Run, host she's not right

Chapter 55 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 54

Chapter 55 Survival assessment in the last days 54 (first order)

Zhong left the motorcycle and drove fast all the way, and soon drove to the edge of the city.

From a distance, the scenery here is the same as other places, there is no difference, but when Zhongli continues to move forward, he can see a white fog, like a wall, blocking it in front of him, making it impossible for people to pass, the ground The long road was cut off in the middle.

Zhong Li stopped the car, got down and walked towards Bai Wu, looking up curiously.

"It's actually the same as a map."

The map of areas other than city A is still a vast expanse of white. After zooming in on the map, you can see a clear wall of white fog separating the two sides, making it impossible to see other places outside city A.

Unexpectedly, the wall of white mist appeared directly.

Zhong Li looked to the left and right, and saw that the wall of white mist was continuous. When he looked up, the wall of white mist seemed to isolate even the void.

Zhong Li turned around and walked back. After walking for a certain distance, he looked back and saw that the white fog had disappeared, and the road under his feet was stretching forward. The road was smooth and there seemed to be no obstacles.

Walking a few steps forward, the white mist wall in front of him appeared again, completely blocking the front.

After Zhongli tried a few times, she snorted coldly: "No wonder I didn't feel surrounded by walls before."

Before, she thought she could go to other cities along the river.

Comparing the distance from this road, the location of this wall was found to be just not far from the bridge across the river before, but she didn't see it at all at the time.

If these white mist walls had been discovered from the very beginning, Zhongli would definitely not be so obedient to kill the zombies, so he would have to study the situation of the white mist anyway.

Zhongli boldly walked into the white mist. She was very vigilant and kept walking without encountering any obstacles.

Just when Zhongli thought he could pass through this white mist, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed, the trees were shady, and a black motorcycle that looked very beautiful was parked in the distance. A wall of white fog.

It's back again.

It was obviously going straight without making any detours, yet it came out wherever it entered.

Zhongli is very confident in his sense of direction, so the problem is the white fog wall.

Zhongli reckoned that this should be the edge of the world, the gap between the test papers, and maybe only after the test is over, this layer of white mist will drift away.

If it is an interval line, separating the place, does that mean that the opposite side of the white mist may also be an examination room for candidates?

It's a pity that I can't walk through it, and the sound can't be transmitted, so I can't confirm it.

Zhongli found a random direction and walked along the white mist wall, but he couldn't find any problems.

"It really is black technology."

Zhong Li muttered a few words, his eyes were as bright as stars, full of curiosity.

Su Wenyu and the others were involved in the affairs of city A, so Zhongli could just be a hands-off shopkeeper. Rather than thinking about how to get the city back on track, she was more curious about this wall of white fog and wanted to study it.

Although I don't know how to research it.

As long as you have free time, you can take a look around, look around, and suddenly one day, Zhongli found that the white mist in the white mist wall is gradually fading away, and maybe after a while, it will all dissipate.

Seeing this, Zhong Li didn't feel happy, instead he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Her hunch told her that this was definitely not a good thing.

Zhong Li went back as quickly as possible to find Yan Meimei and asked, "Is it time now? Is the assessment over?"

Yan Meimei was not at all curious that Zhongli would come back suddenly at this time. She raised her head and looked in a certain direction, as if she could see the gradually fading white mist.

She slowly smiled at Zhongli, this smile was very sweet, but it made Zhongli feel terrified.

"The time is almost up."

"The assessment is not over yet..."

Hearing this, Zhongli's face became ugly.

When the time came, the white mist cleared, she could leave this place and city A.

But the assessment is not over yet, which means that this is the last time for the examination, the time before the papers are handed in.

And at this time, it is usually the time when candidates start to make up for the gaps, answering questions desperately to fill up the test paper, and plagiarizing to get extra points.

As a high-quality candidate, Zhongli felt very satisfied with this exam and believed that she could get a good score.I can wait for the paper to be handed in with confidence.

However, Zhong Li didn't know about the situation of the other candidates.

She can leave her examination room, and of course other candidates can also leave her own examination room.

I don't know whether they will choose to stay in their own exam room and wait for the exam to be handed in, or they will go to other exam rooms to make trouble in the last time and start "copying scores".

Zhongli couldn't guess what other people thought, and didn't know what they would choose, but she had to be prepared.

Prepare for the worst.

It is known that this assessment is based on points, so the higher the score, the better.

What is the score?Minor missions aside, scores are zombies, survivors.

Then if other candidates want to add points, it is probably not feasible to take in survivors from other cities. After all, survivors can't get out and don't know other cities.

Then there is only one way, which is to turn the other party's survivors into zombies, and then let them solve it by themselves. In this way, they get points, and other candidates are also deducted points. One plus and one minus, their own rankings will directly rise.

Zhongli can understand this point, and others will also understand, maybe someone will target the survivors in city A, she has to get ready quickly.

The survivors in city A are not as simple as a single point for her. Zhongli's "little trick" got three points from most of them. Three points.

Going down a few times will definitely hurt your muscles and bones.

No, she has to make proper arrangements for the people of City A, and she must not let them disappear.

At this moment, Zhong Li was very lucky. Fortunately, she had been wandering around the white mist wall recently, and could find out the white mist dissipated in time. Otherwise, she would be far away and would not be able to see anything. Know.

Having guessed, Zhongli immediately arranged the task. Everyone put down their work and divided into hundreds of teams. Each team had about 20 to [-] people. Everyone brought enough food, water and weapons and hid in a safe place. place to go.

Su Wenyu and the others had no objection to Zhongli's words, and immediately put down their work and started to arrange things.

Zhongli and several high-level officials took the map of City A and quickly distributed these hundreds of teams to various places.

This place is different, some are in residential buildings, some are in commercial buildings, underground parking lots, bank warehouses, school hospitals, and even hide in the cellars of subway tunnels. In short, there are all kinds of places, just to make people Can't fathom.

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(End of this chapter)

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