Run, host she's not right

Chapter 192 The Golden Finger in the Ring 11

Chapter 192 The Golden Finger in the Ring 11

Zhong Li looked at the young man in front of him, blinked his eyes expressionlessly, feeling a little speechless in his heart.

Can she say that this is really worthy of being the son of Jiemian, the son of Tiandao?

As soon as they met, they recognized the owner of this interspatial ring.

Fortunately, she is the spirit of the secret realm, not the spirit of this space ring, otherwise there would be an extra master now.

Seeing the young man who obviously hadn't recovered yet, Zhong Li planned to strike first.

"Young man, did you drop this gold ring, or the silver ring, or this useless ring?"


Xiao Chen looked at the girl in front of him and said something he didn't understand, which brought him back to his senses immediately, with a vigilant expression on his face, and he began to look around.

This is a piece of golden rice field, he was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of these mortal things, Xiao Chen immediately thought of the ring he saw just now.

Could it be...

"This is where?"

"In this space, we are..."

Looking at Xiao Chen who is already so big, A9008 who has seen a living person for hundreds of years is very excited, and all the feelings of gratitude and guilt flow out.

To Xiao Chen, that is kindness.

"You don't care who we are."

Seeing that A9008 was about to blow himself up, Zhong Li hurriedly spoke first.

"I see that you have an extraordinary appearance, and your tibia is excellent. You are a good seedling for practicing... cultivating immortals!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen lowered his head in embarrassment, and after a while, the dull voice came out.

"Senior was joking, I'm not a seedling of cultivating immortals. I'm already 15 years old, and I haven't even entered my body. In this life... there is no possibility of cultivation."

It's not like he didn't have dreams before, but this bloody reality told him that Xiao Chen can only be an ordinary person in his life.

Cultivation is absolutely impossible.

I don't know how this white-toothed, star-eyed, refined-looking girl would say such a thing. Could it be that she is making fun of him?
Rao knew in his heart that he was being treated as a joke, but Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged. After all these years, many people made fun of him.

"That's why you didn't meet me!"

A crisp voice sounded above his head, Xiao Chen raised his head in surprise, and looked at Zhongli, not understanding what she meant by her words.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen had a rare hope rising in his heart.

"Can you help me practice..."

A hoarse voice slowly squeezed out from Xiao Chen's throat, full of disbelief.

"Of course."

"When will it start?!"

As soon as Zhongli finished speaking, Xiao Chen asked impatiently.

He wants to cultivate, to become a monk, to become a strong man in this world, and not to be stepped on by others.

Zhongli: "..."

She doesn't know when it started.

Now she just wants to stabilize Xiao Chen, and then find him a suitable practice method.

You appeared so suddenly, she wasn't prepared!

Zhongli's silence made Xiao Chen mistaken for other meanings, he quickly patted his chest, eager to prove it.

"I understand, senior, what do you want me to do? As long as I can practice, I can do anything, no matter what?"

Looking at the son of the interface with a humble face in front of him, A9008 felt uncomfortable.

A well-behaved person, a master, was turned into this by the "dark" forces.

He didn't know what he had suffered during the time when they hadn't appeared before, and he became like this.

"Wait, we didn't make him look like this, we didn't apologize to him!"

Sensing the sorry thoughts in A9008's heart, Zhongli hastily reminded it.

Xiao Chen became like this because of "dark" forces, who thought it was Luo Shuchen.

They didn't show up to help him in time, that was also because they were trapped in the secret realm, it was the reason of those who put them in the secret realm, and it had nothing to do with them.

Never put other people's faults on yourself.

Zhong Li looked at Xiao Chen, thought for a while and said: "I don't need you to help me with anything, come over tomorrow, and I will teach you how to practice, you can go back now."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Li kicked him out of the ring, seeing that he could really control the space ring, Zhong Li felt somewhat safe in his heart.

Well, let her think about how to fool Xiao Chen.

Suddenly leaving the space ring, Xiao Chen, who appeared in the dense forest, was a little surprised. He raised his head and looked at the trees all around him, the dark dense forest after blocking the sun.

Comparing the rice field that he left just now, Xiao Chen felt like he was dreaming.

Could it be that he can really cultivate and not be bullied?
Xiao Chen felt a little unreal.

He looked hesitantly at the ring that was still stained with dirt in his hand. Just now he stained the ring with blood, and then went to another place, in front of that senior.

This seemingly ordinary ring, covered in dirt and even rusted, actually has such a large space inside?
Xiao Chen, who is still a mortal, is not sure about all this.

So he cautiously called out to the ring: "Senior, senior, are you still there?"

"Well... let's go home now."

Zhongli's voice came from the ring, which shocked both of them.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back."

Xiao Chen frantically grabbed the ring, not knowing whether to hold it up and offer it or put it away.

But his heart fell steadily.

Until the howling of ferocious beasts came from the depths of the dense forest, it seemed to be warning Xiao Chen that he could not grind here any longer.

In this dense forest where there are many monsters, any second-level monster can kill him, it is really too dangerous.

Xiao Chen looked at the body of the Stab Wolf that had been penetrated, and he wanted to clean up the body, after all, this is a second-level monster and can be sold for a lot of money.

But he didn't want to lose face in front of his senior, and let his senior see that he didn't even spare the corpse of a mere second-level monster.

Just when he was hesitating, another voice came from inside the ring, "What is this?"

"This? This is a second-level thorn wolf, with a high speed..." Xiao Chen hurriedly explained this thorn wolf to Zhongli in a flustered voice.

In her heart, she thought that senior was too powerful, how could she take such a mere second-level monster into her eyes, no wonder she didn't know him.

But Zhongli saw the outside world through the ring, and was a little surprised and curious when he saw a giant wolf with a body length of three meters.

A9008 at the side told her: "Zhongli, the interspatial ring has already been recognized by Xiao Chen, you can directly send a message to her instead of saying it."

After all, it’s okay if there’s no one there, but if there’s a voice suddenly coming from the ring in a place where there are people, isn’t it telling others that there’s a baby here, and a ghost here?

Zhongli: "..."

If she knew how to put a message in his mind, would she have said it?

Suddenly opened the mouth to make a sound, very silly, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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