Run, host she's not right

Chapter 264 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 8

Chapter 264 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 8
A best friend has become the goddess of the whole network, and Zhongli and Cen Chen, two good friends, are naturally very sincerely happy for her.

It's just that I feel lost and confused from time to time.

Lost about Su Qingyue's going to participate in the competition, why didn't I tell them about it, and wondered when Su Qingyue became so talented in painting.

"It seems that I have never heard of Yueyue who can draw." Cen Chen held the mobile phone and watched Su Qingyue's video while blowing rainbow farts with netizens, and said with some doubts.

They have known each other since the first year of high school, and they have been together until the third year of high school, but for such a long time, they have never heard that Su Qingyue can draw, nor have they seen her draw.

Zhong Li was also holding the phone, blinked his eyes, and speculated: "Maybe it's because of high school that I don't have time to draw."

This statement was quickly recognized by Cen Chen, "That's right, high school studies are more important, and it's too late to catch up with the grades, so how can I have so much time to draw?"

Cen Chen, who thinks that he and Su Qingyue are the same kind of people, very much agrees that they have been exhausted by studying, how can they have time to study other things like Zhongli.

"Do you think that Qingyue will enter the Academy of Fine Arts and paint? With such a high score, it would be a pity if she only went to paint." Cen Chen felt sorry for Su Qingyue.

Not only did Cen Chen have this idea, other netizens who love to worry about others also started to murmur.

"Oh, with such a high score, wouldn't it be a pity to go to the Academy of Fine Arts?"

"That's right. After three years of hard work, it's a pity to finally enter the Academy of Fine Arts."

"I heard that only people with poor grades go to painting to learn art."

"Hey, what do you mean? Could it be that our Academy of Fine Arts is terrible?"

"That's right, that's right, there are many high-IQ bigwigs among us who learn to paint."

"Although we study fine arts, we don't have rote memorization in the third year of high school, but it's not so easy to paint from morning to night, okay?"

All of a sudden, the Internet exploded, and the popularity became higher and higher. At this time, Su Qingyue issued a statement.

She said that painting is just her hobby. She loves painting and has talent in this line of work, but she will not be a painter in the future.

As soon as the words came out, the netizens fell silent, but the teachers and students in the painting world began to feel regretful.

Zhongli didn't expect that he just came out to eat breakfast with his little sister until noon, and actually stayed until the evening, and the two reluctantly bid farewell - mainly Cen Chen - to leave.

The night wind was gentle, blowing the fallen leaves in the woods and rustling on the ground.

The moon hangs high, shedding silvery white brilliance, covering the whole city, printed with colorful lights, dreamlike and beautiful.

"Tomorrow, it will be sunny..."

Zhong Li raised his head with emotion, but his brows began to move slightly, and the relaxed expression on his face gradually faded away.

She has read so many books in Dongchen Pai Zangshuge, and she has read so many books. She has also read a few books about astrology, which can be regarded as an introduction.

So she looked at the silvery moon in the sky at the moment, and it should be a clear sky, but she could see some hidden darkness from it.

But let Zhongli talk about it carefully, but she couldn't tell what it was, but she just felt very uncomfortable, as if she was enveloped by something.

"This..." Zhong Li's face was solemn, and he said slowly, "Could it be the smog?"

Maybe it's because she stayed in a world full of beautiful mountains and clear waters for a long time, and when she came back, she suddenly took a look at the sky of Lincheng.

Naturally, this city full of car exhaust and factory exhaust cannot compare with the sky of the world of cultivating immortals.

Although this was the idea, Zhong Li had a vague feeling in his heart that this was not the case.

Before she could continue to ponder, the piercing siren sounded from far to near, and then a motorcycle police car with flashing lights passed by at high speed. If Zhong Li hadn't taken a quick step back, he would have been scratched.

Seeing that she had missed something, the police car that was hurriedly driving by the leader stopped, and the other police cars behind her continued to roar forward.

The policeman took off his helmet and said quickly: "I'm sorry, are you okay, did I get you anywhere?"

Zhong Li shook his head quickly, and recognized the person who took off his helmet: "I'm fine, Officer Chen!"

This person was none other than the police lady who took Zhongli to Linshan before the college entrance examination, and sent her back along the way, comforting and encouraging her carefully.

Officer Chen also recognized Zhongli, he was relieved to see that she was fine, and saw that his teammates had rushed to the scene quickly, and Zhongli was fine, so he planned to catch up after saying a few words.

"It's you, little sister Zhongli, as long as you're fine, why did you come out alone this late at night?"

"I just had a party with my friends, Officer Chen, you are in such a hurry, did something important happen?" Zhong Li asked curiously.

Although Lincheng was prosperous, nothing had happened to it. Now seeing a team of police officers in such an urgent state, Zhong Li's heart was lifted.

"In the Huayuan District, a child with autism committed suicide suddenly. We are about to rush there. Okay, I won't tell you. It's good that you are fine. Go back quickly and be careful on the way."

The young lady of the police officer gave a warning, put on the helmet, then stepped into the handsome blue and white police car, and rushed forward with a whimper.

After Zhong Li watched them go, such a thing happened suddenly, and she didn't have time to watch the stars and moon here, so she went home directly.

After arriving home, Zhong Li swiped his phone and found that there was information about the autistic child in the Garden District. Before the police and doctors arrived, he was not breathing.

Seeing this, Zhong Li let out a long sigh, lamenting the impermanence of the world, and began to recite a passage of the Sutra of Rebirth to this unknown child.

By the next day, the news about this autistic child had already sunk on the Internet, and no one cared about his death.

During these days of summer vacation, Zhongli also controlled himself. While cultivating, he did not forget to continue looking for some books, no matter what type.

It's just a little strange that Zhongli felt that her attention was not on the book. Apart from practicing, she began to wonder if she could draw talismans in this real world where she existed.

For this reason, Zhongli began to purchase large quantities of materials for painting symbols, such as yellow paper and cinnabar, but unfortunately most of these things were fake and inferior products, and they were inferior products among inferior products.

In order to draw symbols successfully, Zhongli began to search all over the world again, screening these materials.

After everything was ready, she began to paint enthusiastically.

The first one is out of shape.

Then comes the second, third...

In this way, Zhong Li spent a lot of effort on drawing symbols, and she never read the books she bought and borrowed from the library!

 Sorry, the exam has been discontinued recently, and I will add updates in the next few days!
(End of this chapter)

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