Run, host she's not right

Chapter 240 The Golden Finger in the Ring 59

Chapter 240 The Golden Finger in the Ring 59
Xiao Chen left his room, and stopped hesitantly after taking two steps. He looked ahead and saw the back of a strange woman.

The woman's back was facing him, wearing a light purple dress, her waist was slender, her back was straight, her slightly curly long hair was scattered behind her head, she looked elegant and dignified.

Xiao Chen felt a little strange, this woman stood there, as if she had merged with the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, he could not feel her breath or her aura fluctuations.

Could it be, this is the master's friend.

Like him, is he an expert at the Nascent Soul Stage?
But after taking a closer look, Xiao Chen realized that this was the figure he had been thinking about all along.

Zhongli left the gate.

After realizing this, Xiao Chen's mood began to become active non-stop, a smile couldn't help but put on his face, and he hurriedly took two steps forward.

"Sister, are you out of customs?"

Xiao Chen couldn't wait to ask, and Zhong Li lost interest when he heard that Xiao Chen had guessed himself right away.

She originally wanted to tease Xiao Chen. After all, she had never told anyone about her great plan before it was completed. She didn't expect to be recognized as soon as they met. It was simply boring.

Zhongli turned around with a blank face, and that pair of unbelievably beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Chen. Originally, Xiao Chen was waiting for Zhongli with anticipation, even the tips of his ears turned red, but when Zhongli turned around, After that, his eyes darkened, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Who is this?
Xiao Chen looked at Zhongli vigilantly, secretly and quickly took out a very powerful talisman from the storage space.

The person in front of him looks exactly like his sister, but Xiao Chen can feel that no matter how similar he is, he is always different from her, she is not Zhongli!
Think again about the other party's undetectable existence just now, which is completely different from Zhongli's pure soul and spirit body with a strong sense of existence.

She didn't have any soul fluctuations on her body, she wasn't a soul, and she was blocked back as if she had touched a wall when facing Xiao Chen's spiritual exploration.

The person in front of him was so powerful that he couldn't sense it, Xiao Chen became even more worried.

He was afraid in his heart, is there a monk whose cultivation base is stronger than Pei Gan broke through the barrier of Dongnan Mountain, and then seeing Zhongli, he became greedy for her pure and transparent soul, hurt her, and even Turned into her appearance.

Because of Zhongli's special existence, Xiao Chen had a very comprehensive understanding of how the existence of a pure soul makes monks greedy, especially the stronger the monk, the more eager to meet a pure soul, because there is a kind of Sorcery can use other spirits to strengthen one's spirit.

So someone found Zhongli in Southeast Mountain, and the possibility of hurting her in the end was very high. After all, Zhongli didn't have any means of attack.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen became even more anxious. He was worried all over his heart and eyes, what happened to Zhongli at the moment, and whether it would fall into the hands of the person in front of him. Xiao Chen quickly sent a message to Pei Gan, asking him to come back to save Zhongli .

The activities in Xiao Chen's heart were very fast and complicated, even his face didn't show it at all, he secretly came up with several plans, all of which were how to save Zhongli, and how to hold her back so that Pei Gan Come back in time.

"I was recognized by you all at once, it's boring." Zhongli, who knew nothing, sent a voice transmission to Xiao Chen, after all, she can't speak now.

"elder sister?"

Hearing the familiar sound transmission, Xiao Chen was a little stunned.

He was suddenly not sure who the person in front of him was.

"Sister, why can't I feel the fluctuation of your soul?"

Even before retreating, he could still feel the fluctuation of Zhongli's soul, and even any monk could detect her existence.

But now, he can't feel it at all. The divine consciousness released is like exploring an abyss, and he can't bottom it out.

"Could it be that my sister has succeeded in cultivation?" Xiao Chen asked expectantly, this is the only possible explanation.

After all, if Zhongli finds a physical body to possess, or finds his own body, he can still feel the breath of a human monk, but Zhongli in front of him has nothing.

There is only one possibility, Zhongli has cultivated into a ghost fairy in the past five years!

Zhongli: "..."

"You, you have a lot of confidence in me." Zhong Li said with a dry smile.

It's only been a long time, and she can cultivate so powerfully.

"Do you still remember the mechanical puppet I made? I created a puppet according to my own body, and then manipulated it with my spiritual consciousness, treating it as my own body."

