Run, host she's not right

Chapter 212 The Golden Finger in the Ring 31

Chapter 212 The Golden Finger in the Ring 31
But everyone knows that even if Xiao Chen can become a monk at the third level of Qi training in two months, he will definitely not be able to beat Bai Yuntian.

After all, he has been a monk for many years, and he has been domineering in Baishui City for many years. If he has no strength, how can he do all this?

Besides, this is Baishui City, and Bai Yuntian is the second son of the Lord's Mansion of Baishui City, so they will support him no matter what.

Under Bai Yuntian's gaze, people around gradually booed, but Xiao Chen would never be disturbed by the outside voice.

He looked at Bai Yuntian sharply: "No matter what, Xiao Chen will come to the appointment on time in half a month."

"Guji..." Bai Yuntian secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking to himself, no matter how domineering this Xiao Chen looks, in two months, he hasn't even grasped the spiritual energy of the meridians, so where can he get anything? spells, by then he will definitely be able to beat the opponent to the ground.

Just like that, Second Young Master Bai was full of confidence.

"Okay, my son will wait for you on Bailu Mountain in half a month!"

"It's a deal." Xiao Chen silently nodded.

Seeing Xiao Chen's appearance, Bai Yuntian was a little flustered, and hurriedly called his subordinates back to the residence, he had to go back to practice, and it had been a month since the last time he practiced.

"Sister, do we need to change the inn?"

Back in the inn room, Xiao Chen thought back to the group of tigers watching outside the inn just now, and didn't know when those daring people would show up to rob him.

"Well, no need." Zhongli thought for a moment and shook his head, "It just so happens that these people can train you, teach you moves, let you know how to make moves, and how to fight with others."

After all, a good student who only knows how to practice without practicing will not get a good grade in the exam.

"Okay, it's still my sister who has the foresight." Xiao Chen said seriously.

Then he went into the secret territory to learn the elementary exercises he just bought, and A9008 took his place outside the inn on duty to see when those people would come.

Xiao Chen took those elementary spells and began to practice, while Zhong Li took the manual for getting started with talismans and looked at them.

She is still very interested in these writing and drawing things, and she also has an idea that she wants to practice...

Xiao Chen is worthy of being a genius with extraordinary talent, but in a short period of time, he was able to learn the spells in that exercise book, and now he is practicing non-stop to become familiar with the spells.

At this time, a message came from the A9008 outside.

"someone is coming."

"Xiao Chen, don't be so smart, someone has recruited you." Zhong Li said with a look on his face.

"Okay." Xiao Chen looked expectant, he also wanted to compete with others, and hurried out from the secret space.

Zhongli sat lazily on the chair, looking at the situation outside.

There is still A9008 outside, if Xiao Chen can solve it, he can solve it by himself, if he can't solve it, there is A9008, so if you don't meet those masters, don't panic at all.

If she encounters a master of decision making, she doesn't have to panic, because they can't beat them all, and they all have to cool down.

In the middle of the night, the street was quiet, and the sound of each other's undulating breathing came from inside the inn, sleeping people sleeping, practicing practicing.

At this time, a figure nimbly got into a certain room in the inn.

The monks who dared to come in and rob the third-level Qi training were also very confident in their own strength, but their self-confidence was all shattered after entering the door of this room.

The people who came at the beginning were not of high cultivation level, Xiao Chen relied on his own ability to solve them one by one.

The spell he had just learned became more flexible after practice.

The people who came were not all Dharma cultivators, there were also monks with physical cultivation and weapons. To deal with these people, Xiao Chen suddenly discovered that he could combine the mantra of forging the body with the Tianma Meteor Fist that his sister taught him, and he was able to fight against these people. The opponent was dazzled.

In the dark night, Xiao Chen's eyes were as bright as stars, and he muttered happily: "The things my sister taught me are really useful!"

A9008: "..."

The child is helpless.

Xiao Chen is not a person who is powerless, he has hunted and fought, he can fight ruthlessly, he can also endure being beaten by others, and he has escaped the opponent's sharp blade.

After one move after another, Xiao Chen has an amazing talent, and gradually figured out his own routine.

A set of punches and another set of spells, this incomprehensible routine beat the opponent to the ground.

After beating one person, Xiao Chen's proficiency has also improved. Throwing this person out to a dark alley where no one passes by, a new "partner" will appear after a while.

Just like that, Xiao Chen hit the opponent all of a sudden, and was beaten by the opponent all of a sudden, his experience soared steadily.

If someone whose cultivation base is higher than Xiao Chen's and who can threaten his life appears, A9008 will also help, using his own energy to interfere with the other party, leveling the other party's ability, so that Xiao Chen can play.

As the day grew brighter, fewer and fewer people came. At last, when it was daylight, there was only a devastated inn room and a bunch of people with bruised noses and swollen faces in the alley of the inn.

During the day, it's halftime.

Xiao Chen will return to practice in the secret space, review knowledge, master and sort out what he learned last night.

Zhong Li applied medicine to Xiao Chen's wound, "Would you blame me for being too strict?"

"How come, I know my sister is doing it for my own good." Xiao Chen, whose nose was bruised and face swollen, could no longer see his original handsome face, said seriously.

"I know that I am not young, and I have already missed the best time for cultivation. Now my sister is training me so that I can grow up quickly."

Looking at Xiao Chen's crystal-clear eyes, Zhong Li's conscience ached, and she nodded expressionlessly.

"That's right, it's awesome that you can know my hard work!"

In this way, Xiao Chen practiced with those enthusiastic "accompanying trainers" who came to the door at night. His progress was rapid, and his cultivation base also broke through to the fourth level of Qi training.

The time will soon be half a month later.

Xiao Chen packed up his things, gave the inn half a month's maintenance fee and compensation, and then rushed to Bailu Mountain.

Bailu Mountain is a small hill outside Baishui City.

Many people have already heard about Bai Yuntian and Xiao Chen's agreement to compete, and they have already lined up their positions at the foot of Bailu Mountain.

When Xiao Chen came to the crowded Bailu Mountain, he almost thought he went to the wrong place.

Looking at the shining eyes of those onlookers who were eating melons, Xiao Chen bit the bullet and went up the mountain.

Then he waited and waited, but Bai Yuntian did not appear.

"Could it be that Second Young Master Bai has misremembered the time?" The onlookers also began to murmur.

"Didn't you say it was morning or afternoon today? Maybe Second Young Master Bai thought it was afternoon, this young master thought it was morning, and we thought it was early morning?"

"...It makes sense."

(End of this chapter)

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