Run, host she's not right

Chapter 237 The Golden Finger in the Ring 56

Chapter 237 The Golden Finger in the Ring 56
Xiao Chen, who fell in front of the martial arts arena, caused an uproar, and all the disciples present couldn't help but look at him, discussing in their hearts.

"No, his cultivation at this time is only in the late stage of Qi training, not in the foundation building stage."

"Could it be that he's using a new flying weapon? Isn't he flying on Yujian?"

"His flying sword is obviously his long sword. It is estimated that he used all his aura to fly the sword."

"My God, he exhausted all the spirit energy in his body just to make an appearance. He still doesn't plan to compete."

"No way, this Xiao Chen is going to give up the competition? I have pressured him a lot of money!"

"Using the whole body's aura to fly with the sword is simply stupid!"

As if Xiao Chen didn't hear the voices of those discussions, Shi Shiran put away the long sword, stood in his own position, and didn't explain much about those people's suspicions.

He didn't know how to explain it. After all, it was probably only my sister who used such a precious talisman for this kind of superficial effort.

Zhongli: "..."

Anyway, she has confidence in Xiao Chen, and she will definitely be able to go to the end and become the leader of the new disciples. In this case, it is natural to get more material to fool the younger brothers and younger sisters!
Moreover, if the opponent is not very smart, thinks that he has no aura now, and despises him, Xiao Chen can quickly eliminate the opponent and replace him with a smart opponent.


Bai Yunfei and several other disciples had already arrived at the scene early. Seeing Xiao Chen's cool appearance, Bai Yunfei complained with a dark face.

Complicated emotions also appeared on the faces of other disciples.

On the contrary, Ji Jun, smiling as always, waved to Xiao Chen: "Brother Xiao, here we come."

"En." Xiao Chen nodded, calmly took a pill to supplement the spiritual energy, and replenished the bit of spiritual energy he had lost.

He found that he couldn't see through Ji Jun more and more, wondering if he really had a natural smiling face.

With Xiao Chen's appearance, the various appearance methods of other disciples are not as cool as Xiao Chen's, and the discussion object of the disciples off the court has always been him.

Soon, the Dongchen Sect's disciples competed, and the top ten competition began.

Ten disciples will draw lots to compete one-on-one, and the person who wins the final will be the leader.

Xiao Chen's opponent is an unknown senior brother from the inner sect.

He looked at Xiao Chen rather arrogantly, with contempt in his eyes, apparently he saw Xiao Chen's flying move with the sword just now, and thought that he was ostentatious, and defeating Xiao Chen was an easy task.

Even the other disciples thought that this senior brother would surely win, and they were not optimistic about Xiao Chen.

Who knows how many people were surprised by the sword that Xiao Chen swung after the start.

That silver sword light, like a long white line, dazzled the eyes of many people, and defeated that senior brother without any effort.

"This... this, it's impossible, am I in a hallucination?"

"Why does Xiao Chen still have spiritual energy! During the competition just now, his spiritual energy was very abundant, and he didn't look like he had exhausted his spiritual energy at all."

"Could it be that Xiao Chen came to the martial arts training ground and then flew with his sword? Did he use this appearance to deceive us?"

"No, I've seen him fly out from the southeast mountain with his sword before, and he was so fast and steady along the way, I thought he was a senior brother in the late stage of foundation establishment!"

"Could it be that Xiao Chen's spiritual energy reserves are overwhelming, even if he flew all the way with the sword, there is still so much spiritual energy?"

"Maybe there is something wrong with his long sword. After illegal modification, it can fly like a flying magic weapon!"

"It's also possible that the exercises he practiced can allow him to quickly recover his aura!"

"No, no, maybe this is all fake. In fact, Brother Xiao has no spiritual energy in his body now. It was just a fluke that he still had a little left to complete the competition. Next, he will definitely lose!!!"

Someone said it swearingly.

Many disciples really believed this statement, so they followed Xiao Chen's competition to see if he would be beaten into a dog in the next competition without aura.

The end result, of course, was that they lost without even a pair of pants and forks left.

Many years later, the content of spiritual energy in Xiao Chen's body is still an unsolved mystery for many disciples of Dongchen Sect.

But Xiao Chen's deeds this time have been spread for a long time.

After all, there are many qi training disciples who also want to fly with the sword like Xiao Chen, but when they are less than a hundred meters away, they tremble and their hands and feet feel weak, and their whole body has no spiritual energy.

Xiao Chen is a mystery among the low-level disciples of the Dongchen School!



Xiao Chen became the leader of this year's disciple competition, and gave Dongnanshan an embarrassment for them, which made Pei Gan very happy.

I kept looking at him with a smile, and the more I watched, the more I felt that this disciple was very kind to him.

With this disciple, he will have the capital to brag with other brothers, sisters and nephews in the future!
Double face! !
In order to make this disciple give him more face, Pei Gan slammed a few times, and then threw a few cheat books to Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen, practice hard, I believe in you, you will definitely be able to excel!"

Then let him continue to overwhelm the other elders of the Dongchen faction.

Pei Gan patted Xiao Chen's shoulder and smiled so flamboyantly that Xiao Chen had black hair.

This was the first time Master looked at him with such joy.

Xiao Chen looked down at the cheat books that Pei Gan gave him, they were all very practical and suitable for him.

"I will practice hard, master."

"Very good, you should retreat for five or ten years, and let me practice these things thoroughly, at least you can use it in your golden core stage!" Pei Qian said.

After finishing speaking, he took advantage of the opportunity to embrace Xiao Chen, raised his eyebrows, and looked like a good brother.

"Since you want to retreat and practice hard, there are some things that you don't need, why don't you pay tribute to your teacher..."

Pei Qian's winking look made Xiao Chen's hair black. He put all his things into the storage ring, and silently removed Pei Qiankun's hand.

Then he adjusted his clothes and hair little by little, and turned into a dignified and aristocratic son again, and refused very decisively.

"Master, this is out of the question."

He knew what Pei Qian wanted, his Zouwu, the motorcycle that could travel thousands of miles a day.

Maybe it's because men like cold and cool things like mechs, Xiao Chen also likes his car very much.

Although in the Dongchen sect, there are all high mountains and flying instruments, and his Zouwu has no space to use it, but Xiao Chen is still itchy, and when he is free, he will go around the southeast mountain Had a good time.

He didn't know when he was seen by Pei Qian, and he was attracted to him.

But this unique thing made by Zhongli for him, Xiao Chen himself cherishes it very much, and he doesn't give it to Pei, which makes him very depressed.

"Master, Zouwu, it is impossible for me to give it to you. Take a look at this. This is the organ illustration book I just exchanged from other disciples."

Although he bought this illustration book to give to Zhongli, but seeing such a handsome master, Xiao Chen had no choice but to give it up, planning to find another copy for Zhongli in the future.

Unexpectedly, Pei Gan waved his hand with disgust.

"Go, go, who wants this thing, I have seen this thing 800 years ago, I want your thing that I haven't seen before."

Xiao Chen: "Zouwu, I will never give it to you."

"Hey, you, you unworthy disciple!"

"Look at how I became a master, and how did you become a disciple? Has your conscience been gnawed by monsters? Hey, why did I accept such an apprentice? It's too hard for me!!!"

Seeing that he was rejected again, Pei Qian didn't care about his image as a powerful man in the Nascent Soul stage, he sniffled and wiped his tears, seeing Xiao Chen's heart for this master's filter If it breaks again, it will directly fall below the bottom eighteen floors.

In the past, no matter how Xiao Chen thought, he couldn't imagine that he would worship such a wonderful person as his master.

(End of this chapter)

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