When Zhongli said this, Xiao Chen understood immediately, and he looked at Zhongli with shining eyes, admiring him very much.

"Sister, you are really amazing!"

"It's just amazing!"

Thinking that something happened to Xiao Chen, Pei Gan hurried back all the way, just in time to hear the conversation between the two, he couldn't help but said.

In the slovenly appearance, a pair of piercing eyes stared at Zhongli as if shining.

"You do this, do you know how bold it is..." How powerful is it?
The well-informed Pei Gan said with a dry voice, he is not like Xiao Chen, who is a young cultivator. He has lived for hundreds of years, and he has seen many things, including evil cultivators and demon cultivators. , even ghost repair he has encountered.

He knows that there are evil cultivators who inject the souls of human monks into dead bodies or dolls to make puppets, but such puppets, not to mention sinister and evil, only have one or two tenths of their souls left, have no IQ, and act like strings Although puppets are extremely lethal, they are abnormal at first glance.

Like Zhong Li, he poured his own consciousness into it, and he could control the puppet by himself. Not only did his spirit not lose his IQ, but he still kept his spirit, and even his limbs were slightly stiff, which was no different from that of a living person. practice.

Immediately, Pei Gan realized that if other monks knew about it, it would cause a great sensation in the whole world of cultivating immortals, and how many people would even covet him.

He hastily warned: "You must not let the fourth person know about the puppet. Once it is known by others, the consequences will be disastrous."

Then Pei Gan looked at Zhongli again, looked her up and down with his spiritual sense, and finally let out a breath of relief: "Zhongli, I don't know how you did it, your doll's body is not bad, as long as you don't take the initiative to expose it , other people will not think of you as a puppet that can think and act on its own."

"You must remember that you can't let other people know, otherwise, it will bring great harm to Zhongli."

Once a monk knows that Zhongli can inject spiritual consciousness into the puppet, he can control the puppet to treat it as a new body.

Among other things, those ghost cultivators are the first to be tempted. After all, they are souls without bodies. Even if they can cultivate their souls into bodies, the effort of hundreds of years is nothing compared to getting a puppet body. simple?

The second is those monks who are seriously injured and dying at the end of their lifespan. They don't have much time. Naturally, no one wants to die. Taking other people's bodies is too difficult and has a low success rate, which is harmful to peace.

But who would not be tempted by a puppet body that can hold the soul, prevent the soul from dissipating, and allow them to live like they used to?

Not to mention, those who want to do bad things, the invisibility artifact that blocks the body and breath, and the power potion that changes the appearance, how can there be a strange doll that no one can find out and can be used directly by injecting the soul? The hidden convenience?
None of these people are good people, if they know, they will definitely use all means to obtain Zhongli's puppet skills.

In any case, before Zhongli Xiaochen and the others have the ability to protect themselves, these things must never be known to others.

Zhong Li and Xiao Chen were not fools either, they didn't need Pei Qian to tell them, they understood after a little thought.

Of course, Zhong Li did not dare to take his own safety and security lightly. Xiao Chen wanted to protect his sister wholeheartedly, so naturally he would not hold back.

Seeing that both of them understood, Pei Gan nodded, looking like a teachable child, afraid that someone would not listen to the advice, and would show off a fool looking for death everywhere. Fortunately, his apprentice is still smart.

 I am very sorry, I have been stuck for so many days, the data of this book is really poor, there are not many readers and fans, and often there are not even a comment for ten days and a half months, and I am in a stand-alone state all the way. There were quite a lot of things in the last three dimensions, and I didn’t have a clue for writing. Now it’s been delayed until the early morning to update. I stay up late every day in poor health and lose a lot of hair, which is very broken.

  There are a lot of things these days, and I am too busy, so I am thinking about whether to abandon the pit and start a new book, or simply give up my untalented writing, but I have not written these days, and I feel a little empty and relaxed In addition, I was a little worried. I saw that there were book fans telling me not to give up. I was also very happy in my heart when I saw that some people were still watching. After thinking about it, I couldn’t let it go, so I continued to update and write this book. It's over, I hope everyone can continue to support regardless of previous suspicions, but the daily update cannot be guaranteed, I try not to ask for leave, and try to update (●''●)
(End of this chapter)

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