Run, host she's not right

Chapter 254 The Golden Finger in the Ring 73

Chapter 254 The Golden Finger in the Ring 73
Even if they had doubts in their hearts, these evil cultivators were very cautious and did not go up directly, but gathered the rest of their companions and slowly moved forward.

Seeing that the road was clean and there was no trace of a fight, this made them think that the group of greedy companions had found the hidden secret room.

Thinking of this, several people felt a lot of urgency in their hearts. Needless to say, they walked forward quickly together, and they were able to follow the traces—those walls that were smashed all the way to the outside of a secret room.

The human who accidentally entered before was still lying on the ground. He was lying quietly on the ground, and he seemed to have no aura at all. There were traces of torture on his body, but his small arms and legs were still there.

Several evil cultivators looked at each other, they have been starving in this secret realm for hundreds of years, they have long been very greedy to meet such a human being who accidentally entered tenderness.

He kept consuming the spiritual energy on his body, just to be able to hold him better. Now this delicious delicacy was lying on his body, and the companion who was staring at him was gone.

What does this mean?It meant that there was something more important underneath, which was tempting them, so that they didn't bother to pay attention to this human being, and even broke his leg on purpose in order to prevent him from escaping.

What is the biggest temptation for them now?
That is to untie the problems on the body and make them a normal person!At least I am no longer afraid of such things as aura.

Several evil cultivators looked at the intersection of the secret room, and their hearts became a lot excited. Could it be that this is the hidden secret room, and their antidote is right here?

Only in this way will those companions be forced to give up this human monk.

Thinking of this, several people looked at each other, and they all entered the secret path to chase after them first, and even fought to fight for the order to come out.

After all, this is a hidden secret room, maybe there is an antidote inside, an antidote that can restore them to normal.

There were five evil cultivators in total, the first four snatched away, but one evil cultivator walked quietly behind, looking not in a hurry at all.

Just kidding, he doesn't know what kind of virtue these "brothers" are. He can tell by looking at the traces. Many people have already gone down. Those people have no good mistakes. Maybe they ambushed them on the road to the secret room.

He was stupid to go in first.

That's why this evil cultivator saw the first four people scrambling to get in, so he followed slowly.

Who knew that the imaginary ambush did not appear at all, and they went all the way unimpeded.

This shows that those companions who came in first must have found something good, and it was too late to hide it by themselves, so they had the time to set up traps and ambush.

The five immediately quickened their pace, but one evil cultivator, looking at his companion who was still hiding slowly behind him, felt a little suspicious in his heart, and asked, "Lao Liu, why don't you hurry up and catch up?"

"Here we come, here we come." Although Xiexiu's sixth son was talking, his pace was not that fast, and he followed them all the way. If he encountered a good thing, he could grab it, and if he encountered a trap, he could retreat and escape.

The five of them came all the way to the secret room at their feet. Looking at the platform on the ground, there was the traitor's aura in the air, and they immediately understood that they had guessed correctly.

Immediately, someone saw a book on the platform, and their hearts were full of excitement, thinking that this was the antidote, or a book on medicine, as long as they had it, they would definitely return to normal.

One evil cultivator rushed forward quickly, and the other evil cultivators were not slow, scrambling to rush to the platform. The sixth child was not surprised, and even now he didn't care about anything, etc., and dragged his back.

When he was about to reach the platform, his back suddenly felt cold, Lao Liu hesitated for a moment, one step behind the four of them, and then with a "bang", fragments of bones sprayed across his face.

Lao Liu hurriedly backed away, his scalp tingling, and his few hairs stood up straight.

The four living companions, in the blink of an eye, turned into bones and scum.

And what is this diffuse?
It's aura! !
The sixth child is now angry and terrified.

He didn't care about checking anything at all, and quickly turned around and ran outside the passage of the secret room. Who knew that at this time, a human appeared in the secret passage.

It looks extremely beautiful, enough to make him tempted to get his hands on anything, but at this moment, his lustful heart is not daring to move.

The sixth child looked at Zhongli who was holding a string of talismans in his hand, and was stunned. How could there be a stranger in this palace?

And this stranger, they have never sensed it.

Most importantly, how did this stranger know where their culprit was?

In an instant, the sixth child thought of Yin. It is estimated that his relics were taken by the woman in front of him, and inherited his last wish, wanting to destroy all of them.

"Hey, there is a fish that slipped through the net?" Zhongli thought in his heart, but he didn't tell Lao Liu. After all, once the sound transmission is sent to him, the spiritual energy will be transmitted to him. Zhongli still wants to keep someone, so ask thing.

"Then be careful, there is no good person here." A9008, also in the shape of a five-year-old puppet, appeared behind Zhongli and warned, but in the eyes of Xiexiu's sixth son, he looked timid.

women, children...

Lao Liu had an idea in his mind.

With a "plop", I saw the sixth child begging for mercy on his knees, crying with snot and tears, and his voice was full of sadness, which made those who heard it sad and those who heard it cry.

"I beg the fairy to spare my next life. I am a slave captured by these gangsters. The fairy is now killing the people, saving the little one, and avenging my family, young and old. The little one is willing to be a cow and a horse for the rest of his life to repay the fairy."

They are evil cultivators who don't follow the righteous path, and stealing and abducting are daily routines, so in the blink of an eye, Lao Liu came up with a ghostly idea and began to deceive Zhongli.

Although Lao Liu thought that his acting skills could fool a little doll with ease, seeing Zhong Li's silence and expression on his face at that time, he couldn't help but feel aroused, wondering if the woman in front of him would believe his words.

Seeing Zhongli take out the long sword with a "whoosh", the sixth child suddenly raised his heart, thinking whether he should strike first.

But he saw that the long sword didn't poke at him, but carved a few words "嗖嗖嗖" on the ground.

"Since you are a captured slave, do you know the news about those gangsters?"

Looking at the words on the ground, Lao Liu felt relieved at once. It seemed that this silly woman believed his words, and as long as he was by her side, he would try his best to consume her spiritual energy.

When the spiritual energy is gone, it falls into his hands, but it is just a little chicken waiting to be slaughtered.

Although he thought so in his heart, on the surface the sixth child threw himself on the ground respectfully, looked at the writing on the ground, and then replied.

"I know, I have been enslaved by them for so many years, of course I know all the news about them, fairy, just listen to me slowly."

The sixth child knelt down, terrified and grateful at the same time, looking extremely humble.

If it wasn't for Zhong Li who had understood everything a long time ago, he might have been blinded by his acting skills.

"The first thing, you can know what they shield the space magic weapon."

Zhongli immediately asked about this matter.

Lao Liu thought about it for a while, and nodded quickly, with a heart-wrenching look: "I know, I know."

"Little one, let's take the fairy there."

(End of this chapter)

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