Run, host she's not right

Chapter 42 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 41

Chapter 42 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 41

Although it is difficult to lure zombies, it is not too difficult. They can still do it with hard work.

Scattered voices sounded, but Zhongli didn't care too much, as long as he could do it anyway.

She continued talking about her plans.

"While you are leading away the zombies, you should also be careful about those survivors. You can bring them back, and then take them to lead the zombies together."

Now she looks like there are few people, so she works alone, but there are so many NPCs here, if Zhongli doesn't use them, he is just stupid.

Although these people seem useless, as long as Zhongli takes them in and takes them in, they will obey Zhongli's orders, even if they are afraid and unwilling, they cannot stop them.

Since this is the case, of course Zhong Li has to use it rationally, as long as he doesn't die, he will do it to death!

Although they obey unconditionally, these people will also have some small problems, such as Su Wenyu's question at this moment.

"What if they don't listen and don't want to follow us?"

If they lure all the zombies away, there will be no threat to their lives, and these people can stay at home or in the company safely.

Staying at home safely, and following them to lure zombies, the possibility of choosing the latter is unlikely.

"Don't want to?"

Zhong Li raised her eyebrows, she hoped that there would be more people who were unwilling.

"Then wait until they are willing, tell them, if you don't agree to join now, don't even think about joining in the future unless you are injured and half dead!"

Zhongli told Su Wenyu persuasively, don't do to others what you don't want to do to others, and if you don't want to join, then you don't want to, they can wait.

Su Wenyu looked at Zhongli with some doubts, seemed a little surprised that she had such a good temper, and was also curious about those people's good hands and feet, how could they self-harm themselves to join after rejecting it now?
Is your brain sick?
Zhongli continued to give the third order, and Su Wenyu immediately understood.

Zhongli looked at Yan Meimei, who was eating melons, and arranged tasks for her.

"Yan Meimei, you take two people, follow them to lead the zombie team, put all the edible and drinkable things in all the nearby shops into the space ring, and then bring them here."

Su Wenyu immediately understood why those people came to him after that, and the others also immediately understood.

Hit the snake and hit seven inches.

In a word, it is to cut off their water and food!
Without food or drink, I don't believe they won't automatically come to the door.

You must know that the entire city A has been without water and electricity. No one can stay at home without supplementing food. Even if they do not supplement food, water must be prepared.

In addition, several days have passed since the outbreak of zombies, no matter how much food and drink there is at home, most of it has been consumed, and Yan Meimei is asked to remove all the food from the nearby shops. Without supplements, these people begged to come to the door up.

And Zhong Li was also thinking darkly in his heart, hehe, if you don't come to recruit you now, and ask to come to you when the time comes, it won't work if you don't get hit twice.

Well, when the time comes, one person will earn three points!

Zhongli still hasn’t forgotten the extra points for the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled. Saving people belongs to saving people, and points are still needed~

She wants to save people, and she also wants to share.

You want as much as you want!
Well, by the way, the land in Yan Meimei's space also needs to arrange for someone to go in and grow some vegetables, and then catch a few fish and cook it, it's beautiful!

After arranging the instructions one by one, Yan Meimei looked at Zhongli unexpectedly, with some surprise in her eyes. She never thought that such a little girl could make use of these things. At her age, it is rare to think of such a thing. .

As soon as the next day dawned, Su Wenyu and the others were ready to go and started to act. First, they went to the building to call other people together to lure the zombies.

A small group of one or two people was broken up, and even in order to attract more zombies, they even brought a live chicken found in the supermarket yesterday. Vigorous blood attracts zombies and can complete tasks faster and safer.

Zhong Li yawned and was about to go out.

She stayed up all night last night, swept all the five floors of the square, looked for survivors, dealt with all the zombies, locked and blocked the doors, and then got the zombie corpses out. After finishing these, Zhong Li felt that he squinted for a moment, and it was dawn.

But young people have a good physique, and they will be energetic after running a few steps and killing a few zombies.

Zhong Li passed by an antique handmade weapon shop, and picked out a few handmade weapons in it.

Zhong Li brandished a somewhat heavy Tang saber in his hand, every move looked decent, and even looked quite mighty.

After casually waving a few poses that he had learned from the old square dancer, Zhong Li pulled out a hair and put it on the Tang Dao and blew it lightly.

The novice weapon, the fire axe, was immediately abandoned.

After Zhong Li chopped down a few zombies with a weapon, he went to the Central Hospital of City A.

Since those people are going to hurt themselves and receive extra points for taking in the wounded, of course they must prepare medicines to treat them, otherwise when the time comes to rescue a group of people who are so seriously injured that they can only eat, what should we do?

Furthermore, people who have been hungry for too long and are weak also need medical treatment.

So this hospital is a must.

Hospitals have always been densely populated places, but now after the apocalypse, it is the hardest hit area!
You must know that before the zombies appeared, the hospital was full of all kinds of sick and weak people.

When the zombies appeared, because at first they just became weak and looked sick, so relatives, friends or passers-by sent these people to the hospital, and then these people turned into zombies in the hospital, biting people everywhere .

These news were frequently searched before the Internet was disconnected.

It is conceivable that with so many zombies, how can those patients escape?
Originally, most of the hospitals were filled with weak patients, and there were many and dense people. Once zombies appeared, there was a high probability that the entire army would be wiped out, and there would be no living people.

This trip will be very difficult.

So Zhongli went alone, and didn't intend to bring those people to hinder him.

Rao Zhongli, who had already fought in and out of the pile of zombies, felt a little trembling when he saw the zombies in the hospital.

On the road one kilometer away from the hospital, many zombies appeared. These zombies smelled blood and kept walking towards Zhongli.

Seeing the dense group of zombies, Zhong Li backed away, she had to find a place to house these zombies, killing them for a while would not be enough, and the medicine was not just taken once or twice.

She has to clean up all the zombies around here, and then arrange some people to treat patients in this hospital.

It's too far away from the previous school, it's a little difficult to lead them there, it's better to find a place near here.

Zhongli walked around the hospital, and soon found a place that could accommodate zombies like the middle school in City A.

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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