Run, host she's not right

Chapter 248 The Golden Finger in the Ring 67

After getting everything ready, Zhong Li walked in to the artifact left by the alchemy master.

It is a painting with yellowed curly edges.

If A9008 hadn't taken the initiative to turn over the painting and told Zhongli that it was an artifact of time, she wouldn't have believed it.

Zhong Li looked up at this painting. It was a picture of mountains and flowing water. At first glance, it seemed to be no different from other paintings. He even felt that the painting was a bit rough.

But if you look carefully, you can find that the flowers and trees depicted in it are extremely real, and they are all unique existences, without the slightest similarity, as if they are another world.

Is this what the Buddhists say, one flower, one world?

Zhong Li didn't have time to think too much, so he directly entered the painting.

After she entered the painting, there was an extra outlined character in the painting of "Mountains and Flowing Water". That person looked exactly like Zhong Li.

The villain, who has shrunk many times in size, looks up and down from time to time, looking at the flowers and plants around him, and his every move becomes naive.

Zhong Li looked up and looked around, the sky was warm yellow, every flower and every tree was a warm yellow log color, at first glance, it was a bit unacceptable.

After all, suddenly coming from a brightly colored place to such a monotonous and depressed space, even with the time to quickly practice with the artifact, it is not so easy for a monk.

If he stays here all year round, he will probably go crazy and become obsessed. It seems that the artifact is not so easy to use.

Zhong Li couldn't care less about emotion, she had to quickly practice the detoxification pill.

Zhongli took his things and walked to the top of the mountain that he saw outside the time artifact.

There is a gazebo, a futon for sitting in the pavilion, and a watermelon-sized alchemy furnace. This is where the master is practicing.

After finding the place, Zhongli started to fiddle with it.

She first reviewed all the introductory materials on alchemy, and then found out the elementary version of the detoxification pill, rubbed her hands together and started refining.

Due to time constraints, it was impossible for Zhong Li to follow the procedure and refine all the primary first-grade elixir step by step, and then go to the higher-level second-grade elixir after he was proficient.

Even if a quarter of an hour has passed outside and a year has passed inside, Zhong Li is still not sure whether he will be able to practice the detoxification pill before Xiao Chen's death.

Now it can only focus on a certain specialization.

I hope this can greatly shorten the time it takes for her to refine the fifth-grade elixir.

After memorizing both sides and all the tools, Zhongli started to move, the first thing was to light the fire.

Fortunately, the alchemy master was in the alchemy furnace of the artifact of time. I don't know how he operated it, but he left a cluster of ground fire, which happened to be convenient for Zhongli.


Originally, Zhongli thought that practicing a pill was just a trivial matter for her, but who knew that two consecutive failures almost made Zhongli autistic.

"I don't believe it, I can't practice this pill? There is nothing I can't do!"

Zhong Li gritted his teeth, hummed a few words, his eyes were shining brightly from the ground fire.

Her small face, which was originally very delicately drawn, was dusty, and even her beautiful eyes were blackened. Throwing such a Zhongli on the street, she is no different from a poor little beggar.

These are all the injuries caused by the pill blaster to Zhongli.

Zhong Li sighed, realized that he was careless, and began to regard this alchemy as a homework, instead of continuing to grind, but stopped, took out a pen and paper and began to summarize, review and reflect, taking notes little by little.

Practice once, then write a summary, and after three times, it can be regarded as allowing Zhong Li to fully grasp what kind of fire is a big fire, medium fire and small fire, and he has successfully practiced the first pill in his life!

Looking at the round pill in his hand, Zhong Li couldn't help but snorted, it's coming out!

After practicing the elixir, Zhong Li was not excited, she continued to ponder and take notes, and continued to work hard. She has just refined a first-grade detoxification elixir. What Xiao Chen needs is a fifth-grade one, and there is still a need to upgrade.

Zhong Li was summarizing and practicing at the same time. After refining the first-grade detoxification elixir proficiently, he began to refine the second-grade elixir.

Who would have thought that Zhongli, who had already refined the first-grade detoxification pill, would beat her back to the original place when facing the second-grade detoxification pill.

This second-grade elixir is actually ten times more difficult than the first-grade elixir, more than a hundred times more difficult!
Obviously she is strictly following the unilateral record, how much to use, when to put what, what kind of heat is required, Zhongli is one-on-one according to the unilateral record.

But that's how it was, others' elixirs could be practiced, but hers failed.

In addition to these, Zhongli will be in a hurry due to various situations that she will encounter. Although it is recorded in the book, she has no experience in dealing with it.

After several movements, Zhongli understood that there is no shortcut to alchemy, one must take one step at a time.

She was able to successfully refine the first-grade detoxification elixir, entirely because the first-grade low-level elixir is not difficult, as long as the steps are correct and the temperature is controlled correctly, the elixir will always be refined.

But those above first rank, second rank, third rank and fourth rank are not the same.

It is necessary to fully understand the attributes of all herbs, what changes will occur in the attributes of herbs in different years, what changes will occur when different herbs are fused together, and how to control the temperature in the pill furnace. How to integrate them, how many minutes and seconds should be mastered, and so on.

Only when you are familiar with all these things and know how to take the next step after completing one step, can you refine all the pills.

Dead endorsement is completely unworkable!


Zhong Li sighed, and gave up his original plan of only focusing on detoxification pills.

Alchemy needs to be practiced step by step.

However, this is not without loopholes. Zhongli took out the artifact of time, searched for A9008, and finally came back to continue his practice.

Although Zhongli started alchemy from scratch step by step, Zhongli did not refine it blindly. Instead, he asked A9008 to analyze a piece of information for her, arranging all the pills that needed attention from high to low.

From the beginning to control the heat, to understand the age properties of medicinal materials, to the control of the spiritual power of different medicinal materials, etc., all are divided into seven chapters.

In this way, Zhong Li disassembled them all to break through them one by one, and started to study chapter by chapter, and did not forget to summarize the quiz during the period.

Zhongli did not refine all the pills once, but after screening, the pills with the same refining technique and control steps were ignored, as an extra-curricular practice, after saving Xiao Chen and when he was free, he slowly study.

In this way, Zhong Li quickly refined most of the first-grade pills, and also integrated all the information in the books.

She can refine the second-grade elixir!

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