Run, host she's not right

Chapter 201 The Golden Finger in the Ring 20

Chapter 201 The Golden Finger in the Ring 20
This world of cultivating immortals is called the Eastern Continent, and the land is very vast. Even the distance between each city cannot be reached by a mortal without walking for a year or so.

For a monk, a flying imperial weapon can travel thousands of miles in a day, but for an ordinary person, it is considered lucky to be able to safely walk dozens of miles a day.

After all, all kinds of ferocious beasts are rampant outside this wilderness, not to mention those monsters that eat people, even some flowers, plants and small flying insects are also poisonous.

It would take too long to walk to the next city, and the distance was too long. Zhongli didn't want to wait, so she stretched out her pale finger and pointed to the river under the cliff outside the space ring.

"Let's go by water!"

Xiao Chen showed a troubled expression, and explained to Zhongli: "My sister doesn't know something. Under this raging river, there are sharp stone thorns, and there are rocks on both sides. In addition, the river is turbulent. When a boat is launched, it will capsize in an instant."

Not to mention the small boats they built casually, even those ships that travel to transport goods will not take this river.

"I see."

Zhong Li looked far away, just now Xiao Chen entered the space ring on the edge of the cliff, so now the place outside is also the place to enter, and even the place to come out at that time is also in the same place.

Looking down from the 80-meter-high cliff, you can also see the surging white waves.

"Then you..."

Xiao Chen looked at Zhongli puzzled.

A sly smile appeared on Zhongli's face, "Who said we have to cross the river by ourselves."

Xiao Chen didn't quite understand Zhongli's meaning, "This..."

On the contrary, A9008, who had followed Zhongli for a long time, shook violently.

It panicked in its heart, could it be that Zhongli and she came up with some bad idea?
"I'll make a fool of myself first, you go and find me a piece of solid wood." Zhong Li said, then turned to look for wood.

In the end Zhongli abruptly broke off a wooden stick from a chair, Xiao Chen was dumbfounded.

Wait, the material of that wooden chair seems to be the wood mentioned in the book! ! !
Turning it into a chair is a waste of money!

And now it's taken down! !
It's a pity that Zhongli didn't understand, so she took the dismantled wooden stick into Qianqiao Pavilion, beat and beat inside, and drilled a small hole in the middle of the wooden stick.

After coming out, he handed the processed wooden stick to Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen took the wooden stick respectfully with both hands, Zhong Li raised his eyes and glanced at him, not understanding his thoughts.

"You and A9008 go out of the space ring, put the ring into this card slot, and then you enter the space, and A9008 throws the stick and the space ring into the river."

With just a few words from Zhongli, Xiao Chen and A9008 understood her thoughts.

"...You, you want us to hide in the space ring, and then let the space ring take our place?"

Xiao Chen said in a hoarse voice, how he wished he heard it wrong, but Zhong Li nodded and told him that he heard it right.

"Sister, this, this, no one has ever tried this before."

Xiao Chen stammered.

Even if he is not a monk, he still understands how precious the interspatial ring is. If someone else got the interspatial ring, who would not hide it in fear of being snatched away.

Fortunately, Zhongli wanted to throw the ring out and let him go on his way instead of his master.

What if the ring is lost?

What if someone picked it up?
What if the one in the middle bumps accidentally and breaks the ring?
In that case, once the space ring is damaged, the space contained in it will collapse, and they will die in it too! ! !
"Oh, what's wrong? What a great tool for traveling." Zhong Li said expressionlessly.

"What if it breaks?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Don't worry, this can be regarded as a rare treasure. It is very durable. How can it be so easily broken? Besides, isn't there a wooden stick outside to protect it?"

The outside is just a rushing ordinary river, not a river of sulfuric acid, how can this ring be damaged.

"Yes, but this is a space ring!" We are still inside!

You are so relieved to throw away the ring and surrender your life?
Xiao Chen really wanted to growl, he wanted to cultivate, he didn't want to die!
"I know, what about the interspatial ring, it's made for use." Zhong Li said, she didn't quite understand Xiao Chenzhan's thoughts.

There is the son of the interface of this world, God's own son, who will not die so easily!
Xiao Chen: "..."

I'm afraid the seniors who made this space ring never thought that the space ring can be used like this, right?
Had the ring known this, it might have thought it would have rotted in the furnace.

Under Zhongli's strong request, Xiao Chen and A9008 were driven out of the space ring and forced to act.

Xiao Chen put the interspatial ring into the slot of the wooden stick, and it was firmly fixed inside, but he was still a little worried.

I can only pray secretly, hoping that the material of this wood can be a little harder, so that it will not be broken by the raging river.

In fact, it would be more secure if they cut down a tree in the dense forest to put the ring, but it's a pity that they had to seize the time to leave, and they couldn't leave too many traces.

After putting the space ring away, Xiao Chen looked at the colorful balls floating in the air strangely, and cupped his hands and said.

"Senior, I'm counting on you."


A9008 said a little depressed.

It murmured in its heart, Zhong Li is too difficult to serve, and these ghost ideas come one after another, each of which is outrageous!

Seeing that Xiao Chen had already hid in the space ring, and there was only one stick left outside, A9008 used his own power to move the stick to the edge of the cliff.

Zhongli, who is in the state of a soul, can't touch other things at all after appearing outside, but A9008 is different. Maybe it is the reason why it is a spiritual body, whether it is in the secret territory or outside.

It's just that as a high-level spiritual body, A9008 hates its body touching other things the most, so it uses its own ability to push the small wooden stick.

The moment the small wooden stick was thrown off the cliff, it was taken into the space ring.

Then the two played a ball, just like this in the secret realm of the space ring, watching the ring rotate with the wooden roots, rotating faster and faster, and then fell into the river, and then was wrapped by the raging river water, sinking, Finally, go downstream with the river.

Looking at the constantly spinning scene outside, which was more terrifying than a ten-level roller coaster, Zhong Li quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this interspatial ring is not an ordinary interspatial ring, and there is a secret realm inside, otherwise, if the scene inside is flipped along with the interspatial ring, she will definitely be turned to death.

Now she was a little dizzy just looking at the scene outside.

(End of this chapter)

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