Run, host she's not right

Chapter 47 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 46

Chapter 47 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 46
Zhongli led a team of ten people and began to clean up zombies in nursing homes, orphanages, schools, kindergartens and other places.

This time, with helpers, Zhongli's work speed was much faster. Of course, because the zombies in these places are very weak, he ran all over these places in one day.

The human beings in these places are all vulnerable groups. When encountering zombies, they have no power to protect themselves. Zhongli came down from several places, and the number of rescued people was not as many as those who were in the hospital yesterday.

Regarding this, Zhong Li could only sigh helplessly, hoping that the rest of the people would stay at home.

After passing by another police station, none of the police officers and criminals inside was there, leaving only an empty police station, and Zhong Li put away all the weapons inside as usual.

At this time, from a distance, Zhong Li saw overlapping red characters floating over the location of the hospital.





It seems that Su Wenyu has acted.

Zhong Lie couldn't be happier with the three minutes that covered the wall.

Fortunately, she was smart enough to find this bug, otherwise the three points would have become one point, making me want to cry just thinking about it.

The number of characters popping up is a bit wrong with the number of survivors before. It should be Su Wenyu who added today's survivors.

Zhongli was very satisfied with this, the sooner he was stabbed, the sooner he could recover and lure the zombies.

It's very reasonable!

Zhongli's team is growing day by day, and the area where the zombies have been cleared is getting wider and wider, from office areas that lack food to residential areas, from the city center to the outskirts of City A, and more and more survivors have been rescued out.

A small number of people are willing to listen to the words of attracting the zombie team to join, and most of them think they are smart and plan to go it alone.

Anyway, someone cleaned up the zombies. They found some food and continued to nest at home. Waiting for these people to clean up the zombies, wouldn't it be good to wait for the end of the day to pass?

In the end, they found that they were wrong. The food in those safe places had all been gathered. If they wanted to get food, they had to go to the pile of zombies.

Thinking of facing such a terrifying zombie, these people shook their heads one after another, and they all voluntarily slashed themselves four times to join Zhongli and the others.

It greatly increased Zhongli's score.

Up to now, Zhongli doesn't know how many points she has in total, but there is no doubt that she must be a big scorer.

Zhong·Score Master·Li plans to continue harvesting points.

Zhong Li came to the first school in downtown A that was stuffed with zombies. Back then, this school only had a few zombies here and there, but now it is full.

Yan Meimei: "..."

I really don't understand what's so satisfying about this?
Zhongli has already evacuated the people around here, and she started to toss around the school with her things, planning the second explosion when she came to this world.

It wasn't that Zhongli couldn't wait to blow up the school, it was because there were too many zombies imprisoned in the school, and Zhongli was afraid that if he survived, these zombies who had nothing to eat and no energy to replenish would starve to death.

I don't know if the zombies who died of starvation counted as being killed by her, do they get points?
In order to avoid such problems, Zhongli found a good day and went to bomb the school with a pack of explosives on his back.

Yan Meimei, who followed, looked at Zhongli, who was humming a little song and started to toss happily. There was a wave of waves in her heart, and she couldn't help but ask back.

That's it?

A good student who intends to blow up the school?

Which school dares to claim such three good students!

Yan Meimei looked at Zhongli's stern face all day long, and she was in a happy mood. While directing her to release the vehicle, she drove the drone to pour gasoline into the zombie group. She also thought about the follow-up fire fighting operation. A dozen or so fire trucks formed a circle around the middle school in City A, waiting to control the fire.

Zhongli carefully arranged all the steps that he thought of, his positive appearance made Yan Meimei choked up speechlessly, unable to say anything.

She really doesn't know what Zhongli's mind is thinking, why she has so many weird ideas, and knows how to toss these things to realize her own ideas.

"I've never seen anyone like this..."

After a busy meal, Zhong Li clapped his hands, his face couldn't hide his joy: "It's done, the explosion is ready to start..."

While talking and pulling Yan Meimei, the two hid far away. As the countdown ended, there was a loud bang, which came from the middle school in City A. The ground shook a bit, and dazzling fire and heat radiated.

Someone in the distance twitched violently with the shaking of the ground, but when they came back to their senses, they all had strange smiles on their faces.

The middle school in City A exploded!

This, this, they should be full of grief and indignation, why do they have a feeling of joy in their hearts?

This is their alma mater!
But they couldn't control the corners of their mouths.

There was a rumbling explosion from the city center, and the heat wave could be seen from far away.

What was more obvious in front of Zhongli was that red characters floated up one by one, forming a bright red air wall in front of her. She had only seen such a scene more than a week ago.


The originally clear sky suddenly darkened, and the sudden torrential rain hit, drowning those who stood in the open space to hide from the earthquake, or watched the explosion on the roof.

This rain came very suddenly and heavily.

When Zhong Li saw the rain, he also understood that it was time to clean up the scene by himself.

After a while, when she was about to stop, she put on a raincoat and returned to the middle school in city A that had been bombed into blackness.

At this moment, all the explosion sources in the school have been detonated, and the ones that did not explode have already been thoroughly drenched by the sudden rainstorm.

Zhongli raised his knife and fell, harvesting the zombies that survived the explosion.

After Zhongli had dealt with the remaining zombies, the rainstorm stopped, and the dark clouds immediately dissipated, revealing a clear sky. It was as if the rainstorm that had come before the end had never existed.

Only a scorched, wet ground to prove it.

The rain has stopped, but Zhongli's work has not stopped.

She continued to direct Yan Meimei to re-pile the cars that had been confiscated into the middle school in city A that had been bombed.

The school was surrounded by a fence with cars again, and then Zhongli asked people to continue to lead the zombies who were locked up in various places to this area, and gathered them to deal with them.

She is a good student of environmental protection and patriotism, how could she cause explosions one by one, turning this city A into ruins!

Zhongli has already planned two blasting sites, one is on the avenue where the first explosion happened before, and the other is the Middle School in City A in front of him.

Well, she didn't do it to satisfy the bad taste of bombing the school, it's all because the place is spacious, the surrounding buildings are small and high-quality, sparsely populated, suitable for experiments.

 Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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