Run, host she's not right

Chapter 190 The Golden Finger in the Ring 9

Chapter 190 The Golden Finger in the Ring 9
Can it be over now?
The answer is not yet.

Because an empty warehouse suddenly appeared on the open space next to the straw hut, Zhongli thought for a while, and manipulated the mechanical puppet to transport all the rice back to the warehouse.

In this seemingly small warehouse, the rice from the hundreds of acres of land was harvested, and it was not full at all.

It was not fully displayed until all the rice on the thousand acres of land was harvested.

What to do after harvesting the rice, you need to dry the water, then clean up, remove the hulls and other steps.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for these steps. After Zhongli finished all the work, the "Harvest Picture" in the straw hut changed into a "Spring Plowing Picture".

Zhongli: "..."

Plant in spring and harvest in autumn.

Is this to let her experience the hard work of the farmer uncle?
But which farmer's uncle planted a thousand acres of land and harvested a thousand acres of rice?

Of course Zhongli would not do it foolishly, she was going to become a senior capitalist!

Then go to exploit the labor of mechanical dolls! !

For this reason, Zhongli re-developed a farming machine and dozens of mechanical dolls serving her.

When the secret land changed from scorching autumn to spring with drizzle, Zhongli sat leisurely on a chair with a cup of fried rice tea in his hand, drinking it leisurely, watching the farming machines working underneath.

Zhongli was a little fortunate that there were enough things in Qianqiao Pavilion, allowing her to toss, practice, and then produce and use them in batches. Only then did she have the dozen or so non-stop farming machines in front of her, and there were even a few of them around to serve her. mechanical doll.

A9008: "..."

"Look at it, people study for better enjoyment, and the invention of tools is to liberate the labor force. If I still have to work hard, what am I going to do with so many mechanical dolls?"

A9008: "..."

It seems to make sense!

Ever since, A9008 followed Zhongli and began to lie flat.

After waiting for the end of the spring plowing and tender buds sprouting from the land, Zhongli can be considered to have received a piece of news.

Has she become the spirit of the secret realm? ?

"What is the spirit of the secret realm???"

Zhongli said that she didn't understand, but fortunately, A9008 was reliable at this time, and told Zhongli about the information it got from.

It turned out that this was the back kitchen secret realm of a certain great sect in ancient times. It was specially used to provide food and logistics support for tens of thousands of disciples, and sometimes it became an additional training ground for disciples to train their patience.

Unexpectedly, the sect was destroyed for a while, and this secret realm was refined into a ring and taken away. After the last disciple of the sect was killed, the whereabouts of the secret realm ring was unknown.

During the period, some people accidentally entered the secret realm of this ring. Unfortunately, when the secret realm was refined into a ring, the inside was already in disorder, and all the spiritual energy inside was isolated, unable to practice, and even the space ring and other things could not be opened. To go out, you must complete the experience of the secret realm.

And the experience that was originally only used to sharpen the disciples has become the only way to leave the secret realm.

One can only harvest thousands of acres of rice in a day, such a job is difficult to do even with cultivation.

So for so many years, none of the people who entered this secret realm by mistake and had their aura cultivation level blocked could leave, and now Zhongli is the only one.

The secret realm has been refined into a space ring, as long as you pass the level, you can become the owner of the ring.

It's a pity that Zhongli doesn't have a physical body now, as long as the soul exists, the ring thought she was a non-human species cultivated by something in the secret realm, and didn't recognize her as the master, and directly made her the tool spirit of the space ring.

Zhongli: "???"

what is this?
She can obviously be the owner of the interspatial ring?Now you're a manager? ?

Zhong Li quickly thought of another point, her eyes sharpened, and she asked with murderous intent.

"My weapon spirit is not considered the master of this space ring? As long as someone recognizes the master of this space ring, then that person will also become my master???"

She has read a lot of miscellaneous books, and she has read a few novels about cultivating immortals. Among them, there are plots. The space ring obtained by the protagonist produces a weapon spirit, or there is an old grandfather's soul in it who has been squatting with.

Who would have thought that she would one day become the "grandfather" of the space?
"Oh, don't, don't, Zhongli, don't be impulsive, the spirit of the weapon is different from the spirit of the secret realm!" Looking at Zhongli's murderous eyes, A9008 said hastily.

"What's the difference?"

Zhong Li showed a bad face and wanted to be her master, okay, then don't blame her for devouring the master at the first time!
"The spirit of the weapon is the soul produced in the ring, but the spirit of the secret realm is different. You belong to the secret realm, not the space ring!!!"

A9008 said quickly, afraid that Zhongli would devour it immediately.

"You can enter the secret realm and enter the space ring at will, and you can get power from the secret realm. Even if the space ring is recognized by someone, you are free, because you do not belong to the space ring."

As A9008 spoke, the secret realm slowly changed. At the same time, Zhongli felt that she was integrated with this secret realm. She knew what was in this secret realm, and she could even change it with her own thoughts. .

This kind of feeling like a creator made Zhongli very novel.

The clouds and mist that originally surrounded the area dispersed, revealing a world other than the paddy fields. There were patches of medicine fields, fruit trees, flower seas, and all kinds of strange animals living in the distance.

This secret realm is so big that such a large sea of ​​rice with the size of a thousand acres only occupies one-tenth of the secret realm.

And this is just the low-level secret realm of that sect ten thousand years ago.

In addition to these, A9008 also told Zhongli a shocking news.

"Zhongli, there is news about the son of interface."

Zhongli: "??? Didn't you say that it was decades in advance? How come the son of the interface has appeared now?"

A9008 is too unreliable, right?

Zhong Li suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and sure enough, A9008 spoke in the next second.

"We have been in the secret realm for more than 100 years. The son of the interface has also grown from a baby to a little boy..."

A9008 also feels that time flies a bit fast.

Didn't they just research, plant the land, and cut the rice, how could hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye?

Zhongli: "..."

"Can I start over now?"

She patronizes to clear the level, but she hasn't practiced yet. Originally, she thought that she would have time to practice, but now she is asked to go out to help the son of the interface, she can't do it!
"If you can't do it, you have to do it! Ahhh, Zhongli, the son of Jiemian needs you the most now!!!"

A9008 is about to collapse, who knows that so many things happened outside after staying in the secret realm for so long.

Things are out of their control.

(End of this chapter)

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