Run, host she's not right

Chapter 277 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 21

Chapter 277 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 21
Hearing Zhongli's words, the students around who had pricked up their ears to listen to the gossip were stunned for a moment, their eyes became blank, and the surroundings became quiet, only the buzzing voices could be heard in the distance.

Some of the students in the pharmacy department became excited and confident after Zhongli's words, and all of them straightened their chests.

that is!They were admitted to Peking University based on their own real skills, no matter what department it is, since Peking University has this department, it means that it exists for a reason, and there is no distinction between them and other students of Peking University!
Moreover, pharmacy is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Without medicine, how can they cure diseases and save lives? !
But more people are not paying attention to Zhongli's good words about pharmacy, but what she said later, she missed a subject in the college entrance examination? !

Missed a subject? ? ?
Suddenly, a burst of laughter sounded.

"Laughing to death, what kind of school does she think Beijing University is, and you can get into Peking University if you take one less test? They don't even make drafts for bragging. With such high scores in Beijing University, most people regret for life because of one point missing. Well, there is one less subject in the exam, bah, no ghost will believe this!"

The two students from the next department whispered mockingly. Although it was a whisper, the voice was enough for the surrounding students to hear.

As the male classmate said, he also looked at the expressions of the students around him, thinking that everyone around him thought the same as him, and thought that Zhong Li in front of him was telling lies that even children could not fool.

It's a pity that the people around were silent and didn't speak. There was a sudden realization on their faces, eyes wide open and mouth wide open, as if they remembered something important, but this student couldn't understand this expression.

Seeing that no one spoke to him, he began to talk to himself again: "You are a woman with long hair and short knowledge. Do you know what it means to miss a subject? At least ninety percent of the [-] points are missing. Points! With so many points missing, how many points do you have to take in other subjects to get into Beijing University? Is it possible that you can still get close to full marks? Since the opening of the college entrance examination, no one has been able to get full marks in all subjects!!!”

The more the classmate said, the more reasonable he was. Seeing a classmate taking a video with his mobile phone, he took the initiative to interact with him, "Everyone thinks this is it?"


Only a few drizzling voices responded, but seeing that the others were silent, the voice became lower and lower, and finally fell silent completely.

"...You guys, dumb, what's going on?"

Seeing that none of them made a sound, the male students also noticed that something was wrong. After all, those who can be admitted to this institution of higher learning will not have a bad IQ.

He frowned and thought for a moment, and immediately came up with the answer. With a slap, he clapped his palms, and suddenly realized!

"Oh! It must be because you are the daughter of a high-level executive in Kyoto, you have a backstage, right!!"

"It's no wonder so many people are afraid to speak up. It must be because your backstage is too big. I don't think you can tell whether you passed the pharmacy exam by yourself!"

Seeing the man talking more and more outrageous, didn't you see the other classmates who originally agreed with him look down at the phone, and when they saw it, they looked at Zhong Li in amazement, as if looking at a god?

This idiot is still pushing.

Someone who knew him didn't want to see him continue to lose face, so he hurried over and pulled his clothes, and whispered: "Brother, I beg you to stop talking."

"What, are you also cowardly?" The man looked indifferent.

"I'm afraid that you will be slapped in the face later, it's too ugly." The classmate said, and immediately handed over the phone, explaining by the way.

"Before and after the college entrance examination, did you not read the news or the group news..."

"Who is a serious person who would play with a mobile phone during the college entrance examination..." The man was full of disdain. He lowered his head and glanced at the mobile phone, and then his squinted eyes widened bit by bit, and finally the eyeballs almost fell out .

"On June 6th, a student in Lincheng was kidnapped and missed the first subject of the college entrance examination... She, she, she!!!"

The man stared in astonishment at a girl wearing a mask on the phone, showing a beautiful side face, surrounded by many police officers, but the girl looked calm and unaffected at all.

And that person, even with the cover of the mask, can still be seen to be Zhongli.

Zhong Li's eyes were good, and he also saw the photo in that classmate's phone, and raised his eyebrows slightly, hey, why didn't she know that she was photographed at that time?
"Unfortunately, that person is me." Seeing the man pointing at himself, Zhong Li replied calmly.

After hearing Zhongli's affirmation, the man's expression became even uglier.

Could it be that, as she said, she missed a subject, and what was missing was not a 150-point paper, but a full [-]-point major subject!

But he still didn't want to believe it, and he didn't want to believe it, how could this be possible!

Zhong Li obviously missed one of the exams, how could her score be able to get into an institution of higher learning like Peking University? An ordinary university is justified!

"Make-up exam, she must have made up the exam!! Maybe it's recommended, and there are extra points, it must be extra points, no one can get such a score! What do you think this is, this is a brainless novel Is it?! Impossible! In reality, it is impossible for anyone to get this result!!" The man threw his phone and roared.

Of course, this is also what most people think. How could anyone in this world achieve such a result until that classmate opened another link.

"Lincheng Middle School's college entrance examination list... Zhongli, No.5, score..."

Those words jumped in front of his eyes, the man couldn't believe it, it was true!

One of the two eyes turned black, and the whole person passed out, and fell heavily on the classmate behind him. The classmate who came to answer kindly was crushed and gritted his teeth.

He shouldn't be kind enough to come out and help him! !
Seeing this tall and burly male student fainted weakly, the other students showed eye-opening expressions, but in the end all their eyes fell on Zhong Li.

It was unbelievable, shocking, surprised, as if looking at a god.

They have all passed the college entrance examination, they know how difficult the exam questions are this year, and they also know what scores they got in the exam...

No matter how noisy and messy the venues of other classes were, the classes around Zhongli were all quiet.

All the students stood up straight, their faces blank, as if they had been struck by thunder, but they couldn't help but mention those pairs of black and white eyes to Zhongli.

They wished that Qiong Yao would possess her body, grab Zhongli and shake her for a while, and ask her to tell them that this is how she got such outrageous scores in the test, is it true!
(End of this chapter)

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