Run, host she's not right

Chapter 45 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 44

Chapter 45 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 44
The hard work paid off, and after searching for a while, Zhongli really found hundreds of survivors who had escaped by hiding in various places in the hospital.

Among them, there are about a dozen doctors who either escaped unharmed by staying in the operating room because of the operation, or saved their lives because they did not encounter zombies in the office because they were diagnosing and treating patients.

Except for some doctors who were in the operating room, they had potions to supplement their energy. Apart from being a little weak and hungry, the other doctors and patients were too hungry and thirsty to move, and their bodies were seriously injured.

After saving such a group of people, Zhongli really scored [3 points].

Taking these people in, most of the weak people get [3 points], and a few doctors who have supplemented the medicine and are in good condition get [1 point].

Zhong Li looked at the survivors who were sitting back to back on the ground. Fortunately, there were still a few doctors who were not too weak to move, and could still help them. Otherwise, if they were too hungry to move, it would take time for them to recover.

With these doctors here, she can let those people find some injuries for herself and add points to her heart's content.

After a few days, these survivors only ate some fruit gifts or potions in the ward. There were too few things, and they had finished eating a long time ago. Now they are so hungry and thirsty.

A few doctors who still had some strength took the lead to go to the pharmacy to find some potions. After distributing them to everyone, they immediately opened the bottle caps and drank them "suddenly" into their mouths.

Although it relieved the burning throat and added some energy to the body, it still couldn't satisfy the hunger.

Zhongli had no food on him, he looked at the schoolbag tightly held by the man, and was wary that Zhongli would take it away.

"Tsk..." Zhong Li squinted at the man and kicked him, "Go, follow me."

"Go, where?"

The man had long been convinced by Zhong Li physically and mentally. Hearing her words, although he was puzzled, his body had already gotten up to keep up.

Zhong Li went out: "Go find something to eat."

The man hurriedly followed Zhongli, as long as he was not allowed to take out his own things, he could say anything!
He was afraid of death of the young looking girl in front of him, and he had never seen anyone scarier than her.

In the middle of the night, the city has already had a power outage, and the surroundings are pitch black. Not to mention running back to the shopping plaza, even running to the side is full of goods. Who knows if a zombie with teeth and claws will suddenly pounce in the dark night. The night only affects human beings. , it has no effect on other zombies.

So Zhongli didn't plan to go out, but took the man around in the nearby wards to find out all the gifts given to the patients when they visited them.

Although most of the visiting gifts are fruit baskets or flowers, but the hospital is so big and there are so many wards, there are always people who give other things.

Zhongli and the others still found a lot of clean food such as milk, oatmeal, biscuits and nuts. After unpacking the dirty outer packaging, the contents can still be eaten. Several doctors also quickly pointed out which inpatient department eats the most.

The patients in the ward had already turned into zombies, so Zhongli unceremoniously took out the food and distributed it to everyone.

People who have been hungry for a few days, after receiving the food, gobbled it up, and there is no etiquette at this moment.

Seeing that everyone had already come out, Zhong Li turned off the power in other parts of the hospital, only the power on the second floor where everyone was resting was turned on.

As the night gradually deepened, only the sound of breathing was left around, and Zhong Li looked at his hands and muttered non-stop.

"Fire power, fire power, fire power."

Yes, Zhongli still did not forget her ability, but she never summoned it.

The next day soon dawned.

After leaving him in the hospital, Zhongli went back to the square, and after contacting everyone, Zhongli found out.

The teams that attracted zombies, they attracted them street by street yesterday, and they really locked up a lot of zombies in the school, and now half of the school is densely packed with zombies.

At the same time, many people were saved.

These people were the first group of survivors who followed after the zombie attracting team attracted the zombies and gave them food, so Zhongli took them directly, and each of them got [1 point].

Then let them continue to work. If they encounter zombies with weak legs, they will go to the hospital to clean up and clean up all the stains in the house.

In addition to those who could walk, there were also people who had been starving for days without water and food, and were rescued. Zhong Li immediately took over and scored another three points.

Apart from these two groups of people, as expected by Zhongli, there were also those who rejected Su Wenyu and the others, intending to live alone, but failed to find food, and followed in desperation.

Zhong Li followed Su Wenyu all the way to the gate of the square, where a group of survivors sat. They didn't look very energetic, but they didn't look like they had been hungry for a long time and had no energy.

It should be that there is food supplement in the office. After eating for a few days, it has replenished the energy and strength of the body, but they have already eaten, and the nearby convenience store and supermarket have been taken away by Yan Meimei. They have no food, so they can only look forward to it. They followed Su Wenyu's zombie-attracting team all the way to the square, looked at the people eating food inside, and began to swallow desperately.

They are very dissatisfied, why are they all the same people, why those people can follow this group of people, they can eat delicious food, and those who follow them are blocked from the door, nothing, just Can look helplessly.

"Hey, you can't do this!"

"Why don't you give us something to eat?"

"Those things are not yours either, so why do you occupy them all and not give them to us?"

Just as Zhong Li approached with Su Wenyu, those people immediately started commotion when they saw Su Wenyu.

Su Wenyu quickly stood in front of Zhongli, fearing that these people would hurt her.

Zhong Li looked at Su Wenyu, and then at the survivors who had lost more than a dozen catties. It was not certain who would hurt who, but she appreciated Su Wenyu's kindness.

Zhong Li stretched out his hand to push Su Wenyu away, and comforted him: "It's okay, these people can't do anything to me yet."

Su Wenyu thought about it, so he turned sideways and looked at the survivors vigilantly.

Zhong Li crossed his arms and looked at these people with interest.

Those survivors, when they saw Zhongli Su Wenyu, a weak girl and a gentle man, suddenly burst into confidence, and their voices became louder and louder.

Some people even wanted to take a step forward and take two hostages and threaten them with some food.

Seeing a dirty hand reaching out, Zhongli's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly raised his leg and kicked it.

With a sound of "Hey", the man fell to the ground, looked at Zhongli in horror, and seemed to say, why is a little girl so strong!
Zhong Li looked at these people expressionlessly, and said coolly: "You guys are really capable, since this is the case, let me tell you, we haven't passed the other side of Changlin Street yet, there is food and drink inside, if you have the skills, you can go there and get it yourself." Bar."

"Don't chatter here."

When these people heard Zhongli say that there was food, their faces were suddenly happy, but then they thought, if these people haven't used it, then the zombies over there have not been dealt with, is it still full of zombies on the street? .

What's the difference between letting them go in this way and sending them to death? !

 good night~
(End of this chapter)

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