qiushuiyuan yours now?" Qiu Rong snorted coldly, pretending not to understand Zhongli's words.

How could such a profitable place as Qiushui Garden fall on "Qiu Li".

"I think you understand what I mean." Zhong Li wrapped his arms around Bai Shengsheng, his eyes were provocative.

Now that they promised Professor Zheng that they would not get zero marks in the exam, but for the culprit who made Qiu Li get zero marks in the exam, they still have to get some interest from him.

"You are still underage, so it's useless to ask for this thing." Qiu Rong said.

I was careless, I just used Qiushuiyuan to get "Qiu Li" to agree to bring Qiu's prosperity together, but I forgot to restrain her performance in school.

A few days ago, Qiu Rong was embarrassing because of her talented daughter "Qiu Li", and when she handed in the blank paper, she felt ashamed.

"Then what do you mean, when I become an adult, Qiushui Garden will fall under my name?" Zhong Li asked.

"Yes." Qiu Rong said reluctantly.

He thought to himself, now the whole room is just the two of them, as long as he doesn't admit it, he can always use Qiushuiyuan to blackmail "Qiu Li" to be obedient.

"Okay, the above are all Mr. Qiu Rong's promises." After finishing speaking, Zhong Li took out his mobile phone, and there was a half-minute-long video on it.

In the video, Qiurong personally promised to put Qiushuiyuan under her name after "Qiuli" is full.

"You! Qiu Li!"

"Understood! Ann, I won't hand in blank papers again in the future."

The promise was fulfilled, Zhong Li turned and went back upstairs, waved his cell phone and said.

Qiu Rong was left furious. At this time, Qiu's mother happened to be playing mahjong and went home.

Even Zhongli on the third floor heard the noise, and he didn't know how the noise ended. Anyway, Qiu Rong slammed the door and drove away.

And Qiumu came to "Qiu Li"'s room, banging on the door and yelling, cursing Qiu Rong, that wolf-hearted guy, and cursing "Qiu Li" for having no conscience.

At the end of the scolding, Qiu Mu, who was ignored, went back to her room cursing.

Zhongli in the house breathed a sigh of relief. In such a family, no one would be rebellious.

Without the A9008's sound-proof barrier, wearing headphones, the sound of music is like a concert in the ears, and it can't isolate the outside sound.

A9008 asked bluntly: "How is Zhongli? Has the child's information been found out?" He used this to escape Zhongli who was full of resentment.

It was also disturbed by these quarreling sounds, but it really has no power...


Zhong Li shook his head expressionlessly, the time is too long, even the police are hard to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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