Run, host she's not right

Chapter 184 The Golden Finger in the Ring 3

Chapter 184 The Golden Finger in the Ring 3
And there are a lot of benefits in real life.

At least the things she learned and cultivated here are all her own!

She can also choose suitable exercises according to her own physical fitness, let Zhongli adjust them bit by bit for decades, and try out the ones that are most suitable for her, so that she can continue to practice after leaving this world.

The treasures she got, and the things to strengthen her physical fitness, were all for her.

In general, apart from the disadvantage of only one life and easy death, there are really no other disadvantages.

But one shortcoming is enough, and if life is gone, everything is gone.

Zhongli felt that in this world of cultivating immortals, she had to work hard to save her life.

She reached out and patted the crying A9008, "Go, go, get out of this place quickly, don't waste a minute."

What she is using now is her own body, one minute wasted, one minute later in cultivation, one minute earlier death!

We must race against time!
A9008: "Huh???"

A9008 said that it is not very able to keep up with Zhongli's thinking logic.

Zhongli raised his legs and walked along the field, and A9008 hurriedly floated beside her, fearing that she would abandon him.

While walking, A9008 did not forget to ask: "Zhongli Zhongli, can someone really kill me?"

"What should I do then? Will you protect me?"

"No." Zhong Li said very simply.

"Wooooooow, how can you be so ruthless, so cruel, and so unreasonable." A9008 lost his temper.

Zhong Li stretched out his hand and frowned, he really didn't want to talk to A9008, as expected, this mental body was ruined by watching romance dramas.

She is an ordinary person, an ordinary person who is more fragile than A9008, a high-level spiritual body, and asking her to protect it, doesn't it mean that her life is too long?
Zhongli walked forward in silence, A9008 followed behind crying, with it as a mediator, Zhongli felt that the journey was not so boring.

After measuring the land with his feet, Zhongli finally realized how big this sea of ​​rice was, and didn't know if she could get out of this sea of ​​rice if she broke her foot.

The golden rice fields one after another outside blocked her way.

The sun that had risen to the middle of the head was too dazzling, Zhong Li blocked the sun with his hand, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Her footsteps stopped, and she began to reach out and touch her forehead and various parts on the back of her arms.

"What are you doing?" A9008 asked puzzled.

"I walked under the sun for at least an hour, but I didn't see a single drop of sweat."

Zhong Li stretched out his own palm, it was white and tender, smooth and dry, not wet at all.

Of course, Zhong Li is very clear about her body. She has practiced since she was a child, and she is in good health and has a good metabolism.

Although she wouldn't be tired by the road, she wouldn't say that she didn't sweat a single drop after walking under the sun for so long.

When she was young, she practiced martial arts and played, not to mention the hot summer, even in winter, she would break out in sweat after moving for 10 minutes, but now after walking for such a long time, she didn't sweat at all.

This is obviously abnormal.

Zhong Li raised his head and looked at the red sun above his head, it was so hot and dazzling that he couldn't stand it just by looking at it.

She stretched out her hand again and twisted her arm vigorously, feeling the pain. She stretched out her hand to brush the ears of wheat beside her, and the rough feeling unique to plants passed across her fingertips.

All this is normal.

Strange, it should be her body.

"And then?" A9008 asked, what is it sweating?It didn't sweat either.

"I'm exposing my skin to such intense sun without the redness and tingling of being burned by the hot sun."

"A9008, are you sure we really entered this world?"

Zhong Li looked at A9008's round body and asked, according to what she learned, her normal human body should not be like this.

"I don't know." A9008 stammered, looking stunned, obviously it didn't understand these things.

"You don't have any tailor-made puppets, doubles, clones, etc.?"

Zhongli read a lot of books and knew a lot of things. At this moment, his eyes were shining brighter than the sun in the sky, and he looked at A9008 expectantly.

Being stared at like this, A9008 was a little nervous: "Of course there are these things, but with your current situation, you can't use them at all."

"Chang Zhu can't do it?" Zhongli asked.

"I can't do it. No matter how strong your mental power is, you still haven't cultivated. Even if someone helps you with these things, you can't use them as flexibly as you use your own body."

"This must still be your own body!"

A9008 said very positively.

For the things in the textbook, A9008 is still good at learning.

If this is a stand-in or a puppet, Zhongli has just entered and has never used the trained Zhongli. It is absolutely impossible to use it so skillfully and flexibly. To the extent that he is familiar with the use of the body, only his own body has been used since childhood.

"That's right." Zhong Li nodded after hearing this, with a pensive look on his face.

What about these exceptions?

It's not because of her body, could it be because of this place?
Zhong Li looked up at the sky and began to think.

If this place is fake, everything is illusory. It looks like she walked under the sun for more than an hour. Maybe she just stood still, which is why she didn't sweat at all.

Then how can she determine whether this is an illusion, and how to destroy the illusion?
Zhongli couldn't think of a way for a while. After all, she believed in science and studied science before, but this matter obviously belongs to the fantasy aspect. It is normal for her to have no experience.

"Do you think there's something wrong with this place?" Zhongli looked at A9008, hoping it could see something.

It turned out that A9008 was enough waste material, and I shook my head, saying that I couldn't see it.

"Let's take a walk and see, maybe there will be a way out by just walking." Zhong Li sighed and finally decided.

If this is an illusion, there must be something wrong, walk around more, maybe you can find it.

Zhongli walked along the Daohai all the way. This time, Zhongli walked very slowly, keeping his eyes on the surrounding environment all the time.

Walking and walking, Zhongli was actually allowed to walk out of the endless rice sea. She looked at a hut built of straw in front of the rice field, and hesitated.

Is this the end of this sea of ​​rice, or the beginning?

After thinking about it, Zhong Li decided to go up and have a look first. When she got closer, she saw the mummy sitting outside the straw hut, and she was taken aback.

The clothes on the corpse had decayed, revealing the naked skeleton, and it held a dusty wooden box tightly with both hands, as if holding a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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