Run, host she's not right

Chapter 53 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 52

Chapter 53 Survival assessment in the last days 52 (for the first order)
Sure enough, there is no comparison between real guns and gun games.

Half of her body is numb now. If she hadn't been in good physical condition, her left and right hands were as sensitive as working, and if she only used one hand to beat, that hand would have been useless long ago.

After lowering his head and pressing it for a while, Zhongli heard a rustling sound, and looked up, it was Yan Meimei.

Yan Meimei saw Zhongli and said with a smile, "So you hid here."

As she said that, she came down and sat next to Zhongli, took out food from the interspatial ring and handed it to Zhongli, then raised her sleeves and began to knead her right hand for Zhongli.

Zhong Li looked at Yan Meimei, but did not stop her. After all, she was working hard to save her parents. Why did Yan Meimei squeeze her shoulders?
Zhongli, who wanted to be strong all her life, refused to show timidity in front of Yan Meimei. Even if there was pain in her hand that seemed to be eaten by ants, she secretly gritted her teeth and kept a stern face. trembling.

Yan Meimei, who noticed this, couldn't help laughing.

What a child.

In order to divert his attention, Zhongli munched on the lunch Yan Meimei gave him. It was a rice ball wrapped in many ingredients, and he vented his anger by chewing.

After eating the rice balls, Yan Meimei also pressed Zhongli's left hand, and began to press her right hand.

Zhong Li looked at Yan Meimei, who had lower eyebrows and gentle eyes, and suddenly asked, "Aren't you surprised that I can shoot with my left hand?"

Left-handedness is not uncommon, but left-handedness is equally good, making Zhongli an object of admiration by many people in school.

Just now, other people frequently looked at Zhongli's left and right hands, it can be seen that it is still a strange object, only Yan Meimei is indifferent.

Zhongli thought about it for a while, he probably never did such a thing in front of her, so seeing Yan Meimei who used her left hand for the first time, there should be novelty in her eyes.

But she treated it normally, as if she didn't care at all.

Is this because she has seen people who can use both left and right hands like this, and people who are more powerful than her, so she doesn't find it strange?

Yan Meimei didn't expect Zhongli to mention this matter, she had a bit of astonishment on her face, before she could figure out how to answer, Zhongli nodded with a clear face.

"I understand. After all, you've met too many people."

Yan Meimei opened her mouth, but said nothing, expressing her acquiescence.

She has met a lot of people, and each of them can be said to be a dragon and a phoenix among people.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Li continued to ask: "Do you think we can meet again in the future?"

What Zhongli meant was to ask, after the assessment is over, can they meet again?
This can be regarded as a small temptation of Zhongli.

A familiar smile appeared on Yan Meimei's face, she looked sweet and gentle but very distant, "A Li, what are you talking about, we will definitely be together in the future, we will always be together."

Seeing Yan Meimei like this, refusing to say anything, Zhongli could only nod perfunctorily, "Yeah."

"It's time to go."

Zhong Li got up and walked towards the roof of the car, thinking secretly, Yan Meimei's attitude, is it because she can't talk about things other than the assessment, or does it mean that she will be eliminated and refuse to deal with her?
Hmph, she worked so hard to get so many points, if she is really eliminated by secret manipulation, heh, she is not so easy to mess with!


After going through mountains and rivers, and after the 81/[-] disaster, Zhongli and the others arrived at Yan Meimei's home in the evening.

As the rescued persons, Yan Meimei's parents are of course still alive and well. They live alone. As long as no one in the family becomes a zombie, they can close the outside door and not go out. They can live a safe life with food and drink .

Seeing Zhongli and others appear, Yan Meimei's parents were very surprised, and then Zhongli watched, Yan Meimei's family of three gathered together with tears in their eyes, cared about each other, and asked each other how they were doing recently.

Zhong Li stood aside and listened with his ears up, hoping to get some useful information from these homely conversations, but in the end, there was nothing.

Zhong Li's face was dark, she would have gone to sleep to make up for the time if she knew she would have this time.

Knowing that Zhongli brought Yan Meimei back, Yan Meimei's parents were very grateful to Zhongli, and quickly invited her to live in their home for a while.

Zhongli thought for a while, there were Su Wenyu and others in the center of city A, and with them, the zombies inside would be cleaned up soon, but in the suburbs, it would not be around for a while.

Thinking of this, Zhong Li decided to stay for a while and get rid of all the zombies in the suburbs.

Zhongli looked at Yan Meimei with a smile, and his eyes seemed to ask: This uncle with a loud voice is your weak father who needs to take medicine and can't do without it?
Yan Meimei moved her head silently.

Well, no one stipulates that healthy people don't need to take medicine, right?

Seeing Yan Meimei's evasive action, Zhongli's smile became even sweeter, and he looked at Yan Meimei's parents obediently, which made Yan Meimei look strange.

She won't be doing something again, will she?

This idea immediately popped up in Yan Meimei's mind.

It's not that she is overhearted, it's that Zhongli is a person who cannot be described with common sense, who knows what thoughts are in her mind, especially when he just tricked her.

Zhongli didn't think as much as Yan Meimei did.

You know, as long as she wants to have a good relationship with someone, that is the easiest thing. After all, this person can make all the men, women and children in a building smile, and then taught her countless skills.

It's just that he is getting older, and in the rebellious period, Zhongli is not as attractive as he was when he was a child, with a cold face, which makes people know that he is not easy to mess with.

But Zhongli still didn't forget his housekeeping skills.

In just a few words, Yan Meimei's parents were coaxed into giggles, and they almost recognized her as a daughter, and said that Yan Meimei and Zhongli should go to school, what a girl she is!

Yan Meimei: "..."

Heart congestion.

Zhongli: "By the way, uncle and aunt, we have organized a team in the city center to help each other overcome difficulties and end the apocalypse. Are you interested in joining?"

After arriving to meet Yan Meimei's parents, red characters [+3] immediately floated in the void.

In this case, of course Zhong Li will not give up the score in front of him. Well, Yan Meimei is watching from the side, so she can't fool her parents, so she only got two points in the end.

After being taken in by Zhongli, Yan Meimei's parents saw Zhongli more pleasing to the eye, thinking that it would be great if they had a child as good as her.

Yan Meimei who was standing aside was speechless for a while, you have to know that this good boy in front of you is planning to chop you several times in his heart!
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(End of this chapter)

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