Run, host she's not right

Chapter 22 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 21

Chapter 22 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 21
The familiar panel floated in front of Zhongli again, and the words on it were not bad all the time, even the word [yes] was still flashing at the same frequency as before.

This time, whether it is the same as the previous choice, choosing the [No] button with absolute certainty, or choosing another [Yes] button to capture this space ring, Zhongli himself does not know.

Having experienced an intimate exchange with a zombie, Zhongli's hair was no longer neat and orderly, and the hair on her forehead hung down to cover her brow bone, blocking her complicated eyes.

She didn't know if the selection panel that was suspended this time was the last time it appeared.

Is it because she realized that she felt regret in her heart, that she regretted not owning this interspatial ring, and that's why she was given another chance to choose now?

Zhongli is not sure.

Once you miss this opportunity, will you really be able to just watch this space.

And as long as she clicks [Yes] and chooses to seize this space ring, the things that exist in it, the large open space, the delicious fruits and fat fish in it will all be hers.

To be honest, Zhongli was really moved. After seeing its function, he wanted to own it even more, and began to regret why he didn't choose it in the first place.

Especially now that the so-called assessment is not as she thought, it will end soon. If there is no accident, she may have to stay in this world for a long time. At this time, a space ring that can hold things and plant things , is of great use to her.

At this moment, Zhongli's heart was screaming for her to choose the "yes" option. After all, after killing so many zombies, Zhongli now has at least a few thousand points in his account, so he doesn't need to care about the mere ten points.

But the difference between humans and animals is that they can suppress their desires.

Zhong Li didn't know what to think of, she raised her eyelids a little, her beautiful eyes were as dazzling as the stars, she smiled slightly, and her brows stretched out like clouds and smoke surrounding mountains and mountains.

The slender and white hand raised up, and tapped it without hesitation, without the slightest hesitation.

After making the choice, Zhong Li let go of Yan Meimei's holding her hand, and left without looking back.

Behind her, a red character floated up from the void.


Zhong Li, who turned to leave, didn't notice the unexpected look on Yan Meimei's face behind her.

Thinking of his own choice, Zhong Li looked at his white right hand, and lightly clenched it into a fist, his brows relaxed and his lips smiled.

When she refused for the first time, didn't she have this idea, what if it really doesn't appear, what if it really works?

But she didn't give up the plundering without hesitation, because Zhongli was sure and confident that she could live well without it, and now she did it again, and she still made that choice.

After making a choice again, Zhongli has no regrets in her heart, and maybe she will regret it in the future, but she never regrets it.

Holding an axe, Zhongli began to check every place on this floor to see if there were any zombies hiding.

When he walked to a fire box with a fire ax, Zhong Li looked at the chipped ax in his hand, and immediately replaced it with a new one.

If you want to kill zombies, you must first sharpen their weapons.

It is still necessary to change to a better weapon.

Zhong Li even thought about asking Zhong Changlin where else he could get those guns and hot weapons.

Looking closely at the rotting faces of the zombies, Zhong Li really felt that enough was enough.

After checking all the way, Zhongli found that this floor was really just like what Aunt Huang said, there were only a few companies, and the doors of other vacant offices were locked tightly.

Most of the zombies were wandering around in the aisles, and they had been wiped out by Zhongli. There was a house with a company sign on it and the door was locked. It seemed that all the living people on this floor were hiding in it.

The doors of the remaining companies were all wide open, and Zhong Li found the corpse of a zombie in one of the companies.

This surprised Zhong Li a bit.

She thought that only she could kill the zombies in this world.

After all, along the way, the people she met would only scream when they saw zombies, and their legs were weak, and they needed her to rescue them.

Zhongli thought that the entire zombie in City A would be handled by her. After all, this was her assessment. Now that she suddenly saw a corpse of a zombie that had been eliminated, how could she not be pleasantly surprised.

Zhong Li took a closer look at the cause of the zombie's death. His head was blown apart by something, and there were a bunch of things scattered on the ground, which should be the weapons used to kill it.

This zombie has many wounds on its body. The person who killed it may not know that the zombie's shortcoming is on the head, or he may have panicked and hit it casually, only to find that the fatal point is on the head and beat it to death.

Seeing this, Zhong Li was very satisfied in his heart. No matter what, it was really gratifying to see someone who took the initiative to kill zombies.

She wants to meet this man.

The person who killed this zombie should be hiding in the only office with a locked door.

Zhong Li looked at the locked office, but did not open the door forcefully.

After all, they were not robbers. Although Zhong Li wanted to take them into his account and get points, he couldn't do the act of smashing the door.

After looking around, Zhongli blocked the fire doors going up and down the stairs, and arranged several people, one in the elevator, and the others were on duty in other places, to prevent zombies from slipping in while they were not paying attention.

After finishing all these, Zhongli found a restroom and went in to wash and change clothes.

Her body was smelly and wet, and it smelled like zombies, Zhongli couldn't take it anymore.

Just over a day has passed, and the water supply in city A has not stopped. Zhongli took clothes and toiletries from Yan Meimei, and took a simple shower in the bathroom.

Look, even if she didn't take the ring, she still can use the ring, but in the future, she has to take care of Yan Meimei so that she doesn't die.

After cleaning all the blood stains on his body, Zhong Li felt that he had come back to life.

She lowered her head and sniffed her arm. Although she didn't smell anything except the fragrance of the shower gel, Zhong Li felt that she had the stench of zombies on her body.

Taking a bottle of perfume and spraying it on his body, Zhong Li breathed a sigh of relief when he smelled that his whole body became fragrant.

This doomsday zombie is too difficult to deal with.

See how she complained after she went out.

When Zhongli went out after taking a shower, the sky outside the house had become dark, and Aunt Huang and the others inside the house had already prepared dinner.

Aunt Huang is not only a rich charterer, but also a versatile person. Under her operation, the induction cooker in her hands exudes a burst of fragrance.

Without her, there are only a few white-collar workers who are not proficient in cooking, and they can only get something to eat.

Looking at the sumptuous meals prepared, everyone felt their index fingers twitching. When they were about to have a good meal, a few trembling people appeared at the door of the office.

(End of this chapter)

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