Run, host she's not right

Chapter 210 The Golden Finger in the Ring 29

Chapter 210 The Golden Finger in the Ring 29
"Then sister, what should I do now?" Xiao Chen looked at Zhong Li and asked sincerely.

He also doesn't know magic. Although the Xiao family has elders to teach, he has no cultivation, so he has no chance to listen to these lessons.

What he knows now is some ordinary people's boxing skills, Xiao Chen is a little worried, these can't beat Bai Yuntian.

Zhongli: "..."

ask her?Where would she be!

However, although she has never seen a pig run, she has eaten pork! !

There is still a lot to eat.


"Zhongli, Zhongli, don't laugh so obscenely." A9008 whispered to Zhongli from the side, asking her to pay attention to her image.

Although she was unreliable and something was wrong, they were determined to be a decent person who came to help Xiao Chen, so don't make yourself like a villain.


Zhong Li looked at the terrified and surprised Xiao Chen with a blank face, cleared his throat, and spoke.

"Since you ask sincerely, I will teach you a few tricks."

"Remember, I will only teach these moves once. Whether you can learn them depends on your talent!"

Zhong Li stretched out his finger and explained with a serious face.

The terrified look on Xiao Chen's face changed, he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, with a sincere face, staring straight at Zhongli.

"This is the first trick, the name is called..."



Xiao Chen felt very distressed, because he couldn't learn any of the tricks Zhongli taught him.

Obviously Zhongli taught so seriously, but he just couldn't understand, Xiao Chen doubted life a little.

"Sister, this three-sword style, do I really want a knife in my mouth? I can't bite my teeth... um..."

Xiao Chen tried it, but it still didn't work, he lowered his head in frustration.

Zhong Li looked at the three knives Xiao Chen was holding, and couldn't help but sighed, "It seems that you are not talented enough."

"Forget it, you won't be able to learn what I'm teaching you, you'd better go out and find this practice method to try."

"Sister, let me try again..."

Hearing what Zhongli said, Xiao Chen's eyes turned red, and he wanted to persevere, but in the next second, Zhongli sent him out of the interspatial ring.

Xiao Chen looked at the room, and lowered his head in frustration. A9008 on the side wanted to rush up and shake Xiao Chen's shoulders, yelling at him.

This is not a problem that you are not talented enough to learn!It's because what Zhongli taught her is not right at all! ! !

Two-dimensional things, how to use the three-dimensional.

Fortunately, she still dared to teach Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen was lucky not to be fooled by her!

In order to dispel the idea of ​​Xiao Chen, a silly boy, A9008 hurriedly took him out of the inn, and took a walk in the streets of Baishui City.

Being stared at by A9008 with condemning eyes (not), Zhong Li felt a little uneasy about his conscience, and quickly gave Xiao Chen a bag of Lingmi.

"Come on, take this bag of Lingmi and go shopping for some money. Don't be afraid of not having enough money."

Zhong Li said in an airy manner.

Just like that, Xiao Chen left the inn with a bag of Lingmi. The innkeeper behind him looked at his back blankly, thinking in his heart, when did this innkeeper stay in their inn, and why did he have no memory? Woolen cloth?
Xiao Chen first went to the Lin'an Pharmacy to exchange the Lingmi for Lingshi and some broken money. Seeing Xiao Chen, the shopkeeper was so happy.

"Brother Xiao, I thought you left Baishui City without saying a word, I miss you so much!"

After a while, the shopkeeper's eyes widened in surprise, and his voice became like a duck quacking.

"You, you, you, how did you become the third level of Qi training!!!"

Obviously more than a month ago, he was still a mortal without the slightest cultivation.

Why is it so long, he can practice, and he has achieved the third level of Qi training period.

Moreover, Xiao Chen looks young with his appearance, but he is probably fifteen or sixteen years old. You know, once he reaches the age of 12 in this continent, it is already an iron law that he cannot practice. How could Xiao Chen break this law? Rules, have you practiced yet?

Facing the shopkeeper's doubts, Xiao Chen just smiled, without saying anything, raised his hand, and handed the ten catties of Lingmi to the shopkeeper.

Originally, the shopkeeper was frightened by Xiao Chen's cultivation, but he suddenly regained consciousness.

Looking at the Lingmi he handed over, he thought to himself, Xiao Chen followed such a powerful senior, and they used some small tricks to make his body break through the age restriction, so it is not certain that he can practice.

He had to make good friends with this little brother and not offend him.

The shopkeeper immediately smiled and exchanged money for Xiao Chen. Now that he has cultivated, Xiao Chen can also use the space ring.

It's just that the space ring is still too eye-catching, so Xiao Chen put his ring into a purse, took things in it, and used the purse as a cover, so that in the eyes of others, what Xiao Chen used was a storage bag up.

Even so, a monk who is a third-level qi practitioner can have a storage bag, which is also the envy of many people.

After putting away the things, Xiao Chen looked at the shopkeeper and inquired about Bai Yuntian's news. After all, he knew himself and the enemy, and he could win every battle.

"The shopkeeper, I don't know that Second Young Master Bai, what kind of cultivation is he at the moment? What kind of weapon is he cultivating?"

The owner behind the Lin'an medicine shop is the City Lord's Mansion, and the shopkeeper didn't dare to offend his second son, so he replied with a smile: "I only know that the second son's cultivation is at the fourth level of Qi training, as for the others, I don't know."

For other things, no matter how Xiao Chen asked, the shopkeeper was unwilling to tell, so Xiao Chen had no choice but to give up.

After buying some herbs, he left the Lin'an medicine shop and started wandering outside.

As for when Xiao Chen left, the shopkeeper sent someone to send a letter to the City Lord's Mansion, so let's not mention it.



This Baishui City is different from Yunshui City, everything is controlled by the Xiao, Su, and Luo families, and there are very few things that have been handed down to the market.

In Baishui City, the City Lord's Mansion is the only one that dominates. In order to appease other families, the City Lord's Mansion does not dare to monopolize everything. From time to time, some things will be leaked to the market for people from other families to compete for. He is superior and does not touch anything.

So the streets of Baishui City are more interesting than those of Yunshui City.

Xiao Chen entered the bazaar that only monks can enter, and looked around, that was an excitement.

In the past, he had never been in these places, but now he opened his eyes.

Zhong Li also looked at the outside world curiously from the inside of the ring, but it's a pity that the picture transmitted to the space was transmitted along with the view of the ring.

Xiao Chen put the ring on his finger, and the scene that was transmitted to the space and seen by Zhong Li was transmitted from a height of one meter, and it was shaking, which made people feel a little dizzy.

Usually it's fine, but now it's a rare opportunity to see the market, Zhongli is not willing to make such a fuss.

"Xiao Chen, find a rope, pass it through the ring, and wear it around your neck as a necklace." After thinking about it, Zhong Li said.

(End of this chapter)

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