Run, host she's not right

Chapter 20 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 19

Chapter 20 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 19
Yan Meimei smiled innocently: "I usually live on campus."

That's right, it was precisely because they lived on campus that they stayed at "Zhongli"'s house because it was too late after the party last night, the school was closed, and Yan Meimei couldn't go home.

With such a high level of difficulty, it's no wonder that Yan Meimei said she couldn't go home when the zombies came out.

This house, who can go back!

I really complied with that sentence, it was fine when I came, and I can’t go back!
Then Yan Meimei said: "But it doesn't matter. The suburbs are vast and there are few people. My house is single-family and has a high wall. If I don't go out, my parents are not in danger for the time being."

"A Li, we can save my parents after we get stronger."

Zhongli: "..."

Does this mean to let her fight for a long time?

Zhong Li raised his head and took a deep breath helplessly, "Okay."

Can she agree?

Can you not promise?

Since we have to fight for a long time, these people now...

Zhong Li looked at the many people he had rescued from the office. She hadn't verified the extra point on Bai Xiaoyuan just now.

Does it mean that as long as she saves and "takes in" someone, she will get a share?

Now that there are so many more people all of a sudden, Zhongli must of course verify it. If this is the case, then no matter what, he must take all the points from them.

Thinking of this, Zhongli put on a serious face and looked at everyone: "It's too dangerous to be surrounded by zombies outside now, we have to organize all our forces and unite to overcome the current difficulties .”

"I plan to form a team, whether it is powerless, homeless, or people with means, no matter men, women, young or old, we will all organize."

Hearing Zhongli's words, the adults in front of them looked at each other, their hearts full of thoughts, but they all nodded in the end.

"Okay, the little girl is right. At this time, we will be united. I am willing to follow you."

"That's right, unity is strength! Add me."

"I would too."

"It's just that my wife is waiting at home." Not everyone is alone, and some people have hesitation.

Of course Zhongli will not let anyone go.

She patted her chest as a promise, "Okay, don't worry, we will go and rescue your wife's family."

Upon hearing this, those who were worried about their family were relieved, nodded one after another, and looked at Zhongli with piercing eyes.

"Okay, I am willing to join!"

With the consent of these people, a red character really floated in the void above them.





Seeing how much money he got in an instant, Zhong Li couldn't say how happy he was.

It's much easier to get a point for sheltering a person than to get a point for killing zombies.

But Zhongli also thought about it a little bit more, one point for saving and taking in a person, and one point for killing a zombie. In the end, is it a success to take in everyone and kill all the zombies?
If there are extra points for saving people and killing zombies, then if you get points for taking people in, turn him into a zombie, and kill him again, won't you get two points?
Thinking of this, Zhong Li looked at the man who was tightly tied up with a rope. He was bitten by a zombie and was in an unknown state at the moment.

I don't know if it will turn into a zombie or return to normal in the end.

When he agreed to join Zhongli's team, he and the injured man remained in a coma and did not give a reply.

Now that such a person happens to appear, Zhong Li will of course use him to test his idea.

The zombies on the downstairs road earlier, except for those who couldn't get out of the office building, were all attracted by Zhongli to the road and killed.

So Zhongli and the others lingered in the exit of the parking lot, not afraid of any danger.

There is no danger, and there is no rush to leave for a while.

So Zhongli walked towards the person who had been bitten by a zombie.

He was sitting on a rolling office chair at the moment, his whole body was tightly bound up and down, and he couldn't even lift a hand.

When he moves, other people push the chair he is sitting on.

The injured person was also treated in the same way, except that he was not tied up.

Zhong Li carefully looked at the wound he was bitten by the zombie.

On the position of the calf, a bloody tooth mark was imprinted on his calf. The holes made by the teeth have not healed and scabs have not healed yet, and the blood vessels around the wound are floating, blue and green. Black and black, it looked terrible.

The man was blushing all over, but his body temperature was very low, and he was unconscious at the moment. Seeing this, Zhong Li felt that he probably couldn't be saved, and was about to turn into a zombie.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li no longer had any worries, and immediately decided to use him as an experiment to see if he could get two points at once.

Seeing that Zhongli was looking at the person who was bitten by the zombie, the others enthusiastically explained: "Xiao Yang is usually a very good person, enthusiastic and eager to learn, but he is too timid."

"When the zombies appeared, he was so frightened that his legs went limp all of a sudden, and he fell to the ground. He didn't know how to hide when the zombies came, and he was bitten in the end, alas."

She shook her head as she said that, although they always took him with him in case he could get better, everyone understood that the man in front of him was hopeless.

Zhong Li nodded knowingly, Bai Xiaoyuan was also timid, her legs were weak and unable to move when encountering zombies.

Now that Xiao Yang was bitten by a zombie, it is already very good that everyone can keep him with him.

Zhongli woke him up with great effort, and Xiao Yang opened his eyes in a daze, even if they were wide open, they were still half-closed, looking in a bad mood.

Zhong Li was a little worried about whether he could still hear what he said, but fortunately, he still had some reactions when he was called by his name, but he was too slow, and he had to say it three or four times before he could understand what he meant.

So Zhongli tried his best to talk, but he could be considered to have deceived this man, no, it made it clear.

Xiao Yang nodded, agreeing to join Zhongli and the others. The moment he nodded, a red character floated above his head.

Because Xiao Yang was tied up while sitting, the red characters floating above his head were just at Zhongli's eye level, and he watched the red characters appear and then disappear.

There are no fluctuations and no trajectories, which looks really magical.

As soon as Xiao Yang finished speaking, his half-closed eyes slowly closed again, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

Zhongli was a little depressed, because she didn't see the doorway here, but she is not such a person who is easily depressed, and Zhongli recovered quickly.

In addition to Xiao Yang, there was another injured person who fell into a coma and did not reply, but he had not been bitten by a zombie, and he would wake up sooner or later, so Zhongli was not in a hurry.

The thing to worry about now was that it was getting late and they had to find a place to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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