Run, host she's not right

Chapter 170 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 170 Three Good Students 42
Furthermore, a genius "Qiu Li" appeared in Yingjia school, which was something that had never happened in the "previous life". Of course, Xu Jinyi wanted to come to the school to find out and see what was going on.

Let's see if it's because her memory is malfunctioning and she can't remember this matter, or is there something wrong with "Qiu Li" that makes her rise in this life?

Xu Jinyi gritted her teeth, no matter what, she must not let this "Qiu Li" steal her glory.

You know, she worked hard to complete various live broadcast tasks and got points. She used these points to exchange for herself a crash course on mathematics.

In the blink of an eye, he changed from a math idiot to a math genius.

Xu Jinyi was about to rely on these things to create a name for herself as a genius girl, but who knew that this "Qiu Li" suddenly appeared, which made her plan come to nothing.

Whatever she said, she had to face this "Qiu Li" and compete with her.

Xu Jinyi entered the classroom with a stinky face, and from time to time, he had to pay attention to the live barrage above his head and reply to those fans.

For the few new students who were transferred, the students in the class also showed indifference. After all, they are all from the rich second generation circle in Shuicheng. Who doesn't know who?

Since we knew each other since we were young, but didn't play together, of course it was because they didn't catch each other's attention and didn't know each other well.

If you are interested in them, you might as well be interested in the class.

"good morning teacher…"

As soon as the class started, the students in the class shouted in unison, which immediately stunned Xu Jinyi.

Her eyes widened, and she turned her head to look left and right in disbelief, full of disbelief.

Is she at the most unruly, least school-like Inga?

Isn't this school famous for not caring about the students and letting the students ride shit on their heads?
Why is this group of rich second generations now serious about taking classes like a group of ordinary students.

Why is this appearance completely different from what she said in her previous life's memory?

Xu Jinyi's face was embarrassing, and she ground her teeth secretly. She was really cheated.

If she knew that Inga was like this, that the students were doing well in class without affecting their classmates, that the teachers were capable, and that the school had all the resources, she would have pushed Zhou Ziyu into this school only because she was blind.

This kind of school cannot be justified unless it produces a few outstanding students.

Xu Jinyi had no idea that the group of obedient students in the class were all because of Zhongli's threats and lures.

But Zhongli propped his chin, looked lazily at Xu Jingyi, and looked at a row of regular codes appearing in her direction.

I thought to myself, what on earth is this?
This string of codes looks quite lively.

How come these "dark" forces have become so advanced?

"Qiu Li... I, I apologize to Xu Jinyi, she didn't mean it last time."

Zhou Ziyu pulled Zhongli's clothes, bowed his head and apologized softly.

Zhongli quickly came back to her senses, she smiled casually, "You..."

You're so stupid, you're still counting the money for someone after they've sold you out.

But seeing the innocence in her eyes, Zhong Li had no choice but to hold back his words.

Bluntly changed the subject.

"That Yin Xingyun is your elementary school classmate?"

"Yes, that's him." Zhou Ziyu nodded quickly.

"Then what happened to him?"

"Qiu Li, let me tell you, you would never have imagined that Yin Xingyun, who is so handsome now, was a fat and short little chubby boy when he was a child."

As he spoke, Zhou Ziyu couldn't help laughing, two dimples appeared on his face, and his eyes were shining.

"Baibai is as fat as a Dabai. If he hadn't stopped me in the morning and said he was Yin Xingyun, I wouldn't have recognized him at all."

Zhong Li looked at the tall and handsome Yin Xingyun, who looked like a schoolboy, but he really couldn't imagine that he was a little chubby when he was a child.

"Hahaha, Qiu Li, you don't know, when Yin Xingyun was a child..."

At this moment, Zhou Ziyu had completely got rid of that sensitive and inferior look. Speaking of Yin Xingyun, she squinted her eyes and smiled, not to mention how eye-catching she was.

Seeing Zhou Ziyu smiling so happily, Xu Qiaoran felt a little sour in her heart, "What's so funny about this, you don't think it's greasy for a little chubby."

"Not greasy, Yin Xingyun was white and fat when he was a child, he looked cute." Zhou Ziyu retorted.

This made Xu Qiaoran even more uncomfortable.


"Sister Qiu, why don't you help others..."

After school was over, Xu Qiaoran grabbed Zhongli's hand and kept begging.

Zhong Li stood upright, looked at Xu Qiaoran with disgust, and didn't want to help her.

"Didn't you already ask Zhou Ziyu to accompany you?"

Speaking of this, Xu Qiaoran felt uncomfortable, "She ran off with the newcomer Yin Xingyun as soon as school was over, so she can't care about me."

"Sister Qiu, please help me."

"Yo, it turned out that there was no one to accompany me, so I was looking for you."

Zhongli looked at Xu Qiaoran coldly, making him tremble, and said with a smile.

"How dare, how dare, with you here, it is simply radiant."

"Sister Qiu, as long as you help me with this live broadcast, no matter what you do, just open your mouth, and I promise to help you do it."

Xu Qiaoran patted her chest loudly.

In the end, Zhongli wandered around with Xu Qiaoran half-heartedly. The purpose was that Xu Qiaoran wanted to live broadcast the environment of Yingjia's school, so after school, the two were still wandering around.

Although it was said that it was a live broadcast with Xu Qiaoran, in the end, it was Xu Qiaoran who took the picture with the mobile phone, Xu Qiaoran who entered the camera, and Xu Qiaoran who talked and introduced.

Zhongli was just a background character, but even so, the audience in Xu Qiaoran's live broadcast room increased a lot.

The two of them walked to the back door of the school. The place was lined with green trees, but there was a faint sound of reading.

[What is this sound? 】

[Is there anything here? 】

The sudden sound not only scared the audience in the live broadcast room, but also made Xu Qiaoran tremble and his eyes widened.

"Oh my god, I heard that the predecessor of every school is a cemetery. Could it be that Inga was once a cemetery?"

Zhong Li squinted at him, "Do you dare to say this in front of Principal Yingjia?"

Other schools have such reasons, but Inga, as a private school with expensive fees and only accepts children from rich families, is secretly called a noble school. If one dares to build a school on a cemetery, this school will not need to be opened.

After all, so much money has been paid, so many buildings have been donated, and people who do business are the most superstitious. If your school still does this, do you still want to open it?

Xu Qiaoran also wanted to understand this, and smiled embarrassingly.

He quickly explained to the audience in the live broadcast room, saying that there was no such thing at all, it was all his nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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