Run, host she's not right

Chapter 220 The Golden Finger in the Ring 39

Chapter 220 The Golden Finger in the Ring 39
"It's not Bai Yunfei..."

Bai Yunfei has just climbed up the stone steps, obviously the person staring at Xiao Chen just now was not him.

Those eyes with murderous intent, except for those Baishui City people who misunderstood Xiao Chen killed their relatives, only...

"Luo Shuchen..."

Zhongli who was in the secret space and Xiao Chen who was adjusting his breath cross-legged under the gate of Dongchen sect said in unison.

As soon as he spoke, he realized that he and Zhongli were in such a good tune, Xiao Chen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"My sister and I really have a good understanding."

Xiao Chen sent a voice transmission to Zhong Li.

Zhong Li looked out through the space ring to see where Luo Shuchen was, and said lazily.

"If you can't guess him, there is something wrong."

He clearly knew that it was impossible to deal with him, and this Luo Shuchen came to the Dongchen faction earlier than Xiao Chen, so if he didn't doubt him, who else could he doubt.

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded with a smirk, and didn't refute anything else.

"Now that Luo Shuchen has found you, he might get in the way in the next two rounds, so you have to be careful." Zhong Li reminded Xiao Chen.

Luo Shuchen came to the Dongchen faction so many years earlier, there must have been a lot of tricks, they just came, so they have to be careful.

"I know."

This stone step has a time limit, if you climb it within a day, you will be considered as passing the first level, if you do not climb up within the time limit, it will be considered a failure.

Because Xiao Chen and the others climbed up first, and did not wait for a group of Dongchen disciples to notify them, the big guys naturally didn't know this rule.

There were people who held their breath and climbed to the top of the mountain, and naturally there were also people who climbed slowly and unhurriedly. The elders waiting at the mountain gate, no matter how many there were, as soon as the time came, they took the disciples who cleared the customs and left directly.

Oh, during the period, I did not forget to screen out those people whose bone age is over and those who have no spiritual roots. No matter how fast they climb, if they are over age and have no spiritual roots, the Dongchen Sect does not want them.

What makes Zhongli a little strange is that Bai Yunfei is not over age yet, he is a 17-year-old boy like Xiao Chen!

This is simply stunned.

In this way, more than half of those who climbed the mountain and completed the first level within the specified time were cut off in one fell swoop.

These people climbed up exhaustedly, how could they expect this to happen, they suddenly started to make noise, the whole mountain gate was chattering like a vegetable market.

The elder's face turned black with anger, he shook his white beard and said: "All this has been announced before you climbed the Dengxian Road, why are there so many people over the age?"

"What exactly are Luo Shuchen and the others doing?!"

How the Dongchen faction will teach Luo Shuchen and the others in the future, Xiao Chen doesn't know for the time being, these elders seem to have their eyes opened, and they immediately call out those who are over the age, and then bring Xiao Chen and those who meet the age people leave.

In the still dark night, Xiao Chen and the others were brought into a dark bamboo forest.

"In this forest, there are more than a few bamboo light butterflies, they can emit light in the dark night, and as long as you catch a bamboo light butterfly before dawn, you can enter the next level.".

Seeing that the elder didn't plan to say anything more after finishing speaking, someone immediately asked impatiently.

"What does this bamboo light butterfly look like, where is it, and how do we catch it?"

"And this bamboo forest is dark, there is no light source, we can't see it!"

The elder looked at the person who had finished speaking, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "The one that glows in the dark night of the bamboo forest is the bamboo light butterfly. As for how to catch it, it's up to you how you look at it."

"Oh, by the way, this level doesn't care about the means, as long as you catch the bamboo light butterfly before dawn, no matter how you catch it, as long as you catch it, it will be considered a successful level pass."

The crowd who were originally whispering suddenly fell silent.

At this time, Xiao Chen heard Bai Yunfei's voice.

"I don't know, Elder, besides the bamboo light butterfly, are there other beasts in this bamboo forest?"

Xiao Chen could clearly feel that Bai Yunfei gave him a hard look, and with his words, it seemed that he planned to deal with him in this dark and sloppy bamboo forest.

And behind the scenes, there was another Luo Shuchen who was eyeing him covetously.

"Yes, so please be careful."

After the elder finished speaking, he left and disappeared. As soon as he left, the surrounding lights disappeared.

In the rustling, someone immediately took out the lighting from the storage bag or his own backpack.

When the surrounding lights were turned on again, it was immediately apparent that many people had disappeared.

Taking advantage of the darkness, they left and entered the bamboo forest.

Bai Yunfei looked around and found that Xiao Chen was also one of them.



In the dark bamboo forest, Xiao Chen groped forward, and he didn't take out the lighting tools until he could no longer hear the sound.

Glowing beads illuminated the surroundings, and there was no sign of anyone except the amazingly growing bamboo.

"Sister, what should we do?"

Xiao Chen's eyes fell into darkness, he reached out to touch the ring on the necklace, and asked Zhong Li.

"Instead of passively accepting, it is better for us to take the initiative!"

After thinking for a moment, Zhongli made a decision.

No one knows exactly where the bamboo light butterfly is, only that it appeared in the dark.

In this dark place, I don't know if there is a formation or what, any lighting thing can only illuminate a distance of three meters wide.

Especially in this bamboo forest, the spiritual sense is still restricted, and it is impossible to use the spiritual sense to explore the surroundings, so that someone hiding in the dark in the distance cannot be noticed at all.

Once the light is on, it is tantamount to being a target to be watched in the dark.

Not many people present were fools, they all stood still, planning to wait for the bamboo light butterfly to appear, and then go to catch or snatch it.

In such a situation, no matter whether they have offended others or not, no one dares to make a light source.

Since turning on the light means death, they might as well squat in the darkness, responding to all movements with inactivity.

But Xiao Chenzhong is different from them!
Xiao Chen has a space ring with a secret realm in his hand, and Zhong Li is inside.

Zhongli can see the outside situation through the ring, and now he can also see the outside situation through the ring, and in this secret realm, there are many different places, and there are special extremely cold and extremely hot environments for planting spirit grass.

With these, there is naturally an extremely dark environment.

As long as the inside of this secret realm is darker than the outside, the outside environment is bright for Zhongli, and he can see the road clearly.

In this way, she can see the outside environment in the secret territory and help Xiao Chen lead him the way.

To Xiao Chen, he can grasp the external form without making a fuss, which shouldn't be too great an advantage.

In this way, Zhong Li directed Xiao Chen to leave the place step by step in the secret territory, to look for Bai Yunfei.

They want to take the initiative.

"Since he refuses to listen to us carefully, let's tie him up now and tell him slowly!"

(End of this chapter)

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