Run, host she's not right

Chapter 182 The Golden Finger in the Ring 1

Chapter 182 The Golden Finger in the Ring 1
Zhong Li tilted his head, looked Ying Huo up and down, and blinked his eyes: "Are you arranging work?"

Shouldn't be.

When she was the manager, she had to do a lot of operations. For example, she had to see through a piece of paper to sign the contract and it was confirmed, but it took her a lot of effort. How could Yinghuo be so simple?

Take office immediately after the assessment?
"Yeah." Yingzhuo nodded, just mentioning this matter, her face was a little dark.

"What's going on here? Can you tell me?"

At this moment, Zhongli seemed to be unable to see through people's faces, breaking the casserole and asking the end.

Maybe Yinghuo also wanted to complain, so she didn't shut her mouth tightly, but said a little aggrieved: "I'm still different from you, and I'm not a serious interface manager."

He is only assisting the manager in handling affairs, and with the power in his hand, he can know very little.

You cannot become a real supervisor until you complete certain tasks or stay for a certain period of time.

"This is a temporary worker?" Zhong Li suddenly realized.

Yinghuo didn't quite understand the meaning of Zhongli, but she still understood the literal meaning of the word "temporary", nodded her head, frowned slightly, and stared at Zhongli with star-like eyes.

"I'm envious of you being able to do the task, I can only feed the fish..."

For them, being an interface manager is a great thing. After all, in other words, they are the way of heaven, and becoming the way of heaven is the greatest achievement of every monk.

But now it's a "temporary way of heaven"... It's okay, Yinghuo pinches her nose and admits it, it's better than being erased from memory, go back and continue practicing.

"Feed the fish? What fish!!"

Zhongli didn't know what Yinghuo was thinking, she only noticed the word "feed the fish", which really surprised her.

It is really impossible to combine normal words like feeding fish with things like traveling to save the world.

This fish, shouldn't be the kind of fish she thought, right?

"That's arowana!" A9008, who hadn't left yet, jumped up and said to Zhongli.

"Those dragon fish are huge, and there are countless powers in their flesh and blood. They have existed since the birth of heaven and earth. There are rumors that they were created by gods. These dragon fish were originally scattered in various worlds, creating many In danger, Lord Cangzhu should find a way to catch them all together and lock them up in one place."

After speaking, the color of A9008's body changed, and he looked at Yinghuo with anticipation, wanting to make sure what it said was true.

Yinghuo nodded slowly: "It turns out that this dragon fish has a history, which is really an eye-opener."

Zhong Li only felt that this was like a story, full of bizarre colors, but judging from the bizarre incident where she was standing above the starry sky out of thin air, there was nothing impossible!
"Is that a map in your hand? Let me see where these dragon fish are now!"

A9008 is obviously very interested in these non-human things, and saw the drawings in Yingzhuo's cuff at a glance.

It is very curious, whether this dragon fish that only exists in its textbook really exists, and where are they now, if it has time, it must go to open its eyes and see what Master A in the textbook said. How big is the big dragon fish?

Yinghuo really took out the map and showed it to A9008, and took the opportunity to ask the way. After all, he just joined the job and didn't know the way.

Zhong Li followed suit and looked at the map, but unfortunately she couldn't understand anything, so this map must be obtained through "enlightenment", right?

If this is the case, if you change to someone with poor understanding, the dragon fish will not be able to find its way if it starves to death.

But luckily it wasn't like this. After satisfying his curiosity, A9008 helped Yinghuo contentedly, and told him how the picture looked. Zhongli studied in silence.

After the lecture, A9008 was a little embarrassed: "This map is actually very simple. Look, we are not in those worlds, let alone above the starry sky. The places we go to are not simple. How many worlds do we have to travel through? How many galaxies and planets... blah blah blah..."

Maybe it's because it doesn't feel good to be a teacher. A9008 kept talking, and finally Zhongli interrupted it.

After all, they are still young people now, and they don't have the strength to run amok in a certain world, so how can they have the strength to travel through these worlds?

Even now, Yinghuo didn't run all the way to the place where the dragon fish was, but delivered it through the teleportation array.

Cang Zhu has a good saying, when you should understand it, you will understand it naturally, and it is not good to know in advance.

However, following such a class with A9008, the two of them were quite satisfied, but there was no time to waste, so Yinghuo immediately resigned and went to work.

Zhong Li went to continue looking for Cang Zhu, wanting to see what he was going to teach her and how to teach her.

But Zhongli never imagined that it was taught like this.


Desolation, surrounded by a land of desolation... er, no, it should be rice fields, surrounded by a land of rice fields, full of golden rice fields.

Zhongli was surrounded by golden rice fields, with no end in sight, and the sky was a dazzling sun.

Zhong Li stretched out his hand to touch the ripe ears of rice, they were so full and heavy that they bent the rice stalks.

Looking at the sea of ​​rice fluctuating with the wind, Zhongli thought in a trance that he had arrived at a certain farmhouse and spent money to experience the joy of harvesting rice.

I bother!No, she entered a small world to carry out the task.

That's not right, Cang Zhu also told her to let her practice in this world.

She can't practice how to be a competent farmer, can she?
"A9008, where is this place?"

Zhongli hurriedly called A9008, this time, it didn't hesitate, it appeared immediately.

It is true. It appeared.

Zhong Li looked at the colorful balls floating in mid-air and making sounds, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Zhongli Zhongli, this is World 11, I don't know what this place is..."

A9008 said with some frustration.

Perhaps it is because this is an advanced world with a strong world consciousness, so its power is suppressed, and many things cannot be displayed.

"No.11 world?" Zhong Li squinted his eyes, feeling something was wrong, didn't Cang Zhu tell her to practice?

"Is this also the world where I practice?"

"This world is a world of self-cultivation. There are various systems of cultivation techniques, and monks have a very long lifespan. Zhongli, you can freely find the cultivation technique that suits you in this world." A9008 said hastily.

Because it is a fantasy world of comprehension, everything is possible, flowers and trees can talk, animals can cultivate into adults, people can live forever, even ghosts can exist, so this time A9008 does not need to be entrusted in Zhongli's body, but can be separated.

Its entire ball became excited visibly with the naked eye. In the world of comprehension, it has only seen it in textbooks.

It was really exciting for the first time experience! ! !
 New map~
(End of this chapter)

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