Run, host she's not right

Chapter 208 The Golden Finger in the Ring 27

Chapter 208 The Golden Finger in the Ring 27
"He's gone."

Looking at A9008 flying out of the space, Xiao Chen said with a sigh of relief.

It looks like he is talking to A9008, but actually the person he wants to tell is Zhongli.

"You dealt with it well, and they will definitely not trouble us again in a short time."

Zhong Li is aware of Xiao Chen's performance, so she is not stingy at all in praising him.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's face burst into smiles.

Immediately, he brought the things Bai Yunfei sent into the interspatial ring, and handed it to Zhongli like a treasure.

"Look, sister, this is something that Bai Yunfei sent."

These things are some spiritual fruits and liquids, which are not precious, but they are common, so it can be seen that some thought has been spent on them.

The most special thing is a jade plaque.

Originally, it looked quite ordinary from the outside. If it was not ordinary, Bai Yunfei would not be willing to give it away as a gift.

The material of jade seems to be of some origin, with some flowers, birds, fish and insects engraved on it, but after all, it is a stone without aura.

But as soon as this piece of jade tablet was brought into the secret realm inside the ring, it began to absorb the spirit energy inside frantically.

It was originally absorbed secretly, but Zhongli and the others hadn't discovered it yet, but after a while, the massive amount of aura that was sucked in caused the jade pendant to float in mid-air, and its color changed dramatically.

But the biggest change is not in the jade material, but in the pattern on it, which looks like a picture of flowers, birds, fish and insects, but after inhaling the spiritual energy, they actually started to move, just like a moving picture.

When Zhong Li was about to call A9008 in to let him see the origin of this jade tablet, Xiao Chen took a look at the jade tablet, and then his eyes straightened, as if fascinated, looking at the jade tablet obsessively.

Seeing this situation, Zhong Li understood, and stood still so as not to disturb him.

This plot... seems to be the change of those protagonists who picked up the treasure cheats?

Xiao Chen really deserves to be the son of interface in this world, Tiandao really does not forget to entrust his precious son to him from time to time.

Zhong Li was not jealous either, she stood by and protected Xiao Chen.

I don't know how long it took before Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes. There were still complicated pictures and texts in his pupils, which disappeared after a while.

And when that piece of jade tablet became lifeless, the patterns on it turned into ordinary patterns of flowers, grass, fish and insects.

It seems that this jade token is still a one-off, and it probably only works on Xiao Chen.

"Sister, this..."

Xiao Chen looked at the jade tablet that had not fluctuated, and was a little anxious. He originally wanted to show Zhongli.

"It's okay, this is your chance." Zhong Li said.

If it didn't belong to Xiao Chen, it wouldn't have fallen into their hands. After all, it was used as a gift. It is estimated that Bai Yunfei and the city lord of Baishui City have both seen it, but they just didn't find anything strange about it.

"I'm sorry, sister, this is a powerful cultivation spell." Xiao Chen explained with an apologetic expression.

Hearing this, Zhongli knew that he had no destiny with him.

After all, she is in the state of a soul now, and she doesn't know when she will return to her body, but...

"It's okay, just continue to practice. If you succeed in cultivation, you can write it down and share it with your sister."

"Okay, big sister!!" Xiao Chen responded immediately.

Seeing Xiao Chen's innocent appearance, Zhong Li felt a little uneasy, and pointed at the remaining spiritual fruits.

"You can eat these fruits by yourself."

Zhong Li looked at the spiritual fruits and felt that they were too far from the spiritual fruits in the ring secret area, so he lost interest.

Well, she has a conscience, but not much.

"I took the spirit card, these are yours, sister." Xiao Chen refused to eat alone.

Zhong Li couldn't help laughing, "Everything is ready, you can prepare to practice immediately, now you can eat some spiritual fruit and absorb some spiritual energy."

In the secret territory, no matter if it is medicinal herb or spiritual fruit, there is too much aura in it, it is not suitable for Xiao Chen to eat. Now the spiritual fruit sent by Bai Yunfei does not have strong aura, so it is best for Xiao Chen to eat it.

"Then my sister and I are half of each other."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and divided the fruit into two, half for himself and half for Zhongli.


Seeing that Xiao Chen gave it to himself, and Zhong Li was not a hypocritical person, he picked it up and ate it, savoring it carefully, and finally came to the conclusion that the fruit was not sweet, and the aura was not enough, but the juice was quite good Many.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen carefully held his own half of the fruit, and ate it sweetly, as if he was eating some delicious delicacy, his eyes sparkled.

After eating one, he wanted to share the second one with Zhongli, so Zhongli waved his hand quickly.

"No, you can eat the rest."

She is really not interested.

"Oh." Xiao Chen nodded, and seemed not to be very interested.

"Okay, now everything is ready, let's start preparing for cultivation."

After eating the fruit in his hand, Zhongli found a hole with the complete core in his hand and threw it in to fill up the soil.

"This fruit is not sweet. Plant it here to absorb more spiritual energy, and I don't know if it can become sweeter." After burying the fruit pit casually, Zhongli turned his head and forgot about it.



Xiao Chen found the herb Zhongli and divided it up briefly, which was enough for three courses of treatment.

Back in Qianqiao Pavilion, Zhongli jingled for him to build an iron pot, then found an open space, dug a hole, and started to burn fire, water and medicinal materials.

Xiao Chen, who was watching Zhongli prepare these medicinal materials, couldn't help but break out in cold sweat on his forehead.

"Sister, is this really the case?"

She is boiling water and putting herbs in it, just like cooking soup, put the herbs in it, put the meat (Xiao Chen) in it, and then cover the pot and heat it up.

Especially the stove, there are handles with two ears on it, which is more like a soup pot!

"Of course, what did I lie to you for!" Zhong Li said it sincerely.

In the original plot, this is how Xiao Chen forged his body, but she did it step by step!
As for this pot... who knows how the alchemy furnace was made, when she was making it, she wanted to eat hot pot, and accidentally made it into such a shape.

But anyway, it works!
Xiao Chen showed an expression of giving up his life, put on his underwear and entered the stove, Zhong Li kept adding herbs to him, Xiao Chen's face became flushed.

As for the issue of the fire, Zhongli was afraid that he would not be able to control it, so he divided the ground fire in Qianqiao Pavilion. Although the flame was small, the heat was not low at all. With her eyes closed tightly, she was as red as a boiled shrimp.

(End of this chapter)

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