Run, host she's not right

Chapter 285 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 29

Chapter 285 Girlfriend Becomes All-around Genius 29
"Is there any way to return these stolen things to the owner?" Zhongli asked.

"This... Only after the dark forces are caught, can we know if there is a way to restore everything." A9008 was a little helpless, because its debut time is too short, and it has never seen these special abilities.

"Okay, speed up, and quickly wipe out the dark forces."

The dark forces that have sneaked into this world are too special and too hateful.

Life and death deprive people of years of learning experience, making people lose interest in the work and hobbies they originally loved, and lose their life goals. I don't know what the consequences will be.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, the long sword in Zhong Li's hand was so swayed that he couldn't even see it. He could only see sharp sword edges passing by, and the ribbons on both sides of the stage danced without wind.

The school leaders sitting in the front row of the auditorium felt their scalps were cold, their bodies stiffened and they secretly swallowed their saliva. They secretly decided that the school should put an end to these dangerous performances in the future! ! !

Zhong Li's face was cold, and the long sword in his hand was slowly withdrawn as the music ended. There was silence under the stage, and after a while, there was thunderous applause.

Those teachers, students, classmates, teachers and leaders were about to slap their palms red. They didn't expect that they could see such amazing swordsmanship at a simple school welcome party.

Great insight!
After the performance was over, Zhong Li withdrew his sword and left the stage, even though the students in the background shouted and ignored them.

Of course, the other students didn't dare to pay attention to Zhongli, because they were afraid that Zhongli, who was full of murderous looks, would catch him and give him a sacrificial sword.

Zhongli's swordsmanship, full of anger and murderous intent, became the highlight of this year's welcome party, and even became an incomparable program no matter how many new year parties in the future, and was mentioned by teachers and students every year.

Even though the party was over, in the whole school, the students' discussions about Zhongli never stopped.

It can be said that this time, Su Qingyue and the dark forces, who had prepared carefully, lost to Zhongli again, and both Su Qingyue and the dark forces were gnashing their teeth.

A classmate took a short video and posted it on the Internet. Not surprisingly, Zhongli once again overwhelmed Su Qingyue's piano solo. He even said that under Zhongli's swordsmanship, Su Qingyue's piano performance was so suppressed that no one mentioned it. .

Seeing that Zhongli has harvested batch after batch of prestige, the dark forces are a little anxious. Now the luck that was taken away from Zhongli is returning to her little by little, and they want Su Qingyue to replace Zhongli as the interface of this world. Girl, it's so far away.


The students of Peking University are very busy. Even the freshmen, just after the school starts and after the orientation party, they start busy studying at [-]:[-] every day.

Su Qingyue carried a limited-edition backpack and walked to the classroom with her roommates.

Although it has already entered autumn, the sun in September is not soft at all. The girl is holding a parasol, and Su Qingyue, who was walking on the campus path with the parasol, suddenly found a pair of long legs in front of her.

She stopped, raised her umbrella and looked up, and found that the person blocking the way in front of her was Zhongli.

At this time when the sun was so poisonous that boys couldn't help but look for an umbrella partner, Zhongli didn't hold an umbrella. She stood under the sun without fear and accepted the baptism of the sun. It's like lighting her up, making the girl white and transparent in the sun.


Su Qingyue couldn't help but clenched the handle of the umbrella in her hand, feeling a little nervous. The "system" analyzed with her yesterday, and they agreed that Zhongli had already discovered their existence.

And it started to add to their plans, sabotaging them everywhere.

Although Su Qingyue and Zhongli haven't officially broken their faces, Su Qingyue still couldn't help feeling guilty when facing Zhongli. At the same time, she didn't want to continue to feel inferior in front of Zhongli. She mustered up her courage and looked up at Zhongli.

"What do you want from me? I still have classes."

Su Qingyue spoke in a familiar tone, as if they had been together before, but the two of them couldn't go back to the past after all.

"I have something to do with you, come out with me." Zhong Li had a cold face and didn't give Su Qingyue any good looks.

"I, I still have class. What's the rush? If you're not in a hurry, we'll talk about it after class is over."

"Urgent matter, life-threatening urgent matter." Zhong Li said, grabbed Su Qingyue's hand, pulled her away and left.

The dazed Su Qingyue was dragged away by Zhongli just like that, at such a fast speed that her parasol was heavy with the wind.

"Hey, I still have to go to class."

"Wait a minute, then someone, ask me for a vacation~"

Zhong Li said, "It's okay, I've already asked you for leave."

"Why didn't I know?" Su Qingyue was in disbelief, she was the one involved, okay?She was the last to know why she was asked for leave.

Also, as a freshman, on the first day of school, how dare you ask another student for leave in front of the teacher?

"Where are we going?"

Su Qingyue, who was dragged to a trot all the way, finally realized something was wrong. This was a taxi, and she was going to the airport. Where on earth were they going to abduct her?

Su Qingyue panicked, and quickly called "Mr. System", but unfortunately there was nothing, and the other party did not appear, which made Su Qingyue feel uncertain.

"Take you somewhere."

After saying that, Zhongli traveled thousands of miles to bring Su Qingyue back from the capital to Lincheng.

Stepping into the boundary of Lincheng, Su Qingyue still couldn't believe it, "Why did you bring me home?"

Zhongli still didn't speak, and took her in the car silently all the way, and then went to a strange neighborhood. Su Qingyue looked around, and this neighborhood happened to be near the restaurant where they had a party with Cen Chen.

Zhongli took Su Qingyue into the community with familiarity, opened the door of a certain building, and walked into the elevator that needed to clock in.

Su Qingyue's eyes stared straight, this, this, what kind of black technology?To Zhongli, the security system of this community is useless.

Even with the "system", Su Qingyue is still within the scope of ordinary people, and her disposition is still immature. She is just a "multi-talented" little girl. Seeing Zhongli's methods, she can be regarded as starting to be afraid.

Zhong Li walked to a certain floor unimpeded all the way, and then started ringing the doorbell of a house, and after a while, the other party came to open the door.

It was a haggard-looking woman who opened the door, listless as if she had no interest in anything, she looked at Zhongli and Su Qingyue in confusion.

"You, who are you?"

"Hello, I'm a painting and calligraphy agent. I came across Jiang Yan's paintings by chance and wanted to come over to learn about them." Su Qingyue couldn't help but look sideways at Zhongli's words.

Upon hearing Zhongli's words, the woman in front of him, that is, Jiang Yan's mother, was still questioning whether Zhongli and Zhongli were too young.

Speaking of her son's jealousy, she said with some sobs.

"You are late, Jiang Yan doesn't need these things now."

(End of this chapter)

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