Run, host she's not right

Chapter 57 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 56

Chapter 57 Survival assessment in the last days 56 (first order)

The young man looked at Zhongli irritably, and his thin lips parted slightly: "I said I was rude, can you get out?"

How dare you let her go?

Zhong Li gritted her teeth secretly, no one dared to treat her like this, but thinking about the man's unscientific method just now, she immediately calmed down.

No one has a hard fist, and it's useless to try to be strong.

"Good farewell!"

So Zhongli simply got on the motorcycle and turned around to leave.

It's fine if you don't accept the friendship, and Zhong Li doesn't intend to make a fool of himself.

Walk around, people in the Three Cities are not easy to mess with, isn’t there a Leicheng City, you can go to that Leicheng City to see the situation when you meet new people, those who know the current affairs are the best.

Just like that, the young man stared at Zhong Li with a stunned look, and left on the motorcycle without looking back.

So decisive?

The young man looked back, then at Zhongli's back, but in the end he still didn't catch up. People like this who don't show their mountains or waters are generally not easy to mess with.

Compared to chasing Zhongli, he is more willing to teach those who have just entered Sancheng and started acting recklessly a lesson.

With a "shoo", Zhongli came back within half an hour after entering Sancheng.

Don't panic, don't panic, without the three cities, there is another city, I hope the candidates in this city will not be so perverted.

Just when Zhongli was about to go to Leicheng, she realized that her house had been stolen! ! !
From a distance, a long black smoke could be seen coming out.

All the residents in city A, Zhongli had made arrangements yesterday, everyone took food and hid, there is no possibility of a fire and smoke.

Then there is only one possibility, the candidate from Leicheng came to City A.

Zhongli is very fortunate at this moment, she has already arranged for the residents of city A, otherwise how many points can she deduct if her house is suddenly stolen like this?

While rushing to the place where the black smoke was coming out, Zhong Li muttered to himself, this is not fair!
Why did the other candidates look like they had hidden skills, but she was just an ordinary high school student.

Even the matter of the white mist wall was discovered by mistake. Zhong Li didn't know whether other people guarded the white mist wall and found that the white mist wall dissipated like her, or they all had special functions. .

After rushing all the way, Zhongli found a seven-story building on the edge of Leicheng. At the moment, the lower left corner of the building was dark, as if it had been scorched by something, with black smoke rising from the outer wall. There was also a big hole in the wall.

Zhongli: "???"

What could penetrate the thick outer wall of a house so quickly and silently?

Thinking of Thunder City, Zhong Li couldn't help thinking of a person in city A who had awakened the power of the thunder attribute.

His ability is to release a bolt of lightning to strike. Could it be that the candidate in Leicheng has the ability of lightning, or has researched some kind of charged weapon, or he already has the ability of lightning, so the city is called Thunder City ?
What about her?
Why is it called City A?
Is it because of her A's in her homework?

Zhongli: "..."

Zhong Li looked around at the houses, there were traces of being rummaged, and all the windows were punctured. It seemed that the candidate from Leicheng was looking for the survivors of City A.

At this moment, Zhongli is very grateful for his wise decision!
Although no survivors were arranged to hide in the vicinity, this Leicheng examinee couldn't be allowed to keep searching, or he would find the person who hid sooner or later.

Zhong Li followed along the trail, and he soon found an old man with gray hair.

The age gap in this assessment is quite large.

The old man has a long hooked nose, looks gloomy, and is not easy to mess with.

When Zhongli saw the old man, he also felt Zhongli immediately, turned around, looked at her with gloomy eyes, and smiled like an old wizard.

"Little girl, are you a candidate of this city A, or a resident of this city?"

If Zhongli was a resident, he would have killed her.

"Of course I am an examinee in this city. May I ask you, old man, what do you do when you come to my city?"

Sure enough, seeing someone silently entering his territory to commit crimes and misdeeds made him very uncomfortable.

It's a pity that Zhong Li is not like that capable young man in Sancheng, who can directly say the word "scroll".

Damn, how can someone with a gun beat a cultivator!

Thinking of this, Zhong Li clenched his fists. When she goes back, she will also learn how to cultivate immortals! ! !
"It's not that bad, the old man is kind, and he just intends to help you solve some small troubles." The old man smiled sullenly.

"Little friend, tell me quickly, where are the living and the living dead hiding?"

It turned out to be such a cheeky and shameless person.

But the living dead?
Zhongli asked: "Are you talking about zombies?"

As Zhong Li spoke, he carefully looked at the old man's clothes. His hair was half black and half white, his skin was red and his eyes were bright. He was wearing a half-torn black cloak. ,lift it up.

It seems that when the right hand is lifted, a thunderbolt can be released.

As if to suppress Zhongli and make her be more honest, the old man waved his right hand casually, and a crackling bolt of lightning was thrown out of his hand and landed on a big tree.

With a "bang", the tree that was so big was encircled with both hands, and it became scorched black and fell apart.

"So you call that living dead a zombie!" The old man sighed with emotion, as if he was just shaking his hands casually.

Zhongli, who was startled by the thunder, said, "..."

Can't take the exam! !
rnm, refund the money!
This is teleportation and lightning, she is an ordinary person, how could she pass so many candidates!

The dungeon is too difficult, you have to find an alliance teammate.

In comparison, Zhong Li felt that it was easier to get along with the three cities next door, after all, they did not offend her.

While thinking carefully, Zhong Li said with a smile on his face and a little pride on his face.

"You talk about them, I have already solved them all."

Woooooo, her aloof image is gone, gone.

The old man frowned suddenly, and asked back: "Is everything resolved?"

Zhong Li nodded like an innocent second fool: "Yes, anyway, you get one point for saving those people, and you get one point for killing zombies, so turning all those people into zombies and killing them all is fine." ?!"

"If you save people, you still have to take care of them eating and drinking. It's not easy to turn into zombies and kill them all."

As she said that, she still looked at the old man, seeming to be wondering, could it be that her decision was wrong?
The old man pondered for a moment, and it was true. Anyway, he was getting points, so it was the easiest way to kill zombies.

It's just that the old man doesn't fully believe in Zhongli, his eyes are fixed on Zhongli like a poisonous snake.

"Don't you know that saving those old, weak, sick and disabled is worth three points?"

"Oh my god! Three points?!" Zhong Li covered his mouth with an incredulous expression on his face.

 The last chapter, please subscribe, please subscribe~
(End of this chapter)

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