Run, host she's not right

Chapter 259 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 3

"Yo, this person... is quite homogeneous."

Zhong Li looked at the little black dog in front of him, the cats licking their fur together in the corridor, the monkeys poking around in the green trees next door, and the birds that flew back and immediately flew away when they saw her.

It was just such a group of guys who delayed her time and prevented her from taking the college entrance examination when she was preparing for the college entrance examination.

Perhaps they were assigned tasks by Zhong Jingmo and the others to urge her to take the supervisor's exam. Think about it carefully, their actions at the beginning were to drag her to this building in the corner.

It's just that Zhongli back then didn't understand all of this.

"Okay, don't run away, tell me what's going on."

Zhongli was no longer surprised that these animals could understand human speech, and she wouldn't be surprised even if they opened their mouths to speak.

It's a pity that they can't speak yet, they can only look at her with a pitiful look.

At this time, a skinny monkey with one piece of fur missing and another piece of fur on its body, which didn't look pretty, was pushed out by three cats.

Under Zhongli's watchful eyes, the monkey looked a little cautious, and it bowed deeply to Zhongli, revealing the branded skin with a ring of hair missing on its neck.

Zhong Li was stunned for a moment, his expression was normal, he slowly squatted down, his gaze was level with the monkey.

Then the monkey began to use its skinny paws to sign for Zhongli.

Zhong Li is not proficient in sign language. When watching the news broadcast, she also learned a little bit from the sign language teacher in the lower left corner. She is not stupid, and she can understand what the monkey is drawing with its strokes.

"You said, as early as three years ago, my parents told you that I was going to participate in the supervisor's assessment that day, saying that once that day passed, I would bring you to me and let me see the magic of this world. place."

"It's a pity that they missed the appointment and didn't show up, and you guys saw that the assessment was about to start, but I didn't know it, so I tried my best to let me go to participate."

With its skinny little paws, the monkey moved vividly, so vividly that Zhongli drew its words.

Listening to Zhongli perfectly uttering what it wanted to express, the monkey jumped up mischievously, its tail raised high behind it, and its two skinny little paws were clenched tightly, showing its thumbs. like.

Seeing them like this, Zhong Li couldn't help laughing.

"If you hadn't been funny back then, you would have written sign language earlier...emmm..."

She probably still wouldn't believe it.

After all, this is the college entrance examination, who would give up the college entrance examination for a nihilistic assessment that doesn't know what the situation is at all.

No matter how strange, weird, or clever these monkeys are, they can't compare to the future she has been fighting for for many years.

The only blame is that the time of the two exams is the same, but her parents didn't tell her and communicate clearly with her.

"You are all good boys."

Zhong Li smiled and patted their heads. The monkey tilted its head obediently, revealing a pair of big eyes. Other cats and dogs also came over, wanting Zhong Li to pat their heads together.

The beautiful bird that quietly hid in the corner also flew back, landed on Zhongli's shoulder, and then rubbed its head against her hair.

This well-behaved and sensible appearance is really distressing.

"Come, come one by one, touch your head, good boy." Zhong Li's eyes lit up, and he smiled lovingly.

This touch, that kneading, fluffy feel is simply amazing.

Half an hour has passed after round after round of stroking the head, stroking the belly, and stroking the tail.

And during these half an hour, Zhongli had a great time and didn't think about leaving.

These cats, dogs, monkeys and birds are really clingy. In fact, these little animals also thought in their hearts that the smell of the little master is too comfortable.

Make them want to be closer than before.

You know, Zhong Li has just finished training, and she is already a monk at the second level of qi training. Even if there is little aura overflowing from her body, it is still very strong in this world where aura is thin.

These animals that have already passed through spiritual wisdom, perhaps in a world with abundant spiritual energy, they can all be cultivated to become fine.

Now it is very normal to get close to Zhongli, the little master with aura on his body, even other ordinary animals will involuntarily get close to Zhongli.


At this time, a somewhat familiar roar appeared, and then a gust of wind blew past, followed by a piercing sound of emergency braking.

Looking up, it was a beautiful and powerful black motorcycle. The owner of the motorcycle was naturally the young man whom Zhongli thought was the driver of the black motorcycle, and who went straight to the police station.

"Little Ah Li, no, Miss Zhongli...why are you here?"

Seeing Zhongli suddenly, Qi Qi was a little surprised. He quickly looked around and was sure that this was downstairs from them, not anywhere in the community.

Many people would ignore the existence of this building, even Zhongli was no exception, why did she walk in today.

Moreover, Qi Qi was also surprised when he looked at the small animals with their bellies spread out beside Zhongli, and the very strong spiritual energy on Zhongli's body, but then he was overjoyed.

"You, have you successfully become a supervisor?" Qiqi couldn't help but said in surprise.

Only by becoming a supervisor, knowing everything about Zhong Ge and the others, and starting to practice and sensing the aura, can you break through the formation set up by Zhong Jing, Mo Yue'an and the others, and walk in.

You must know that Zhongli passed the assessment two months ago, even though she knew everything, she did not find this house, so only when she started to practice, could she recognize the formation and then know the existence of this building.

Qi Qi is naturally very happy to see that the person who grew up watching him has finally achieved what he is today.

"Yeah." Zhong Li nodded, looked at Qi Qi and asked.

Qi Qi patted his chest, and quickly introduced: "Miss A Li, my name is Qi Qi, you can call me Qi Qi."

"By the way, can I call you Miss A Li?"

Zhong Li smiled and said, "You can just call me A Li."

"Qiqi that day, you... entered the police station, are you okay?"

After Cheng came out from above the starry sky after the assessment, Zhongli knew Qi Qi's intentions. He was not a black car driver, but he didn't look like that in the eyes of others.

As the college entrance examination was approaching, Zhongli was under the supervision of the class teacher throughout the afternoon, and she was relieved when she was sent all the way to the examination room. After finishing the math test that day, Zhongli immediately went to the police station to release Qi Qi on bail, but was told that he had already left.

From that day on, Zhong Li never saw him again, but he never thought that he lived in this community so close to her.

Qi Qi scratched his head, and a handsome man showed his big white teeth and smiled grinningly.

"It's okay, when you left, I explained clearly and left."

"Oh, that's good." Zhongli nodded without asking carefully.

After all, this matter is easy to say, and it is definitely not easy to say that it is not simple.

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