Run, host she's not right

Chapter 40 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 39

Chapter 40 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 39
After resting for a while, everyone continued to walk inside. These are employee passages, so the roads are full of twists and turns. From time to time, a zombie will come out from a certain corner.

At night, with only a few mobile phones, Su Wenyu and the other three were dangling their hands, which really hindered Zhongli's sight.

When he didn't hear the movement of the zombies, Zhongli was greatly relieved, but when he passed by a utility room and there was a sound inside, Zhongli's heart was raised again.

Another zombie?

Because the zombies that were making noises in the surrounding area have been dealt with, and the surrounding area is quiet, not only Zhong Li, but also Su Wenyu and others heard the sound this time.

Several people looked at each other, became vigilant, found the door of the utility room that was making noise, and lit it with the flashlight of their mobile phones.

At this time, Su Wenyu also took out his pistol, and together with Zhong Li aimed at the door of the utility room, they planned to open the door and kill the zombies inside.

This is Zhongli's idea, and of course he will take it when he encounters a score.

Zhong Li reached out and grabbed the doorknob, twisted it, but it couldn't be turned, obviously the door was locked from the inside.

As we all know, zombies can't lock the door, so only someone is inside.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li knocked on the door, and there was a muffled sound behind the door, and he didn't know how many things were behind the door.

"Is anyone in there? Is anyone there?"

After finishing speaking, it was quiet inside, and there was no sound at all.

Zhong Changlin stared straight at the doorknob, raised his heart and whispered, "Isn't it, he's gone." He turned into a zombie.

Or, unbearable, self-destructive.

Zhong Li shook his head, "I don't know."

But what is certain is that the people inside are still "alive" and can make movements.

Several people knocked on the door again, this time, it became quiet inside, and there was no sound, as if the movement they heard just now was their illusion.

The door couldn't be opened, and there was no sound from inside, so Zhongli and the others had no choice but to give up. It's more important to find the electric room first.

As for the things inside, let's deal with it slowly after the electricity is turned on and the lights are turned on.

Under the leadership of Su Wenyu, everyone quickly found the electric room, and Zhongli successfully found the generator through the instructions above, and turned it on.

With a click, in an instant, the lights of the entire square were turned on. The sudden dazzling light made everyone squint their eyes.

Seeing that Zhongli really succeeded in starting the generator, Su Wenyu and others looked at Zhongli in surprise, they didn't expect that she could really do it.

"Miss Ah Li, how do you know so many things?" Su Wenyu sighed.

He realized that he, a big man, was not at all comparable to Zhongli, especially now, he was a little confused by the things in a room, not knowing which ones were which and what their functions were, but Zhongli found the generator at a glance, and Open it skillfully.

Where is this something a girl should know?

It's really amazing.

Zhongli looked at Su Wenyu with clear eyes: "Is this difficult?"

He seemed to be thinking about how he made such a fuss.

Su Wenyu: "..."

It's not difficult for those who understand, but he can't figure out why Zhongli knows these things. As "father" Zhong Changlin, he doesn't think it's strange that Zhongli knows these things.

Now is not the time to say these words, Zhongli turned his head and operated for a while, pulling down all unnecessary switches, so that those useless lights don't need to be turned on to waste electricity.

After finishing these things, the time is still early, but it is only ten o'clock in the evening, but after the lights are gone, everyone feels that the night is difficult.

Seeing that it was still early, Zhongli planned to go to the first floor to see what was going on in the daily food supermarket.

There was a power outage for two days and one night, and I don't know how much of the stuff inside is still usable.

When I went back and walked through the utility room, the commotion inside was even bigger.

Zhongli and the others looked at each other, and in the end Zhongli decided to knock on the door again to ask questions, and if there was no movement, he would pry the door open.

"Kuuuuuuu, is there anyone in there? We've dealt with all the zombies here. It's safe. Can you open the door and come out?"

As usual, it was the same as when Zhongli knocked on the door before, but when he knocked on the door, there was no movement inside.

Zhongli put his ear close to the door and listened carefully, only then could he hear the slight knocking sound, there was no movement here, it was too small and they didn't hear it!
Zhong Li's face darkened, thinking of something bad.

"Quick, open the door quickly."

Su Wenyu quickly ran back to the duty room to find a bunch of keys, and was about to ask Zhong to leave the door to see which key it was, but the dusty door in front of him disappeared under his nose in an instant.

Su Wenyu: "???"

Looking at the key in his hand, he seemed to have done nothing.

After Yan Meimei put the door into the space ring, what was exposed was a mess of things behind the door, all of which were idle supplies.

Zhongli asked Yan Meimei to continue throwing these things into the space ring, and as the number of things decreased, it was possible to see the people lying on the ground in the utility room.

Three men and one woman, all four of them lay motionless on the ground, this appearance scared them all.

Wei Wei, the youngest of the four, raised his hand, tapped the tool in his hand, and made a thumping sound.

Looking at their pale faces, chapped lips, dull eyes, and the appearance of breathing out but not in, it can be seen that they are very hungry and thirsty.

Yan Meimei quickly took out a few bottles of water, and each of them was responsible for feeding the other.

Zhong Li was in charge of the person who was still moving. After wetting his lips with water, he immediately began to swallow the water like an instinctive reaction, and then took a big mouthful of breath.

After a bottle of water went down, the man seemed to have regained a bit of anger. At the same time, Zhong Li noticed something, and when he looked up, a familiar red character floated past.


what!This is actually a topic? !

Why was there no reminder?

After drinking water, these four people were considered to be alive, but they were still very weak. It is estimated that Zhongli and the others will find out tomorrow that these people can no longer hold on and starve to death.

Zhongli took out a few cans of eight-treasure porridge to feed them, and they all devoured it voraciously. They swallowed it in a hurry without even chewing it.

After a while, the man who recovered a little bit of energy said: "Thank you, we have been hungry and thirsty for many days, especially the air in this utility room is not circulated, and it is difficult to breathe. If you did not show up, we would have died gone."

As he spoke, the men began to cry, weeping with joy.

When Zhong Li knocked on the door for the first time, the man knocked and made a sound, but at that time his body was already very weak, and he was actually fainted by hunger. In the end, the sudden dazzling light above his head stimulated them.

"It's okay, it's okay, it'll be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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